Shutting off your water can avoid costly repairs

♦If you are planning to leave for more than a few days it is a good idea to shut your water off.


Per Cricket Taylor, City of Wilsonville, Utility Billing Specialist  (503) 570-1531

A customer can contact the City to have their water service turned off at the street prior to starting the process of properly winterizing their home. If the customer would like the City to turn the water off, they  will need to fill out a temporary stop service form. There is a $35.00 fee for this service and the form is located on the City’s website. The monthly utility bills will be reduced to only base fees until the service is restored.


All customers should also take extra care when turning on an irrigation system for the first time after the winter months. An outdoor watering system with 60 pounds of pressure and a leak 1/32 of an inch in diameter, about the thickness of a dime, could result in an extra two units of water consumed in approximately one week.

 Normally, I would include the form or at least the website link, but I am on the East Coast and this is not an option.

Please Contact Steve Chinn if you need help

Chief of Police speaks to parking problems

Chief Jeff Smith attended our last meeting to discuss parking on the streets.

There continues to be a problem of vehicles parked on our narrow streets.  Chief Jeff Smith agreed that this was a real safety issue, especially in the event of an emergency vehicle ability to travel to a resident in need of help.  There is also the issue of visibility when there are walkers where a parked vehicle may prohibit visibility of a car traveling down the street.

There are currently “No Parking” signs on our streets to inform residents that there is no parking.  Any sign that you see on a street means the whole street  is a no parking zone and not just where there is a sign.

Because there is a lot of construction in Charbonneau the fact that sometimes a construction vehicle will park on the street was discussed.  This should be for unloading or loading only, and for as short a time as possible.

If you see any vehicle parked where it should not be:

  1. Neighbor to Neighbor have a conversation
  2. Call Emergency Dispatch 503-655-8211, and inform the police of the illegal parking so that they can ticket or remove the vehicle
  3. Call Steve Chinn 503-312-0927


Pool Map and Board Meeting Minutes

Feedback from CHOA Website Posts:

Residents need to know where all pools are located in the CHOA neighborhood

Included below is a map of the CHOA neighborhood, with pools highlighted in Blue and the Red golf course highlighted in Green. An existing map was used to create this pool map, so it is not perfect. We will try to get a map included on the website, under maps, before next years summer season.

Here is a link to the map for printing:
Pool location map

Feedback from the Survey:

Residents want to be able to read minutes from board meetings

All minutes from board meetings are posted on the Website under Minutes.

On the minutes page you will see a table of contents for past board minutes.  In the upper right hand corner of the document, you will see a box.  If you click on the box the document will open.  Scroll down to the end of the document and you will find both the minutes from the August meeting and a draft of the September minutes.

We encourage everyone to attend your board meetings.  Board meetings are held at Pool house C on Lafayette street, the second Wednesday of each month at 10:00 am.  The next meeting will be October 12th.

Stay tuned: A separate post will include results from Chief Jeff Smith visit to the September board meeting and results of a discussion of parking rules.

What to do if you see someone where they should not be

On Sunday morning at 6:30 AM a possible homeless man was observed sleeping inside the pool area at Winchester.

If you see anyone that seems suspicious in your area, please call 911.

You can also call First Response during the hours of  8pm – 3am 503-207-5300


After calling 911, please contact Steve Chinn at or 503-312-0927

Additional Pool Closures

As of Monday, the morning of September 19th

– All pools will be closed

So in addition to B pool, B spa and E pool-

 A pool, A spa, C pool and F&G pool.

It has been a terrific summer season.

Thank you to all our CHOA pool maintenance crew!

We’ll see you all next Memorial Day.



Final Paving of Winchester to take place on September 19th

Special Thank you to Diann Harland

Email from Diann Harland below:


Hi Jan.  I talked to Zach Weigel at the City about our street repairs and a timeline for the final paving.  Below is what he told me:

The final paving will take place next Monday, September 18.

The concrete work will take place a week later.

At some point, there will be a final inspection where damaged plants and shrubs will be identified along with any other deficiencies and the contractor will be asked to remedy those problems.

I thought you might be willing to share this by email to our residents since there has been a lot of talk regarding the way things are looking.

Thanks for your help.


Pool Closures

As the weather starts to cool we will start closing pools.

Two pools will close the evening of Sunday 9/11 :

B pool and B spa

E pool

Remember your pool key opens all pools in the CHOA area.  So if next week ends up getting warm again and you feel in need of pool time, the following pools will remain open a little longer:

A pool and A spa

C pool

F&G pool


Reminder: Monthly Board Meeting September 14th at 10:00 am

The Monthly CHOA Board Meeting is an open meeting.

Date: Wednesday September 14th

Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00pm

Rec Hall C, LaFayette St



Minutes approval

Treasurer’s Report

Old Business:

Parking – We will have Lt Jeff Smith from Wilsonville Police to give us more information on Wilsonville Parking Ordinance ( See attached summary)

New Business:

Storm Drain Lines – Ralph Martin

Committee reports


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Excess Yard Debris Clarification

There has been some confusion about when and if excess lawn debris should be picked up by Garron.   I have attached page 89 of the Information Directory as a reference.

Summary of Information Directory rule:

  1. All residents are provided by Republic with a container for landscape trimmings
  2. Landscape trimming container should be used for all trimmings that you may have
  3. If garden debris exceeds the capacity of the Landscape trimming container, excess debris may be placed un-bagged in guest parking area closes to your residence on the evening before or the morning of the collection day
  4. If the excess debris is more than a cubic yard, collection can be arranged by contacting Steve Chinn prior to the pickup date.
    1. Cost of this pick up (more than a cubic yard) is the responsibility of the homeowner

Yard Debris page 89 ID

Results from the Survey

We had 36 responses from the survey that was sent out a little less than a month ago, below is a summary of the responses:


  1. Comments about the new planters around the pools – Most responses were positive and liked the attractive addition to the pools
  2. Response to the question of labeling our area, similar to LaVonne – Most felt that it would be a waste of money and perhaps be divisive
  3. To the Question about the resurfacing of the pool at Boones Bend and Winchester – Many people had not had a chance yet to go to the pool and evaluate the improvement.  Some felt it might be best to wait to see how this resurfacing holds up before doing the rest of the pools
  4. The responses about the practice green (Murphy’s green) next to Green on Red nine were very positive, with many looking forward to using this area again.  However, the report from the board meeting was that the seeding of this area did not work.  Next step “plugging” in September – so stay tuned
  5. Finally what type of information do you want to see on Website Post:
    • Information about Rec Hall C – we are looking at some updates to this building soon, I will be posting pictures and descriptions soon
    • Budget Summaries -Will work with our Treasurer and see what we can put together
    • Minutes – Highlights from board meetings, especially decision that affect expenditures, Questionnaires on upcoming decisions before the decision is made, updates on Disaster Preparedness –  Minutes are posted on the website one month after their approval.  So if you look under minutes you will see July’s minutes.  I do understand your request for highlights and will try to address some of important information in some future post. Link to the Minutes
    • More Surveys – Your response was very helpful, so look forward to more surveys in the future
    • On-line recommendations of contractors – Unfortunately as part of the Board, we cannot recommend contractors.  But if you find someone that you would like to recommend.  You can post in the comments your recommendations

      What’s happening in Charbonneau – Crime waves, I believe that this information comes first from the Country club as they receive reports from security patrols

      Pertinent information = When does trimming start, spraying, weeding, anything that affects homeowners.  Response from Landscaping that all areas are different and changes are made all the time.

      Break down of the homeowners insurance – so can see big picture – Our policy is on-line at the information directory – We are checking with Jay to see if he can put something together.  Link to Information Directory and Insurance Policy

      Work behind the houses on Miley – Unbelievable improvement – I will be posting pictures soon.

      Finally there was a suggestion that we have an Orientation for new & old residents explaining landscaping – what do the gardeners maintain outside of gates, sprinklers and water systems, e.g. Flushing schedules. 2. Noise abatement on weekends, e.g. Blowers in early am.  This sounds like a great committee project.  Please let me know if there is anyone who would like to help plan and put together a presentation welcome new residents to our community.