![]() ” Charbonneau Country Club TO All Charbonneau residents FROM Kathy Harp, CCC Vice President & Architectural chair At the CCC monthly meeting held this week, the CCC Board unanimously passed the following new Architectural Standards. These were also approved by Country Club Architectural Committee (CCAC) which is comprised of the Architectural chairs of each HOA. These standards will go into effect immediately and will be included in the new resident’s directory which is mailed out each spring. Fire Safety Wood-burning outdoor fire pits and fire devices must meet stringent screening standards to control smoke and embers and be specifically permitted by both the local HOA and CCC Architectural Control Committee. Outdoor unscreened wood-fueled fires are prohibited. All fire devices must meet the following safety standards regardless of fuel type: 1. Screens must prevent embers from escaping. 2. Demonstration of satisfactory ember containment and equipment operation may be required. 3. Changes of ownership will require new approval of wood burning devices. 4. Nearby decks, fences or buildings must be protected by adequate distance and/or non-flammable materials. 5. Complaints will require investigation and possible re-approval of equipment operation. 6. Adequate fire-extinguishing equipment must be immediately available. 7. All fires must be constantly attended. 8. Fire residue must remain within the approved device until completely extinguished. 9. Indoor fireplaces must also have adequate spark-arresting features on chimneys. The latest information on Burn Bans can be found at the Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue website (tvfr.com). Permanent Generators Proper installation of generators is critical in order to avoid a fire, damage to electrical equipment, injury, and death. Poisoning from carbon monoxide due to unventilated exhaust is possible. A CO detector can warn you when carbon monoxide is present in a dwelling or other occupied space. CO detectors should be installed in the home and tested monthly. Generators should never be installed indoors or near windows or intake vents outdoors or where water puddles. Keep plenty of space open around the generator for air flow. The following guidelines must be followed when adding a permanent generator to the outside of your home: Homeowners must submit a request to both the local HOA and the Executive Committee of CCAC using forms available on the CCC webpage. Generators should be installed at least 18” from your home. If it is not designed like an air conditioning unit to be permanently outdoors, it should be under an open canopy. It must also have architectural esthetic approval and be away from public view. Generators must be placed on a surface where water cannot puddle around it. Clackamas County noise ordinances must be followed. Installation of a permanent generator requires an electrical permit which insures an inspection by Clackamas County. An approved copy of this permit should be kept on file with the local HOA. Portable generators should closely follow all safety recommendations from manufacturers. On another note…. The CCC Board has adopted a new Code of Conduct: The Charbonneau Country Club requests that all residents, guests, and the general public be respectful of others and avoid language or actions that may offend other club participants. The club reserves the right ask anyone who is exhibiting inappropriate, abusive, or offensive behavior to leave the premises. CCC EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS/PUBLIC SAFETY NEIGHBOR CARE BULLETIN 09/08/2021 Your Mental Health Matters! So Does Air Quality Didn’t we all think that by now we would be holding hands and singing Kumbaya?? Instead, we are back to wearing masks indoors and in some cases, outdoors! Oregon Health Authority shared these practical, simple tips to help us all face yet another surge and at the same time keep our mental health balanced. Tips for reducing anxiety Take care of your body. Take deep breaths, stretch or meditate. Try to eat healthy, well-balanced meals, exercise regularly, get plenty of sleep, and avoid alcohol and drugs. Make time to unwind and remind yourself that strong feelings will fade. Take breaks from watching, reading or listening to news stories. It can be upsetting to hear about the crisis and see images repeatedly. Try to do some other activities you enjoy. Connect with others using technology. Share your concerns and how you are feeling with a friend or family member. Maintain healthy relationships. Maintain a sense of hope and positive thinking as much as possible. Air Quality (AQ) in Wilsonville: has so far, remained at GOOD levels but we know this can change. Here is a website link that can give you both current AQ levels and the forecast: https://www.iqair.com/us/usa/oregon/wilsonville. Here are the tips from the CDC on things to do when AQ is poor: Cloth masks and disposable surgical masks do NOT keep out smoke particles only N-95 masks do. STAY INDOORS as much as possible. There are two effective options for improving air filtration in the home: 1. 1.Upgrading the central air system filter, but this is a little complicated, not all systems will accommodate higher grade filters. HOWEVER: The filter used in the central heating/cooling system of the home can effectively reduce indoor particle concentrations when the system is operating or when only the fan is turned on. So run your system in the “ON” position and not the “AUTO position. You will not be cooling (or heating) all the time, but all the air coming in will be run through the filter. The #2 improvement is to use a portable Air-filtration appliance. Portable air cleaners fitted with high efficiency filters can reduce indoor particle concentrations by as much as 85 percent. Furthermore, portables can be operated continuously at a lower cost compared to the continuous operation of a central system. This option might be considered by anyone with breathing issues. How well they reduce air particle concentrations depends on several factors such as the size of the air cleaner, the area to be cleaned, the filter efficiency, how frequently the unit is turned on and the fan speed. Link to CDC website on this issue: https://www3.epa.gov/airnow/smoke_fires/indoor-air-filtration-factsheet-508.pdf Copyright © 2021 Charbonneau Country Club, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website.” |
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Please call Steve Chinn at 503-312-0927 or 503-266-5351 with any questions.
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