Reminder- Feeding of Wild birds or animals except Hummingbirds is Prohibited in CHOA

As you know, we have seen an increase in the number of wild animals in Charbonneau- there have been recent reports and sightings of  Skunks, Raccoons, Rats and Mice.  Also, the local Squirrel population is getting larger.  They like to chew on the sprinkler heads which can destroy them and then we have to spend CHOA funds to replace the sprinkler heads.

In order to try to stem this trend, we want to help eliminate as much of their food sources as possible.  Therefore, we are asking that each CHOA neighbor refrain from feeding any animals and/or birds anywhere in CHOA or around your home except for Hummingbirds.  This includes inside your courtyard also.

In addition, please feed your pets indoors only and don’t leave them unsupervised outside.

Thanks in advance for your help here to make CHOA a safer neighborhood.

CHOA Spring Pruning

CHOA spring pruning has begun.

Garron Grounds crews will be working throughout June on the annual maintenance pruning. Shrubs and plants will be trimmed unless you are on the “no prune list”. Those that are obstructing windows will be pruned to below-window height. If there are specific items you do not want pruned, please tag those with a blue ribbon that can be seen by the crews.

We will do selective pruning of rhododendrons based on pruning standards and bloom time. “Deadheading” rhododendrons is not included in the maintenance schedule.


If you have any questions, please call Steve Chinn or Karen Siegel. We ask that you do not approach the crews as they are assigned specific duties and any change should come from their supervisor.

We’re looking forward to a beautiful spring and summer.

When are the pools opening?

When are the CHOA Pools Opening?

As you may know, the Governor has limited the use of all public pools in the state during the Phase 1 of the reopening of Oregon. Clackamas County (including Charbonneau) is currently in Phase 1. It is anticipated that Clackamas County will reach Phase 2 in mid to late June. When that milestone is reached, we believe we will be able to open the Pools with new social distancing and sanitary rules.

We will continue to monitor this situation and keep you informed as we know more.




CHOA Board meetings scheduled for the rest of the year

Please note that the CHOA Board meetings schedule has been finalized.  All meetings will be held the 2nd Wednesday of each month:

Wednesday, June 10th at 10:00 am. Either Zoom or Rec Hall C- TBD by June 3rd

Wednesday, July 8th at 10:00 am Rec Hall C

Wednesday, August 12th at 10:00 am Rec Hall C

Wednesday, September 9th at 10:00 am Rec Hall C

Wednesday, October 14th at 6:00 pm Rec Hall C

Wednesday, November 11th at 10:00 am Rec Hall C

Wednesday, December 9th at 10:00 am Rec Hall C

Wednesday, January 13th at 10:00 am Rec Hall C

Wednesday, February 10th at 10:00 am Rec Hall C

Wednesday, March 10th at 6:00 pm Rec Hall C


The CHOA Board

Please Return Your Ballots If You Haven’t Done So!

Remember!  The May 19 primary election is a very important one.  Among other issues to be decided is a measure that would, if approved, limit the number of terms that Wilsonville’s mayor and city councilors could serve.  Make your vote count.  Mail your ballot right away!


Please note that starting Wednesday morning May 13th at about 9:00 am (subject to change due to weather or work schedules) Garron Grounds will have a limited supply of  hanging flower baskets available for $25 each at the E pool area on Winchester. Make your choice and place your check made out to Garron Grounds in the lock box.

Update from Vote by Mail Annual Meeting

As you know, due to the COVID virus, the CHOA Annual Meeting was replaced this year with a Vote by Mail of the members.  The votes were turned in by April 27th and counted shortly thereafter.  The Board then held a follow-up meeting on April 30th (which is normally held right after the Annual Meeting) to Accept the members votes and plan Board assignments for the next year.

Here are the actions/summary of that meeting:

  1. Review and Accept Vote on the Minutes for last year’s Annual Meeting- Approved
  2. Review and Accept Vote of Resolution for IRS- Approved
  3. Review and Accept Vote for Renewing Board members- Janet McGarrigle and Barry Hendrix –Approved
  4. Review and Accept Vote for New Board member- Ken Gregson- Approved
  5. At this meeting, Jan Landis resigned from the Board effective April 28th. Jan had one year left on her term.  Jan was a great leader for the Board and will certainly be missed
  6. The Board has the ability to appoint a replacement and selected and Voted for Robin Shultz who has been serving as an advisor to the Board to complete Jan’s term. Approved
  7. In addition, Ron Reiter termed off of the Board after serving his second term. Ron did a nice job with the Architecture Committee and will be missed.
  8. Annually, the Board makes assignments and votes on the President and Vice President position. Barry Hendrix was voted in as President and Randy Hitz was voted in as Vice President and Secretary.  Approved. In addition, the following committee assignments were agreed to:
  • Janet McGarrigle- Welcoming
  • Sandie Maki- Finance
  • Karen Siegel- Landscaping
  • Packard Phillips – Pools
  • Robin Shultz- Communications
  • Doug- Parker- Governance, Architectural
  • Ken Gregson– Pools

The Board looks forward to working with all neighbors to continue to make Charbonneau a great place to live!

CHOA Board Meeting – Wednesday May 13th at 10:00 am (Zoom Call)

May 13th at 10:00 AM CHOA Monthly Board Meeting

This is an Open Meeting and Members are Invited to Participate Online on Zoom Audio and/or Video.  Join from a PC Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device:

Zoom Call –

Meeting ID: 847 1925 7266
One tap mobile
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US

Planned Agenda:  

10:00AM – Welcome and Call to Order

  • Note for guests: Please remember this is a board meeting, guest are not to interrupt unless asked to speak by the chairman. If you do have a concern, it is best to put your concern in writing prior to the board meeting so that the board will have time to thoughtfully consider your concern. – Thank You

**Minutes from Annual Meeting Approval –ALL  

**Treasurer’s Report –Sandie Maki

10:15 AM Open Forum

  • Questions from Resident Attendees – 2 minutes top per person
  • Questions from “Ask the Board”

10:30 AM Old Business

  • Additions to Rec Hall agreement- Doug to add Insurance requirement to form
  • Range use of Pool – Sandie- all processes in place?
  • Rec Hall C Bathroom- Contractor initiated – Steve
  • Process for retention of files – Ann? Thumb Drive? Firesafe filing cabinet? Info from Regenesis-Steve
  • Reserve Study- need to approve?
  • Visitor Parking – Randy
  • Safety of streets – Update

11:00 AM New Business

  • Annual Meeting process- feedback
  • Board schedule for the next 12 months- Winter event, evening Board meeting?
  • Alarm systems across CHOA- review options
  • Committee Updates
  • Sending a monthly newsletter to members- see ALTA example sent to Board members

To keep for further discussion- How do we keep these items for future follow-up?

  • Process for informing for next painting – paint chips available, etc.
    • Send out information 1 year in advance
    • Have Database and Chips on the Rec Hall bulletin board
    • Ann to send a note to new owners about paint color change
  • Reserve Study Painting Account/New software options – Where are we with this topic?

Change with Gutter cleaning – any new calls – Should we keep this time next year?

*Executive Session (as needed) –* Need to vote to move to executive meeting

** No need to approve by vote monthly minutes or treasurers report


Reminder- CHOA homeowners: Please return your Primary Election ballots

Residents of the CHOA are reminded that they should return their mail-in ballots for the Tuesday, May 19 primary election as soon as possible.  Ballots must be received by the elections office no later than 8:00 pm on election.   This is made easy since all registered voters are provided a stamped self-addressed envelope in which to return their ballot.

This election is particularly important because it includes Measure 3-556 which, if approved, would limit the number of terms that Wilsonville’s mayor and city councilors could serve.  And it would be retroactive.  Whatever you decide on this measure and on other contests, make your vote count by returning your ballot soon.

Irrigation water system down until Monday

Please note that CHOA received the following note from the Golf Course/Water Company:

“I am sorry to have to send you all this notice.  We have unfortunately run into a major issue with the pumps and must do immediate repairs.  So, as of today the pumps and we will not be able to supply irrigation water till Monday.

Thanks and again sorry for the inconvenience,

Chris Bensel

PGA General Manager

Charbonneau Golf Club / Charbonneau Water Co.”