New Bark Dust Coming Your Way!
Karen Siegel – CHOA Landscape Chair
I am happy to let you know that once again we will be spreading bark dust along the street frontages in CHOA. Rexius will begin the project the week of July 20. They will be blowing dark hemlock bark in planting areas along the street fronts.
If you have questions, please contact me or Steve Chinn.
Contact Tracing and Safe Walking Tips
What is contact tracing and why does it matter?
Contact tracing means calling people who may have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 to provide guidance and support. It’s a key tool for preventing the spread of the COVID-19 virus. In Oregon, local public health authorities use contact tracing to prevent the spread of many types of diseases, like measles.
OHA has developed a webpage with fact sheets and other downloadable resources about contact tracing that will help you know what to expect if you or someone in your household gets a call, click on this link to access the website:
What happens on a contact tracing call?
With COVID-19 cases increasing in Oregon over the past several weeks, answering the call from a contact tracer is an important way we can work together to help stop the spread of the virus. Contact tracers reach out to anyone who may have been exposed to COVID-19 to provide information and support. If you don’t answer calls from phone numbers you don’t recognize, don’t worry, contact tracers will leave a message asking you to call them back.
If you have been exposed to the virus, you will be asked to quarantine for 14 days after you were near someone with COVID-19, even if you don’t feel sick. This is because you can spread the virus, even if you don’t have symptoms.
When walking, wear BRIGHT clothes, be BRIGHT mentally!
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reminds us “because walking is such a routine part of everyday life, many people do not consider the safety aspects of walking. For instance, most injuries to walkers happen when a vehicle hits them because the driver could not see the walker or the walker and driver were not paying close enough attention.”
See and Be Seen!! It is a good idea when walking, especially at dawn, dusk, and other low-light conditions, (such as our shaded Charbonneau streets) to wear light colors or bright clothing so that you can be easily seen. Fluorescent colors such as blaze orange, hot pink, and day-glow green are ideal in daytime. When walking at night, use a flashlight to make yourself more visible to drivers and to help light your path. It’s also a good idea to wear reflective or retroreflective materials, which give off light when headlights shine on them and can be seen by drivers three times farther than white.
The NHTSA has an excellent website with information geared to senior walkers, click on the link for more important safety tips:
RV Yard entrance blocked for Sewer Project
The Project Manager for the sewer project provided an update that the RV Yard entrance will not be blocked the rest of this week or next week. If there are short, periodic blocks, vehicles will still be able to pass through.
However, from Monday, July 6th through the end of the day on Tuesday, July 7th, the entrance will be blocked.
We will pass along any information we receive as it pertains to this situation.
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
thank you ~
Karen Pratt
Charbonneau Country Club
503-694-2300 ns or concerns.
Lady Bugs – Lady Bugs
You may be noticing small yellow mesh bags that were recently placed in the Oak, Linden, and some Maple trees in the area. The bags contain Lady Bugs who love to dine on aphids and once they leave the bags, they help to organically control any aphid problems we might have. The Lady Bugs are capable of eating about 50 times their own weight and will stay in the area for 3-4 months.
Please do not remove the bags from the trees – Garron’s crews will do that when we are sure all the Lady Bugs are dispersed.
Landscape Committee
Reminder- Feeding of Wild birds or animals except Hummingbirds is Prohibited in CHOA
As you know, we have seen an increase in the number of wild animals in Charbonneau- there have been recent reports and sightings of Skunks, Raccoons, Rats and Mice. Also, the local Squirrel population is getting larger. They like to chew on the sprinkler heads which can destroy them and then we have to spend CHOA funds to replace the sprinkler heads.
In order to try to stem this trend, we want to help eliminate as much of their food sources as possible. Therefore, we are asking that each CHOA neighbor refrain from feeding any animals and/or birds anywhere in CHOA or around your home except for Hummingbirds. This includes inside your courtyard also.
In addition, please feed your pets indoors only and don’t leave them unsupervised outside.
Thanks in advance for your help here to make CHOA a safer neighborhood.
CHOA Spring Pruning
CHOA spring pruning has begun.
Garron Grounds crews will be working throughout June on the annual maintenance pruning. Shrubs and plants will be trimmed unless you are on the “no prune list”. Those that are obstructing windows will be pruned to below-window height. If there are specific items you do not want pruned, please tag those with a blue ribbon that can be seen by the crews.
We will do selective pruning of rhododendrons based on pruning standards and bloom time. “Deadheading” rhododendrons is not included in the maintenance schedule.
If you have any questions, please call Steve Chinn or Karen Siegel. We ask that you do not approach the crews as they are assigned specific duties and any change should come from their supervisor.
We’re looking forward to a beautiful spring and summer.
When are the pools opening?
When are the CHOA Pools Opening?
As you may know, the Governor has limited the use of all public pools in the state during the Phase 1 of the reopening of Oregon. Clackamas County (including Charbonneau) is currently in Phase 1. It is anticipated that Clackamas County will reach Phase 2 in mid to late June. When that milestone is reached, we believe we will be able to open the Pools with new social distancing and sanitary rules.
We will continue to monitor this situation and keep you informed as we know more.
CHOA Board meetings scheduled for the rest of the year
Please note that the CHOA Board meetings schedule has been finalized. All meetings will be held the 2nd Wednesday of each month:
Wednesday, June 10th at 10:00 am. Either Zoom or Rec Hall C- TBD by June 3rd
Wednesday, July 8th at 10:00 am Rec Hall C
Wednesday, August 12th at 10:00 am Rec Hall C
Wednesday, September 9th at 10:00 am Rec Hall C
Wednesday, October 14th at 6:00 pm Rec Hall C
Wednesday, November 11th at 10:00 am Rec Hall C
Wednesday, December 9th at 10:00 am Rec Hall C
Wednesday, January 13th at 10:00 am Rec Hall C
Wednesday, February 10th at 10:00 am Rec Hall C
Wednesday, March 10th at 6:00 pm Rec Hall C
The CHOA Board
Please Return Your Ballots If You Haven’t Done So!
Remember! The May 19 primary election is a very important one. Among other issues to be decided is a measure that would, if approved, limit the number of terms that Wilsonville’s mayor and city councilors could serve. Make your vote count. Mail your ballot right away!