Always call 911 in the event of any life-threatening emergency.
For non-emergencies, call Clackamas County Sheriff at 503-655-8211
After 5pm: For resident concerns, like suspicious people or activity, property crime, vandalism, excessive noise etc. call Corporate Crime Protective Services at 503-505-3327. If an officer doesn’t answer, be sure to leave a message.
In addition, during business houses, call the Country Club to report suspicious activity, crimes and emergencies, after calling 911 since Neil is usually available to respond or investigate. It is also very important that the Country Club is aware of any incidents, even if they are resolved by law enforcement 503-694-2300
All of this information has been placed on a refrigerator magnet that can be obtained from Neil or Claudia, at the Activity Center. Thank you, Marilyn – Emergency Preparedness
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