You Received an Open Letter on the Alarm System
If you have already responded by email that’s great. If you would rather just respond as a comment online, this is just another way to respond.
The purpose of this post and the letter is to hear from our 228 residents about their desire to investigate changing or maintaining the current CC&Rs related to the Alarm System monitoring.
The current step is to gather a tally Yay/Nay responses
Questions or Next steps should be addressed in an email to Jan Landis, not on the website.
We will give a report after two weeks of Yay/Nay responses received.
Information: If you have a landline, you may be connected to the Alarm monitoring system that is managed by Wilsonville Lock and Security, they could not tell me who was or was not.
You may want to call Wilsonville Lock and Security to see if you are truly connected