CHOA Board Roles

  • President: Randy Hitz
  • VP/Secretary: Bob Bush
  • Treasurer: Sandi Maki
  • Architecture: Bob Bush
  • Emergency Preparedness: Marilyn Ellwood
  • Neighborhood Watch: Shirley Hoem
  • Welcome: Mary Fieweger
  • Landscape: Karen Siegel
  • Rec Hall C: Packard Phillips
  • Pools/Bathrooms: Packard Phillips

CHOA Elections Results

Congratulations to our new Board Members: Marilyn Ellwood, Mary Fieweger & Shirley Hoem. Welcome to the CHOA team.


Please contact Steve Chinn at 503-312-0927 or with any pool questions. Thank You!

CHOA Board Meetings for 2023/24

We are excited to begin a new year with a great new team. Please come and join us with your ideas & suggestions. Below are the dates of our meetings.

May 10 2:30pm to 4:30pm
June 14 2:30pm to 4:30pm
July 12 2:30pm to 4:30pm
Aug 9 2:30pm to 4:30pm
September 13 6:30pm-8pm
Oct 11 2:30pm-4:30pm
Nov 8 2:30pm-4:30pm
Dec 13 2:30pm-4:30pm
Jan 10 2:30pm-4:30pm
Feb 14 2:30pm-4:30pm
Mar 13 2:30pm-4:30pm
Apr 10 2:30pm-4:30pm
April 22 7pm-8:30pm Annual Meeting

Pools opening today

Pools C and F&G are opening today. The A pool will open next week.

Here are the addresses for the pools

F&G 7835 Fairway Drive

C 8298 SW Lafayette Way

A 32233 SW Boones Bend Rd

B 7989 SW Sacajawea Way

Pools Opening

We are opening pools C and F&G Saturday morning. Pool A will open the middle of next week.

For your information, a reminder of the pool rules follows.

CHOA Neighborhood Pools
CHOA Pool Rules and State Regulations (Pool hours are from 6 a.m. to sunset)

  1. Children under 14 MUST BE ACCOMPANIED in the pool or pool area by
    an adult. Adult children and grandchildren of resident homeowners may use
    the homeowner’s neighborhood pool without the presence of the resident
    homeowner. They must be aware of pool rules and conduct themselves
    accordingly. If a problem arises, the resident homeowner will be notified, and
    if problems continue, said children would be unable to use the pool without
    the resident in attendance.
  2. Lifeguards are not provided.
  3. No running or rough play.
  4. Please shower before entering pool. Take a cleansing shower before entering the
    pool or after using the toilet.
  5. Swimmer not toilet trained must use swim diapers.
  6. No diving allowed.
  7. No loud radios, loud music, or boisterous conduct is permitted in the pool
    or recreation areas.
  8. No pets are allowed in the pool or recreation area.
  9. No food, drink, alcohol or smoking is allowed in pool enclosure.
    10.No glass containers are allowed in pool enclosure.
    11.Please take all trash with you since no containers are provided.
    12.No swimming after dusk in any pool.
    CHOA homeowners have neighborhood outdoor pools for their use. You will be provided
    with one key. If a pool key needs to be replaced, the owner will be charged $8.00.
    Under our CHOA pool rules, all CHOA pools and spas may be used by CHOA residents
    and their guests.
    The pools open for use from Memorial Day through Labor Day. Pools are heated between
    82-84 degrees and hot tubs at 102 degrees.
    Since there are no lifeguards at any of the pools, it is the responsibility of each resident
    to advise all family members and guests of the need to abide by the rules posted at each
    pool by both the State and our Association.
    State Spa Rules
  10. All persons are required to take a cleansing shower before entering the spa pool.
  11. Elderly persons and those suffering from heart disease, diabetes or high blood
    pressure should consult their physician before using the spa pool. No person
    suffering from a communicable disease, transmissible via water, shall use the spa
    pool. Persons using prescription medications should consult their physician
    before using the spa pool.
  12. Individuals under the influence of alcohol should not use the spapool.
  13. No person shall use the spa pool alone.
  14. Pregnant women should not use the spa pool without consulting their physician.
  15. Persons should spend no more than 15 minutes in the spa at any one session.
  16. All children under 14 years of age shall be accompanied by a responsible adult
  17. No person shall run or engage in horseplay in or around the spa pool.



Wednesday May 10 at 3:00pm – CHOA Monthly Board Meeting at Rec Hall C

3:00 – Welcome and Call to Order

  • Note for guest: Please remember this is a board meeting, guests are not to interrupt unless asked to speak by the chairman.  If you do have a concern, it is best to put your concern in writing prior to the board meeting so that the board will have time to thoughtfully consider your concern. – Thank You

**Minutes from Last Meeting Approval –ALL 

**Treasurer’s Report –Sandie Maki

President’s Report: 

Vote to approve board positions.

3:10 Open Forum

  • Questions from Resident Attendees – 2 minutes top per person
  • Questions from “Ask the Board”

3:20 Old Business

  • Updates from the property manager
    • Scope of work for painting
    • Shelves in the Rec Hall C storage room
    • Covering holes in wall of Rec Hall C
    • Bids for tree cutting
    • “Slow down” signs
    • Bylaws update
    • Refinishing leather furniture
    • Insurance post
    • Insurance payment
  • Annual Meeting minutes and debrief
  • Summer Party–Mary
  • Proposed meeting schedule for 2023-2024– Randy
  • Committee Updates-
    • Pools/Bathrooms- Packard :  Opening of pools
    • Rec Hall C- Packard:  “spiff up on Rec Hall C
    • Landscape- Karen
    • Welcome- Mary
    • Neighborhood Watch—Shirley
    • Emergency Preparedness—Marilyn Ellwood
    • Architecture committee–Bob

4:15 New Business 

  • Committee reporting process.
  • New board member bios to post on the website.
  • Power washing around mailboxes.

*Executive Session (as needed) –* Need to vote to move to executive meeting

** No need to approve by vote monthly minutes or treasurers report


We have multiple reports of a red Toyota 4runner with Washington plates and a male with a red hat and black coat going door to door stating he was sent by your HOA to work on your ductwork. He is asking to enter the home. This person is not endorsed by any HOA and has been asked to leave. He was met by police earlier today but is unfortunately back. We have again contacted the police. If you have an interaction or if this person tries to talk to you enter your home call 911.

CHOA Annual Meeting is 7:00-8:00pm Monday, April 24th in the Activity Center

The CHOA Board of Directors will hold our Annual Membership Meeting, Monday, April 24th at 7:00 -8:00 pm in the Activity Center -32050 SW Charbonneau Drive- in the Lewis & Clark Room. The Lewis and Clark Room is on the 2nd floor and there are stairs and an elevator to get there.

2023 Annual Meeting Agenda

  • Welcome and Call to Order
  • Introduction of Board Members
  • Minutes from 2022 Annual Meeting (Motion to approve)
  • Financial Report (Motion to approve)
  • Committee Reports
  • What we plan to work on this year
    • Board Goals
  • Election results: Board members for 2023
  • Homeowners Open Forum
  • Door Prizes
  • Adjournment

This is a great opportunity for homeowners to meet each other and ask questions of the Board. We will also have raffle tickets available for some great prizes and fun.

At ~8:00 -pm there will be the regular Board meeting that you are welcome to attend as a Guest.