Check Your Disaster Preparedness Kit for a possible leak of Waterless gel

At our Annual meeting on Monday 4/24, Eric Hoem and Mike Tewell set up a great display of Earthquake information and disaster supplies.  Eric was showing his Quake-Ready Kit to a person interested and found that one of the packets had been leaking.  The small bottles of antiseptic hand cleaner had leaked into the zip bag it was in and destroyed several components, including the First Aid booklet, waterproof matches, and packaged hand wipes, and covering the rest with hand cleaner goo.
Eric contacted Lee Montalvo, the supplier, and he is mailing replacement items to Eric for his kit.  Because of this discovery Eric thought any folks who have purchased a Quake-Ready Kit should think about checking the contents of their kits.  For anyone finding a problem the contact information for the Quake-Ready kit is: Lee Montalvo, 360-791-7746 and

Fairway Drive Work Delayed one week (City of Wilsonville replacement of sewers and storm drains)

You probably already guessed …. The Fairway Dr/Boones Bend Rd has been delayed a week.  I spoke with Zachary (Civil Engineer for the project) today and he stated that they are having a meeting on Thursday and there will more complete information on Friday on the Website   New Start date Monday April 24th


Some of you may have received  letters from the city describing  the next area of Charbonneau to be included in the sewer, water and storm drain projects. This April through August the city will be replacing sewers and some storm drains. The project which effects CHOA will be starting on Boones Bend at its first intersection with French Prairie down to Fairway, then up Fairway to 8065 SW Fairway Dr.

Since Boones Bend and Fairway Dr are well traveled roads I thought it would be good to let everyone know about the coming construction.

Construction will start April 17th, there will  likely be no access to Fairway Dr from the French Prairie 1st entrance into Charbonneau, think about taking the 2nd entrance to Charbonneau if you need to visit anyone on Fairway Dr, especially between the hours of 7:00 am and 5:00 pm from April 17th April 24th through August 2017.

There may be a shortage of guest parking during the day on some of Fairway Dr and Boones Bend as those who live on Fairway may need to use the guest parking areas during construction.

Access to more information can be found at


2017 Annual Meeting – Important that all attend

Our Annual Meeting is scheduled for Monday 4/24/17 at 7:00 pm at the Charobonneau Country Club.   Please plan to attend this important meeting


  • Introduction of  Current Board Members
  • Election of New Board Members
  • Guest Speaker
  • Minutes from 2016 Annual Meeting for approval
  • Financial Report
  • Updates and Accomplishments
  • Disaster Preparedness
  • Homeowners Open Forum

We will have a raffle and coffee and cookies, so it will be both a good time and an informative time, so be sure to attend

Next area of Charbonneau where the City of Wilsonville will be replacing the sewers and storm drains

Some of you may have received  letters from the city describing  the next area of Charbonneau to be included in the sewer, water and storm drain projects. This April through August the city will be replacing sewers and some storm drains. The project which effects CHOA will be starting on Boones Bend at its first intersection with French Prairie down to Fairway, then up Fairway to 8065 SW Fairway Dr.

Since Boones Bend and Fairway Dr are well traveled roads I thought it would be good to let everyone know about the coming construction.

Construction will start April 17th, there will  likely be no access to Fairway Dr from the French Prairie 1st entrance into Charbonneau, think about taking the 2nd entrance to Charbonneau if you need to visit anyone on Fairway Dr, especially between the hours of 7:00 am and 5:00 pm from April 17th through August 2017.

There may be a shortage of guest parking during the day on some of Fairway Dr and Boones Bend as those who live on Fairway may need to use the guest parking areas during construction.

Access to more information can be found at


April Board meeting will be held on 4/12, in addition to the Annual meeting on 4/24

In past years we have not had a monthly meeting in April, instead we hold an annual meeting at the end of April


Because we were unable to meet during the month of March and have more agenda items than can be discussed after the Annual meeting, we have decided to meet on April 12th at 10:00 am at Rec Hall C on Lafayette St.  This will be in addition to the Annual meeting scheduled for April 24th, at 7:00 pm at the Country Club.


As always you are invited to come to the monthly meeting and we strongly encourage you to attend the Annual meeting.

Reminder: March 29th – CHOA Disaster Preparedness Meeting



Wednesday, March 29, 2017

4:00 PM




Are you a new resident to CHOA in the past 12 months?




Have you been unable to attend the

meetings for our residents about the specific protections and procedures established by your preparedness team?


Are you interested in helping out at the neighborhood level in the event of a disaster?

We focus on EARTHQUAKE PREPAREDNESS and provide the information you need to be self sufficient for the time period first responders WILL NOT be able to reach us.


CONTACT Eric Hoem, CHOA Disaster Preparedness Coordinator

CHOA Board members needed, find out how you can get involved

Make a difference in Charbonneau


Have you ever thought “I sure would like to have input on what happens in my neighborhood?”

Homeowners interested in serving on the Charbonneau Homeowners Association (CHOA) Board of Directors should submit a letter on interest and qualifications to CHOA, (P. O. Box 219, Wilsonville, OR. 97070) no later than April 1, 2016.  The Nominating Committee will meet with applicants in early April.  Board Director terms are for three years.

If you have questions or for more information, email Chuck Robertson

New page on our Website dedicated to Emergency Preparedness


Check out our new page.

All the information that you need in the event of an emergency:  Links to Articles, Family Plans in the event of a emergency and City of Wilsonville information.

See more information on this page, in the next few months from Eric Hoem, Disaster Preparedness Coordinator, like what the CHOA plan, what you need to know, what you should have on hand.

If you would like to know even more attend the meeting on Thurday, March 30, 2017, 4:00 PM, POOL HOUSE C, LAFAYETTE WAY or Contact Eric at

Meet Eric Hoem


Reminder: New Pruning program starts in March

As you may recall a post was sent out in December to inform you of a more robust pruning program.  


  • All window-viewing areas and overgrown plants will be cleaned up.
  • Fertilization will be changed so that plants will be green and nice looking, but not growing out too much.
  • Because this is a new program some of your plants will possibly look bad for a while until they grow new foliage
    • If you don’t wish to be part of this pruning, you have the option of being on a No Prune list and that means you will need to do your own pruning and haul it away.
    • Every one will be pruned alike. If the home owner wants one shrub pruned or not too much off another shrub and so on PLEASE CONTACT STEVE CHINN (503-682-0234) not the Garon’s Grounds employee.
  • Specific concerns can be brought to the attention of Steve, who will work with Ralph  Martin to seek the best course of action.

Are You Ready? Come to CHOA Disaster Preparedness Meeting



THURSDAY March 30, 2017

4:00 PM




Are you a new resident to CHOA in the past 12 months?




Have you been unable to attend the

meetings for our residents about the specific protections and procedures established by your preparedness team?


Are you interested in helping out at the neighborhood level in the event of a disaster?

We focus on EARTHQUAKE PREPAREDNESS and provide the information you need to be self sufficient for the time period first responders WILL NOT be able to reach us.


CONTACT Eric Hoem, CHOA Disaster Preparedness Coordinator