3 Remaining Pools to Open

This Saturday May 25th Pool B at Sacajawea, Pool E at Winchester and Pool F/G off of

Fairway will open. Pool code is still 23456. Pools A, B and E you only need to punch

in the code. If the code does not work press the “C” button several times to clear and then re-enter the code.

Pools C and F/G you enter code 23456 and press the check-mark.

REMINDER: You will need the pool key to unlock bathrooms at this time. Bathrooms are only halfway finished. We still need to add the new lights, mirrors, wall hooks, baseboard heaters and the Occupied door knobs.

We felt it was more important to get the pools ready first. Thank you for your patience.

Touch-up Painting

Sometimes between house paintings it is necessary to do some minor touch-up work, especially on wooden fences.  If you need to do such work, you can get a price break at the Sherwin Williams store near Safeway in Wilsonville.  Tell them you live in Charbonneau and that you get the Verhaalen price for paint.  For information about the specific paint you need, contact Steve Chinn at 503-266-5351.  

!!Pool Lock-box Reminder!!

The code for the Pool Gates is 23456. If the code at Pool “A”

on Boones Bend doesn’t work for you press the “C” a couple of times.

Then try the code again. At “C” pool on Lafayette you have to push

the check mark after you enter the code.

CHOA Irrigation

The following message is from Ty Bruenderman, manager of Garron Grounds Landscaping. Thank you, Ty, for keeping us informed.

June 1st was our target date for irrigation to be up and running, but Mother Nature has teased us with some warmer than average temperatures causing some residents to be anxious about watering.   

We have had a couple of unexpected repairs due to freeze damage from last winter’s record low temperatures. We have two neighborhoods (G and B)  left to start up and will have everything up and running next week.

Pool “A” is Opened

“A” Pool on 32233 SW Boones Bend Rd is now open

The temporary code is still 23456

The Lockbox at pool “C” on Lafayette requires you to push the check mark after you punch in the code

Pool “A” only needs the code

Pool keys are still needed for the restrooms in case they are locked. Soon Restroom doors will be replaced with new Occupied Doorknobs.

Thank you for your patience on our 2 year renovating project of our Pool Decks, Pool Fences and Pool Bathrooms.

Pools Opening!

We are opening pool C this Thursday – 8298 SW Lafayette Way

We hope to open another pool on Friday or Saturday. We will send out another post.

We are in the middle of spiffing up the Restrooms so please bear with us

until they are completed.

New fences have been added to Pools A, B and E.  These will require a code

To enter.  Temporarily the code is 23456.

For Pools C and F/G continue to use your pool key until they are set up with a

Lockbox. Enjoy the Sunshine!

CHOA Board Meeting May 15

All CHOA members are welcome to attend the next board meeting.

Wednesday May 15, 2024 at 2:30 p.m. – CHOA Monthly Board Meeting at Rec Hall C and zoom

Zoom:  https://pdx.zoom.us/j/89827677816

CHOA Annual Meeting Reminder

Join us for the CHOA Annual Meeting at 6:30 pm on Monday, April 22, 2024, in the Activity Center, Lewis and Clark room. CHOA members can anticipate an informational report on association activities from the past year and will have the opportunity to engage with board members and the property manager during a Q&A session.  A representative from State Farm Insurance will also be available to answer questions.  There will be refreshments and many door prizes will be awarded!

Painting Begins in CHOA “A” Area

To:                         All “A” Area Homeowners

From:                     Mike & Steve Chinn, CHOA Property Manager  503-266-5351

                                   Bob Bush, CHOA Architectural Chairman  971-832-3559

Subject:                  2024 House Painting

Your homes are to be painted this year.  Painting, supervised by CHOA, is projected to begin after July15th – the exact time frame will be announced later.

The following information is provided so that you may know what to expect before and during the painting process. 

  1. A cursory inspection of your home, which likely will include your courtyard, will be made by representatives of our selected painting contractor.
  • You should complete your own detailed inspection. If you cannot do the inspection yourself, call a contractor to do it for you.  It is essential that the body and trim of the house be kept in good condition.   CHOA can provide the contract information of a reputable contractor for this work.  All repairs must be completed prior to painting and are the responsibility of the homeowner.   Failure to complete the necessary repairs may result in your home not being painted at its regularly scheduled time.  You will be assessed additional charges if they are required to return to complete your unit.
  1. Each building will soon be provided with a small chart to assist in your color selection.  The colors are shown in “schemes” or “groupings” of 3 complimenting colors.  Please note that all house and trim colors must be selected from the same scheme.  Mixing and matching is not permitted.  1 of the 3 colors for the body and 1 of the 3 for the trim.
  1. A list of approved colors will be given to you along with a list of houses in our neighborhoods which have these colors. You may wish to do a drive-by to compare colors.  Please note that the color “pearly white” is not approved for a house/body color; it may only be used as a trim color.
  1. You and your roof-mates will be required to select identical house and trim colors for your unit and notify CHOA, in writing, of your decision.  A color selection sheet is enclosed.
  1. Front and side entry doors will be painted with enamel paint, and only when the homeowner is present, because the door needs to be left open.  They will be painted your house or trim color, or you may choose any color, including colors not on the approved color chart, (excluding garage or golf cart doors).  If you choose a color other than your house or trim color, there will be an extra charge of $150.00 per door and you will receive a separate invoice for this amount.  You do not need to have the door painted by our painters, but it must be in good condition.
  • Metal gates will be painted with gloss black paint.  Color exceptions must be approved by CHOA, and you will be assessed an extra charge of $300.00. Our contract calls for 1 metal gate per house; if you have more you will be charged accordingly. 
  • Wood fences must be painted the same color as the house/body color.  Stained or unpainted fences will be painted the house color. You may keep your fence natural or stained on inside facing the house or courtyard, if you choose to do this any stain or coating will be at your expense. All pergolas or trellis, which can be seen from the street or golf course will be painted at an extra charge of $500.00. This charge may vary because of the size of the pergola.
  1. The contractor will be responsible for all existing surface preparation, including scraping, sanding, mildew mold removal, touch up caulking, priming and pressure washing.  Note:  homeowners are responsible for the priming and necessary caulking of newly replaced siding or trim.
  1. Prior to painting, CHOA will cut back plants and shrubbery a minimum of 12” from surfaces to be painted, except in interior court yards.  Each homeowner is responsible for all work located inside of the courtyard.  It is apparent, from our inspection, that many of you may have plants, shrubbery and trees that must be pulled away, trimmed, or in some cases removed, so that pressure washing, and painting of walls and fences can be completed.
  1. The painters will provide a 3-5-day notice, personally or by door hanger, prior to pressure washing.  Additional 3-5-day notices will then be given prior to surface preparation and actual painting.
  1. After your home is completely painted you will be contacted by the contractor to determine if you are satisfied or if there are issues to be corrected.  You will then be provided a quart of house and trim color paint for touch-up in future years.
  1. The painting contractor has been given specific instructions regarding the avoidance and cleaning of paint spills, care with plants, daily removal of paint and worker’s litter and a no smoking restriction on homeowner’s property.
  1.  If you have any questions regarding your 2024 painting, please contact Mike or Steve Chinn.   A good time to discuss this as at the pre-painting meeting next Wednesday, April 17 at 6:00 pm in Rec Hall C.

Name: ___________________________     Address: ______________________________

CHOA Painting Options
ColorIncludedFill in forComments
(Body or Trim)or Extra $Additional Costs
Large Areas
Body of HouseBodyIncluded
Large Garage doorsBodyIncluded
Small Garage doorsBodyIncluded
Chimneys (if painted)BodyIncluded
Light Fixtures         BodyIncludedHomeowner can opt out
  Smaller Areas
Window trimTrimIncluded
Rake (Barge) boardTrimIncluded
Fascia boardsTrimIncluded
Corner Trim boardsBodyIncludedNew option for homeowners
Front DoorBody or TrimIncludedOwner may paint their own door
Special Color$150 Special color is Optional
Side DoorTrimIncludedOwner may paint their own door
Special Color$150 Special color is Optional
1 Wrought Iron GateBlackIncluded     Homeowners can opt out
   Extra gates            $300 each 
Pergolas, TrellisesBody$500 each 
Note – Trim color may be the same color as the Body
Total Extra Cost 


The undersigned homeowners have selected the following house and trim colors.  Your signature indicates approval of selected colors.

Paint Scheme Number:  ___________

Body Color Chosen______________           Trim Color Chosen______________

Roof Mates:   How many homes are attached to yours _________


(Name)                               (Address)                                                             (Signature)                             


(Name)                               (Address)                                                             (Signature)


(Name)                               (Address)                                                             (Signature)


(Name)                               (Address)                                                             (Signature)


(Name)                               (Address)                                                             (Signature)

Submit to:                   Mike & Steve Chinn, Property Managers                  503-266-5351

CHOA Homeowners Association

PO Box 219

Wilsonville, OR. 97070