CHOA Board Meeting

Hello everyone. Septembers CHOA Board Meeting will be this Wednesday, September 13 @ 6:30pm. Any CHOA resident is welcome to attend. We would be delighted to answer any questions or concerns you might have.

Annual Great Shakeout

Hello CHOA Residents,

It is almost time for the annual Great Shake Out. This year it will be held on Thursday, September 14 at 6:14 PM.

One of your neighborhood Captains will be stopping by with a flyer explaining  what to do during and after the drill.  They will also leave a HELP/OK sign for you to post in a place that can be easily seen from the street.

Many of the CHOA neighborhoods gather after the drill to share some time together.

There will be drawing for a great raffle prize. So bring your raffle ticket with you to the gathering.

We need to be prepared before a disaster strikes!

Marilyn Ellwood, CHOA Key Captain

Charbonneau Pink Ball

To: Charbonneau friends

As you know, once again, Charbonneau Niners are sponsoring the Pink Ball golf tournament to support Cancer Research at OHSU Knight Cancer Institute on Tuesday, September 12th. 

18 years ago, Charbonneau Women’s Niners Golf decided to make a difference in the fight against cancer with the Pink Ball Golf Tournament.  To this day they have raised nearly $800,000 for the Knight Cancer Institute at OHSU and prior to 2014, to Susan G Komen and the American Cancer Society.

OHSU Knight foundation has made huge strides in early cancer detection.  Cancer Early Detection Advanced Research (CEDAR) researchers have devised an accurate and novel way to test blood to see if a pre-cancerous condition is escalating to outright cancer—potentially enabling treatment early in tumor development when cancer is more likely to be curable.  They are evaluating a multi-cancer early detection test that can detect 50 types of cancer through a simple blood draw and have expanded their studies across Oregon with other health institutions.  As well, they have more ongoing research into other cancers including research into pancreatic cancer.

This year OHSU will debut their new Information Van traveling the country – talk with the experts and pick up valuable information.

So, how can you help? We are hoping you will join us in this worthwhile cause by participating as a sponsor at one of our four levels and/or making a donation.  All donations will be acknowledged by OHSU for Tax purposes. For questions on Sponsorship Levels contact Brenda Gardiner at 503-539-8280.   

For all donations, please make your check payable to OHSU Knight Cancer Institute and place it in the Niner’s box in the pro-shop, or mail it to:  Brenda Gardiner, 7675 SW Fairway Drive, Wilsonville, OR  97070.

EXCITING NEWS! This year, the Pink Ball Committee is opening up the Silent Auction for the Charbonneau community on Monday, September 11th from 4-7 p.m. in the Clubhouse.  For non-golfers and those not able to play, this is an opportunity to view and bid on 80 baskets!  You can place a bid and return on Tuesday to see how you did and/or increase you bid.  Join us back in the clubhouse on Tuesday at 11:00 a.m.

Questions?  Call Mary Fieweger 503-519-4388 or email 

Thank you. 


Come join in all the fabulous festivities, this Saturday, August 12th from 4pm-7pm. Come and enjoy all the amazing food options will we have waiting for you! Please BYOB. See you all this Saturday.

CHOA Board Mtg-August 9th

Our scheduled Choa Board Mtg for Wednesday, August 9th has been cancelled. Our next meeting will be on September 13 @ 6:30pm. We look forward to seeing you then.

Charbonneau Safety #503-505-3327

Please note that the number we first sent out was incorrect. Charbonneau Safety’s phone number is 503-505-3327. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

SAVE THE DATE-Summer Party!

On Saturday, August 12th, CHOA will have our annual Summer Party. Mark your calendars and join us in the Clubhouse Dining Room and Pavilion from 4pm-7pm. Meet the CHOA Board members and many of your neighbors “new and old”.

We have two food trucks coming and a Barista.
1st Food Truck is Winston’s Fish & Chips located in Vancouver, WA. Head chef, Daren McGrady, is located in Dallas, TX. He was head chef for 15 years at both Buckingham and Balmoral Castles for Queen Elizabeth and family. He then went on to be the head chef at the White House for five presidents. This is his very first Food Truck and we are the first to debut! Come enjoy the original recipe for Fish and Chips. Special designed “To Go Boxes” are designed to keep food warm for 4 hours. Take some home!

2nd Food Truck is “Killer Burgers”. The own 3 Killer Burger locations and this is also their first “Food Truck”. Owners JP and Stephanie will make their debut with CHOA. They also own “Cookie Crumbles” so we will have lots of treats!

Jay Puppo, our State Farm Representative is again providing ice cream from “Half Pint Bothers” in Butteville.

So we have food, ice cream and cookies.

How about a Barista serving special coffee drinks! Gilbert Knight founded Cafe’ 48, located in the Butteville Store. A group of students from Wilsonville High School (16 years old) invested in this business and will be debuting with us.

Please feel free to BYOB.

Call Mary Fieweger with any questions 503-519-4388.

Charbonneau Security Patrol is now Charbonneau Safety

We are excited to welcome Charbonneau Safety as our new security service. Please call 503.694.2300 if you need to report an emergency issue 24 hours a day. They are a full-service security service & experienced at what they do. It is wonderful to see them patrolling our beautiful streets.

Date Correction on Board Mtg

Our June 14th (not July 14) Board Meeting will be a meet & greet for any/all CHOA residents who would like to discuss any ideas, thoughts or suggestions they may have for our President-Randy Hitz or Property Manager-Steve Chinn. Please come by and share how we can make CHOA even better.

June Board Meeting

The July 14 CHOA board meeting is cancelled.  The board is trying this year to meet just once every two months in order to give committees more time to do their work.  In lieu of the meeting, board President, Randy Hitz, and Property Manager, Steve Chinn, will be available on June 14 at 3:00 PM in Rec Hall C to talk with residents and address any questions they have.