Update on Pool Closures

The Pool by Rec Hall C will close Monday September 23rd.

Pools “A” and “F/G” will close Monday September 30th.

Thank you to those who kept our pools looking so Beautiful this summer.

Neighborhood Watch

The following message is from Shirley Hoem, CHOA’s Neighborhood Watch leader.

We are continuing to interview all CHOA residents to ensure we have their correct information AND to gather emergency contact numbers of someone who does not live with you in case of emergency and you cannot be reached.  Here are the Block Captains for your area:

A    No volunteers yet to be Block Captain.  If you live in “A” neighborhood, please call Shirley Hoem to assist.

B    Laurie Bales, Jack & Mary Cain

C    Mary Elting and Shirley Hoem

E    Wanda Wehling and Anne Roberts

F    Laura Adania and Luann Scrimenti

G    Gary and Cindy DiCenzo

CHOA Board Meeting Agenda for September 11, 2024


Wednesday September 11, 2024 at 2:30 p.m. – CHOA Monthly Board Meeting at Rec Hall C and zoom

Zoom:  https://pdx.zoom.us/j/87597504600

2:30 – Welcome and Call to Order

  • Note for guest: Please remember this is a board meeting, guests are not to interrupt unless asked to speak by the chairman.  If you do have a concern, it is best to put your concern in writing prior to the board meeting so that the board will have time to thoughtfully consider your concern. – Thank You

**Minutes from Last Meeting Approval –ALL 

2:35 Open Forum

Questions from Resident Attendees – 2 minutes maximum per person

2:45 Reports

**Treasurer’s Report –Sandie Maki 

     President’s Report

     Property manager report

 3:00 Old Business

  • Committee Updates
    • Pools and Rec Hall– Judy/Steve
    • Landscape- – Karen
    • Welcome- Mary
    • Neighborhood Watch—Shirley
    • Emergency Preparedness—Marilyn
    • Architecture committee—Bob

3:30 New Business 

  • Document Retention
  • Paint Contract
  • Loss control

4:00  Executive Session

4:30  Adjourn

*Executive Session (as needed) –* Need to vote to move to executive meeting

** No need to approve by vote monthly minutes or treasurers report

Some Pools to Remain Open

Some time this week we will be closing:

  • Pool B at Sacajawea  
  • Pool E at Winchester

Staying Open:

  • Pool A on Boones Bend Rd
  • Pool C on Lafayette
  • Pool F/G off Fairway Dr.

Middle of September we will consider closing one or two more.  This decision will be based on the amount of usage our pools are getting.  The nighttime temperatures and labor costs maintaining the pools.  Use your pools and keep them looking spiffy!

Over the winter we will be replacing in our pools Restrooms all new baseboard heaters.

Successful CHOA Summer Party

The CHOA Summer Party on Saturday, August 24 was a huge success with approximately 110 people attending, enjoying the food from Norton’s and Killer Burger, and visiting with neighbors. 

Party Sign in Table

I want to thank the people who made this possible.

Mary Fieweger arranged for the food, scheduled the facilities, and obtained gifts for the raffle.

Sandie Maki led efforts to set up nicely decorated tables and to clean up after the event.

Several board members, their spouses and others helped with set up and/or clean up. 

They include

Sandie and Lou Maki

Robin Shultz and Mike Cox

Karen Seigel

Mary and Joe Fieweger

Judy Giers and Dave Olsson

Marilyn and Steven Ellwood

Shirley and Eric Hoem

Janet Moore

Barry and Marilyn Hendrix

Lynn Hitz

Most of all, thanks to all of you who attended the Party!!

Killer Burger waiting for party to start + free Crumble cookie’s

Norton’s Meals in Colorful Insulated Bags + free cupcakes

Annual Shake Out Drill

The following message comes from Marilyn Ellwood, CHOA’s Emergency Preparedness Chair.



Shake Out is an opportunity to practice how to be safe during an earthquake. Practicing what to do during an earthquake could save your life.

Charbonneau will be holding their annual drill on September 12th at 6:12 PM. Prior to the drill your Neighborhood Captains will be coming by with a flyer explaining what to do. They will also have a sign for you to post telling them if you are OK or need HELP.  Please take the time to do this so we can verify participation in the drill. You will also receive a raffle ticket for an item to add to your Emergency Preparedness kit.

Before the drill identify a safe space in your home to practice DROP COVER AND HOLD ON. Under a sturdy table or desk is ideal. If you are unable to drop to the floor find a sturdy chair or bed to sit on, away from windows, during the drill. Cover your head and neck with your hands until the shaking stops. Do Not run outside or stand in a doorway.

The best time to practice for an emergency is before one happens. Please join us in the Shake Out Drill.

If you have any questions, contact Marilyn Ellwood, Key Captain for CHOA  503 799-8444.

Summer Party Tomorrow

We know the weather is unpredictable, however we have that covered.

The Dining Room will be open as will the Pavilion which is covered with propane heaters. Spending time with neighbors and friends is what it is all about. Good Food and Fun Prizes! We hope to see you all there! Your CHOA Board

Summer Party Updates

Hello CHOA residents.  When getting your mail, you will
notice flyers on your mailboxes for our Annual Summer Party.  

The flyers have details on our Annual CHOA summer party.  Delicious foods from Killer Burger with Hamburgers and Chicken Sandwiches (both with fries), Cookie Crumbles, and Norton’s.

 Have new neighbor(s)?  Let them know it is a fun event and bring them with you.  Friends and grandchildren as well.  Dinner all taken care of!  This is an opportunity to visit with neighbors and meet new ones. 

We have some great door prizes.  Raffle tickets will be handed out when you sign in. 

The CHOA Board looks forward to seeing you.  We are available for questions. 

 Let’s get this party started!

 Any questions?  Call Mary Fieweger 503-519-4388 or email maryfieweger4@gmail.com 

 Your CHOA Board

Food Drive Drop-off

Wednesday, August 28, 2024 – Food Drive
Volunteers will be collecting donations for the Charbonneau Food Drive, in partnership
with our local Wilsonville Community Sharing, on Wednesday, August 28th, (the fourth
Wednesday of August) from 8:30 AM to 1 PM in the CCC Activity Center.
The items most in need for the August 28, 2024 drop-off are:

  • Spaghetti sauce, chili & stews
  • Canned fruits (not applesauce), canned corn & peas
  • Salad dressings, toothpaste
    Any form of contribution (make checks made payable to “Wilsonville Community
    Sharing”, cash or gift cards) is greatly appreciated!
    Wilsonville Community Sharing sends out a big “thank you” to all of you for making the
    first seven months of 2024 so successful, with 3,840 pounds of food/toiletries and
    $11,740 being donated to help local families in need!
    Thank you for your kind generosity!

If you have questions, contact David Olson at daveolson613@gmail.com


Don’t miss the Door Prizes, the Food, Crumble Cookies and Half Pint Brothers Ice Cream Cones.

Mark your calendars and join us in the Clubhouse Dining Room and Pavilion from 4pm-7pm on Saturday, August 24th, for CHOA’s Annual Summer Party.

Please see attached invite.

Call Mary Fieweger with any questions 503-519-4388.