Yesterday afternoon, a resident on Boones Bend Rd was approached by a couple in an SUV as she collected her mail. The female passenger engaged the resident in conversation, first asking for directions and then wanting to give the resident a “gift”. The couple stated that they were from Saudi Arabia (accented speech), and during the interaction, which involved both individuals in the car speaking in an attempt to keep the resident distracted, the female passenger began to surreptitiously remove jewelry from the resident’s wrist. Feeling the clasp of the bracelet being worked, the resident rapidly withdrew their arm, but the passenger used the motion to strip the bracelets from the wrist. The driver immediately accelerated away. They were driving a blue, newer model BMW SUV. These individuals match the general description and method of a crew that has been working in the metro area for the last several months. They may also be “panhandling” at freeway off-ramps or posing as broken-down motorists on the highway. They usually have “nice” cars, i.e. Mercedes, BMW, Lincoln, etc. It is all part of the window dressing to throw off your suspicions. If you see similar situations on the local roads, DO NOT STOP and offer help. If you think there is a traffic hazard, call 911, otherwise call the non-emergency line and report a stranded motorist.If you are approached by strangers (especially matching these general descriptions), do not hesitate to say “Not interested” and walk away or shut the door. *Do not worry about being rude. * Please BE FIRM. DO NOT LET THEM TOUCH YOU! Pay attention to license plates, if possible. Report all suspicious incidents. When reporting to the Sheriff’s Office, remember to describe the behaviors that caused you to be concerned. Please call or email Neil Kennedy about any incident occurring within Charbonneau or the immediate area. Clackamas County Non-Emergency 503-655-8211 Neil Kennedy at Charbonneau Country Club 503-694-2300; Corporate Crime Control 503-505-3327 |
CHOA Board Meeting, July 10
DRAFT Agenda
Wednesday July 10, 2024 at 2:30 p.m. – CHOA Monthly Board Meeting at Rec Hall C and zoom
2:30 – Welcome and Call to Order
- Note for guest: Please remember this is a board meeting, guests are not to interrupt unless asked to speak by the chairman. If you do have a concern, it is best to put your concern in writing prior to the board meeting so that the board will have time to thoughtfully consider your concern. – Thank You
**Minutes from Last Meeting Approval –ALL
2:35 Open Forum
Questions from Resident Attendees – 2 minutes maximum per person
2:45 Reports
**Treasurer’s Report and reserve study–Sandie Maki
Insurance Report: Claude Campbell and Jay Puppo
President’s Report
Property manager report
3:45 Old Business
- Committee Updates
- Pools and Rec Hall– Judy/Steve
- Landscape- – Karen
- Welcome- Mary
- Neighborhood Watch—Shirley
- Emergency Preparedness—Marilyn
- Architecture committee—Bob
- Insurance Report—Claude Campbell and Jay Puppo
4:00 New Business
- Home Insurance
4:30 Adjourn
*Executive Session (as needed) –* Need to vote to move to executive meeting
** No need to approve by vote monthly minutes or treasurers report
Neighborhood Watch for CHOA
Starting the week of July 1st, your neighborhood block captain for Neighborhood Watch will be stopping by your home to introduce themselves. They will be reviewing your contact information, asking for an emergency contact for you and giving you security information. We appreciate your cooperation to ensure you and your neighborhood are safe. Neighbors helping neighbors.
Did you know:
Wilsonville has an ordinance that requires any solicitor to have a bonafide City of Wilsonville permit. In order to get that permit Wilsonville does a background check. If someone comes to your door soliciting, ask to see their permit. If they do not have one, tell them it is unlawful to solicit in Wilsonville and you will report them. If security finds them, they will notify the police.
Seeking Volunteers
Did you know that CHOA has a volunteer group who are able to assist you in the event of a disaster or serious emergency event? They are referred to as Neighborhood Captains and are a part of the Emergency Preparedness/Public Safety Committee in Charbonneau. These residents take part in the Great Shake Out every year in the fall. They contact residents and ask them to place the OK/Help signs so we can assure that residents are safe or may need some kind of assistance.
CHOA also has begun participating in the Neighborhood Watch Program. This program is a national group that helps prevent crime by encouraging people to get to know their neighbors and become more invested in what happens in your neighborhood.
We are seeking more volunteers for these programs. Currently there are neighborhoods that have no Neighborhood Captains or Neighborhood Watch volunteers.
Our goal is to have every neighborhood in CHOA to be represented.
If you would like more information, we would be happy to meet with you. Neither of these groups require a sizable time commitment. For Neighborhood Captains it would require participation in the Shake Out once per year, by
dropping off information before the Shake Out and asking residents to place their OK/HELP signs. Neighborhood Watch would require getting to know your immediate neighbors and finding the best way to communicate with them in the event of a crime or concern.
Please consider joining us. We all want our community to be safe and prepared.
Marilyn Ellwood, Key Captain CHOA
Shirley Hoem, Neighborhood Watch Coordinator
Home Insurance Payment Reminder
In April CHOA members received notice of their home insurance premium with the message below included. We are sending it again as a reminder.
“This month you may send one check for your regular homeowner’s dues plus your insurance premium if you’d like, or
you may send Renee a separate check for insurance alone. Make your check payable to Charbonneau HOA.
You are also welcome to place your payment into our Drop Box on Boones Bend by Red Tee Box #6.
IF you pay your monthly HOA Dues via our ACH system, your insurance payment will ALSO be deducted from your bank
account along with your June HOA Dues on or about the 10th of June.”
3 Remaining Pools to Open
This Saturday May 25th Pool B at Sacajawea, Pool E at Winchester and Pool F/G off of
Fairway will open. Pool code is still 23456. Pools A, B and E you only need to punch
in the code. If the code does not work press the “C” button several times to clear and then re-enter the code.
Pools C and F/G you enter code 23456 and press the check-mark.
REMINDER: You will need the pool key to unlock bathrooms at this time. Bathrooms are only halfway finished. We still need to add the new lights, mirrors, wall hooks, baseboard heaters and the Occupied door knobs.
We felt it was more important to get the pools ready first. Thank you for your patience.
Touch-up Painting
Sometimes between house paintings it is necessary to do some minor touch-up work, especially on wooden fences. If you need to do such work, you can get a price break at the Sherwin Williams store near Safeway in Wilsonville. Tell them you live in Charbonneau and that you get the Verhaalen price for paint. For information about the specific paint you need, contact Steve Chinn at 503-266-5351.
!!Pool Lock-box Reminder!!
The code for the Pool Gates is 23456. If the code at Pool “A”
on Boones Bend doesn’t work for you press the “C” a couple of times.
Then try the code again. At “C” pool on Lafayette you have to push
the check mark after you enter the code.
CHOA Irrigation
The following message is from Ty Bruenderman, manager of Garron Grounds Landscaping. Thank you, Ty, for keeping us informed.
June 1st was our target date for irrigation to be up and running, but Mother Nature has teased us with some warmer than average temperatures causing some residents to be anxious about watering.
We have had a couple of unexpected repairs due to freeze damage from last winter’s record low temperatures. We have two neighborhoods (G and B) left to start up and will have everything up and running next week.
Pool “A” is Opened
“A” Pool on 32233 SW Boones Bend Rd is now open
The temporary code is still 23456
The Lockbox at pool “C” on Lafayette requires you to push the check mark after you punch in the code
Pool “A” only needs the code
Pool keys are still needed for the restrooms in case they are locked. Soon Restroom doors will be replaced with new Occupied Doorknobs.
Thank you for your patience on our 2 year renovating project of our Pool Decks, Pool Fences and Pool Bathrooms.