Landscape irrigation water not available for a few weeks

Please note that the CHOA water for irrigation landscaping is provided by the Golf Course.  They are not quite ready yet for watering this season.  Please see note below from Chris Bensel -General Manager

“Hello everyone,

Hope you all had a great fall and winter.  As we approach the irrigation season, I would like to assure everyone that we are taking as many strides as we can to improve the overall health of the facility.

At this time, we will not be able to deliver water for approximately three weeks.


Last month we started and completed the annual treatment of the main irrigation lake for pond weed.  During that time, we did a complete and overall assessment of all 9 pumps.  At that time, we found out the 3 of them are not running properly and not delivering the correct amount of pressure. Those are being pulled and repaired immediately.

At the same time, we have taken on the crucial step of replacing the main intake screens in the main lake.  This project is a vital step for us to improve the water quality and should benefit everyone that is supplied irrigation water.   We are planning that this project will be completed around 3 three weeks and we will have full service at that time.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel to reach me anytime”.
Chris Bensel, PGA General Manager

Charbonneau Golf Club / Charbonneau Water Company

(503) 694-1246 x 5

Save the Date- CHOA Annual meeting 7:00 pm Monday April 29th at the Country Club

Please note that the CHOA Annual Meeting will be held  Monday, April 29th 7:00 pm at the Country Club.  The Board will provide an update on the last years activities, a preview of 2019 activities and cover some general neighborhood items of interest to us all.

Coffee, Water and Sparking Cider will be provided along with Cookies.

Looking forward to seeing everyone!

Fraud Alert-Fake E-Mail from the “Country Club”. Do not open!

Please note that some of our Neighbors have received an email to Charbonneau residents that appears to be from the Charbonneau Country Club with the Subject: Charbonneau Golf Club Members Notice.

It is being sent from another email address and is fraud. Don’t open any of the attachments and delete this email.

This is a great reminder to always check who the sender of an email is and verify it is coming from a legitimate email address. If you inadvertently opened the attachment, please contact an IT expert to help you learn what to do after clicking on a suspicious link.

Thank you,

Jim Meierotto, General Manager- Charbonneau Country Club

CHOA March Board meeting- Wednesday March 13th at 6:00 pm Rec Hall C

Please note in order to better accommodate our Neighbors who can’t make a mid-morning Board meeting, our Wednesday, March 13th Board meeting will be held at 6:00 pm at Rec Hall C.

Here is the planned agenda:

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Reminder- Meeting Tuesday March 5th on painting of F and G Neighborhoods

Please note that F & G Neighborhoods are scheduled to start being painted in early April (weather permitting).  There will be a meeting Tuesday March 5th at Rec Hall C from 4 pm – 6 pm to go over House Paint and Trim colors and the forms needed to be completed by you and your Neighbors.  

The attached letter will provide additional details.  Please read carefully.

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CHOA March Board meeting to be Wednesday March 13th at 6:00 pm Rec Hall C

Please note in order to better accommodate our Neighbors who can’t make a mid-morning Board meeting, our Wednesday, March 13th Board meeting will be held at 6:00 pm at Rec Hall C.

The agenda will be Posted before this meeting.

Hope to see you there!

House Painting coming to Areas F and G in April- Information on your color choices

Please note that F & G Neighborhoods are scheduled to start being painted in early April (weather permitting).  There will be a meeting Tuesday March 5th at Rec Hall C from 4 pm – 6 pm to go over House Paint and Trim colors and the forms needed to be completed by you and your Neighbors.

If you are unable to attend, here are the color combinations and a list of houses with those colors so you can see in person what they look like on a house.

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House Painting coming to Areas F and G in April. Meeting March 5th to learn more

Please note that F & G Neighborhoods are scheduled to start being painted in early April (weather permitting).  There will be a meeting Tuesday March 5th at Rec Hall C from 4 pm – 6 pm to go over House Paint and Trim colors and the forms needed to be completed by you and your Neighbors.  

The attached letter will provide additional details.  Please read carefully.

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Poker table/dining room table for Free

Large Poker table with a removal top that can be turned over to become a poker table

for Free

At the Rec Hall there is a Large wood table and 4 chairs that we would like to find a loving home for.

The table can be used as a dining room table or if you flip the top over it becomes a poker table.  Because the Rec Hall is a multi use area a large wood table that can not be folded up is not practical anymore.

We are willing to let the table go to a loving home for Free if someone is willing to come and take it.  You would need a pick up trunk and some strong lifters.

We need to get the table out of the Rec Hall (8298 SW Lafayette) by the end of Sunday 2/17.  Please contact Jan Landis at 503-550-7264.  Please leave a message and someone will get back to you.

February Board Meeting Agenda – 2/13 – 10:00 am to 11:30 am

2019 February CHOA Monthly Meeting

Wednesday – 2/13/19 – 10:00 am


10:00 AM – Welcome and Call to Order

Note: Doug and Packard to attend special meeting at CCC on new laws for HOA’s – to report on during March Meeting

**Minutes from January Meeting Approval –ALL

**Treasurer’s Report:  –Sandie Maki

10:15 AM – Old Business

  • Rec Hall C Kitchen update – Steve
  • Revision of the Information Directory – Karen/Sandie/Janet

10:30 AM – New Business

  • Reserve Study and Painting trim/or not – Ann Higgins
  • Rec Hall C – Possible colors and report – Sally and Karen

o   Possible replacement of carpet in two years – All

o   Roll up Door – Ron

  • All Online Forms – Janet
  • ADA Ramps

While there are not any CHOA guidelines covering the installation of exterior wheelchair ramps, there are  CHOA & CCC requirements for any work that is visible to the golf course or to the streets & public walkways & CHOA requires work that will be exposed to these views to be submitted for our review.

  • Gutters and Barkdust update – Barry
  • Report from the Winter Party – all
  • Next evening Board Meeting – All

2020 Golf course discussion

  • Latest from Joe Broullette- Jan

11:30 AM – Open Forum

  • Questions from Resident Attendees
  • Questions from “Ask the Board”