Seeking Volunteers

Did you know that CHOA has a volunteer group who are able to assist you in the event of a disaster or serious emergency event? They are referred to as Neighborhood Captains and are a part of the Emergency Preparedness/Public Safety Committee in Charbonneau. These residents take part in the Great Shake Out every year in the fall. They contact residents and ask them to place the OK/Help signs so we can assure that residents are safe or may need some kind of assistance.

CHOA also has begun participating in the Neighborhood Watch Program. This program is a national group that helps prevent crime by encouraging people to get to know their neighbors and become more invested in what happens in your neighborhood.

We are seeking more volunteers for these programs. Currently there are neighborhoods that have no Neighborhood Captains or Neighborhood Watch volunteers.

Our goal is to have every neighborhood in CHOA to be represented.

If you would like more information, we would be happy to meet with you. Neither of these groups require a sizable time commitment. For Neighborhood Captains it would require participation in the Shake Out once per year, by

dropping off information before the Shake Out and asking residents to place their OK/HELP signs. Neighborhood Watch would require getting to know your immediate neighbors and finding the best way to communicate with them in the event of a crime or concern.

Please consider joining us. We all want our community to be safe and prepared.

Marilyn Ellwood, Key Captain CHOA

Shirley Hoem, Neighborhood Watch Coordinator

Please call Steve Chinn at 503-312-0927 or 503-266-5351 with any questions.