We are all living through an extraordinary experience and one that changes daily. It is the hope of the CCC Emergency Preparedness/Public Safety (EPPS) committee to disseminate vital information to the community through our network of EPPS Captains. Please use any method at your disposal to spread the word.
The role of EPPS committee during this crisis is two-fold: 1. Encourage our residents to use trusted sources of information to learn best practices during this pandemic and then to USE THOSE BEST PRACTICES! 2. Share community information that might ease the burdens of our neighbors, particularly if we are quarantined or if they do not have access to necessities like groceries and medicines, while staying mindful of social distancing and protecting our own health.
Oregon Health Authority (OHA): https://www.oregon.gov/oha/pages/index.aspx
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): https://www.cdc.gov/
Local news rooms are doing an excellent job with updated Oregon information.
COMMUNITY INFORMATION: This information is current as of 03/20/2020, be aware that things are constantly changing. As an example, as of this date home delivery of groceries, etc. is scheduled about 4 days out from the time of order. This is likely to get longer, so plan ahead!
HOME DELIVERIES: Home deliveries are available through Instacart for the following stores:
Fred Meyer, Safeway, Costco, Target, New Seasons and Petco. Details about how this works will be Posted next. In the meantime, you can go to Instacart.com.
STORE PICKUPS: A number of local stores offer pickup services where you place an order online, select a time and pickup at the store. You will get an estimate of your bill when you place your order, you give them a credit or debit card number but the final bill may change due to weighed items, coupons, availability, etc. so when you pick up you need to present the card you used online. Another person can pick up your order but they need to provide the payment you used when ordering and valid ID for any age-restricted item. Please be cautious about sharing your credit/debit cards!!
RIDE SHARING: Caring members of our community have offered to drive people to the doctor or pharmacy: This is something we cannot recommend. The CDC advises us to avoid using public transportation, ride-sharing, or taxis. Private vehicles can be used to transport people to the doctor but only by a primary member of their household (someone who has already been in contact).
Sandy Batte & Jerry Baker, Co-chairs