Pools to Open!!

The Governor has just given the approval to open the pools on Monday.  Please practice social distancing and wearing masks unless in the water.  If you are experiencing any of the Covid-19 symptoms, please stay home to keep everyone safe.  The water fountain will be closed and there can be only one person in the bathroom at any time.

Please contact Steve Chinn with specific questions.  He can be reached at his office:  503-682-0234 or his Cell: 503-312-0927.


Garron Grounds Owner and General Manager Passes Away


Your CHOA Board is sad to inform you that Ken Bartus, owner of Garron Grounds, passed away in his sleep at home on Monday night.  Ken was dedicated to serving our community as he has done for many years.  That dedication was further evidenced by Ken putting into place, through his will and management documents, instructions for the continuation of his business.

CHOA’s property manager, Steve Chinn, and Landscape Chair, Karen Siegel, have met with Garron Staff.  We have been assured that Garron’s general landscape and irrigation maintenance service to our Community will continue and that Garron will have staff available for any emergencies.  We ask that any special requests for landscape and/or irrigation issues be directed to Steve Chinn or Karen Siegel who will work directly with Garron staff.

Thank you


Our current Architectural Chair, Doug Parker, has recently purchased a new home that is not located in the CHOA association (but is still in Charbonneau so we aren’t losing him entirely to our larger community) so will be resigning his position effective October 1, 2020.  We will miss his expertise and leadership on the board.

We are seeking a new Board member, ideally someone with some legal background.  This is not a requirement. This is a great opportunity to have input on what happens in your neighborhood.

If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Barry Hendrix at 503-754-0322

Neighborhood Watch – Volunteers Needed!

Please note that CHOA is considering creating a Neighborhood Watch program.  Several HOAs in Charbonneau already have them.  Since we have volunteers for the Board and the Emergency Preparedness program, we are seeking volunteers to lead a Neighborhood Watch program if there is enough interest in our community.

 If you are interested in leading or volunteering as a member of a Neighborhood Watch Committee, please let us know by the end of August.

 If interested, please contact Barry Hendrix at hbconsulting@gmail.com or 503-754-0322.


September 9th 10:00 AM CHOA Monthly Board Meeting

September 9th  10:00 AM CHOA Monthly Board Meeting

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10:00AM – Welcome and Call to Order

• Note for guest: Please remember this is a board meeting, guest are not to interrupt unless asked to speak by the chairman. If you do have a concern, it is best to put your concern in writing prior to the board meeting so that the board will have time to thoughtfully consider your concern. – Thank You

**Minutes from Annual Meeting Approval –ALL
**Treasurer’s Report –Sandie Maki

10:15 AM Open Forum

• Questions from Resident Attendees – 2 minutes top per person
• Questions from “Ask the Board”

10:30 AM Old Business

  • Process for retention of files –Update on Drop Box – Barry
  • Safety – Neighborhood Watch– Update on Post to Neighbors -Barry
  • Alarm systems across CHOA- review progress- Barry and Ken
  • Parking lot signs and parking lot stripe painting– Steve
  • Rec Hall C painting/Air conditioner – Steve
  • Website support – Robin

New Business

  • Pavement repair on CHOA properties- Steve
  • Committee Updates- Pools, Landscape, Welcome, Governance
  • Villager articles- Anybody have ideas for Nov. issue- All
  • Post requesting new Board members – Barry
  • Food carts in CHOA? – Barry
  • October Board meeting – planned for 6:00 p.m. – Barry


To keep for further discussion- How do we keep these items for future follow-up?

  • Process for informing for next painting – paint chips available, etc.
    • Send out information 1 year in advance
    • Have Database and Chips on the Rec Hall bulletin board
    • Ann to send a note to new owners about paint color change

*Executive Session (as needed) –* Need to vote to move to executive meeting
** No need to approve by vote monthly minutes or treasurers report

New Statewide Rules on Get-togethers and Face Coverings


From OHA (Oregon Health Authority): New statewide rules on get-togethers and face coverings

The governor has announced these two new rules as a result of a frank assessment of COVID-19 in our state:

  • Oregon reported more cases in the past week than we did in the entire month of May.
  • The last time we had fewer than 100 cases in a single day was more than a month ago.

The first rule is a statewide ban on indoor social get-togethers of more than 10 people. This includes gatherings such as dinner parties, birthday parties, potlucks and book clubs taking place indoors. It does not affect restaurants, churches, event venues and other organizations at this time. Businesses and other organizations that have been following the guidance about face coverings, distancing and sanitation have not currently been identified as sources of significant transmission. Effective July 15

The second new rule is that face coverings are mandated in outdoor spaces where distance of 6 feet or more from people outside your household cannot be maintained. This might come up at a crowded trailhead, on sidewalks while awaiting entry to a business or at an outdoor event. Effective July 15

This virus is extremely contagious, and many people don’t show symptoms for days. In that time, you can interact with dozens or, if you’re not careful, hundreds of other people in your social circle and community.
That’s why the three W’s continue to be so important:

  • Wear a face covering.
  • Watch your distance.
  • Wash your hands.

In addition to the new measures announced today, these are other actions we can all take to slow the spread of COVID-19.

  • If you can move activities outside, do so. The disease spreads less easily outdoors, and you can enjoy more of the Oregon summer.
  • If you run a business and can serve customers outside – do it.
  • Avoid groups of more than 10. And if you’re unexpectedly in a group of 10 or more, think hard about whether that’s a good choice, stay outside, keep 6 feet apart, and cover your face.
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New Bark Dust Coming Your Way!


Karen Siegel – CHOA Landscape Chair

I am happy to let you know that once again we will be spreading bark dust along the street frontages in CHOA.  Rexius will begin the project the week of July 20.  They will be blowing dark hemlock bark in planting areas along the street fronts.

If you  have questions, please contact me or Steve Chinn.

Contact Tracing and Safe Walking Tips


What is contact tracing and why does it matter?
Contact tracing means calling people who may have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 to provide guidance and support. It’s a key tool for preventing the spread of the COVID-19 virus. In Oregon, local public health authorities use contact tracing to prevent the spread of many types of diseases, like measles.
OHA has developed a webpage with fact sheets and other downloadable resources about contact tracing that will help you know what to expect if you or someone in your household gets a call, click on this link to access the website:
What happens on a contact tracing call?
With COVID-19 cases increasing in Oregon over the past several weeks, answering the call from a contact tracer is an important way we can work together to help stop the spread of the virus. Contact tracers reach out to anyone who may have been exposed to COVID-19 to provide information and support. If you don’t answer calls from phone numbers you don’t recognize, don’t worry, contact tracers will leave a message asking you to call them back.
If you have been exposed to the virus, you will be asked to quarantine for 14 days after you were near someone with COVID-19, even if you don’t feel sick. This is because you can spread the virus, even if you don’t have symptoms.
When walking, wear BRIGHT clothes, be BRIGHT mentally!

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reminds us “because walking is such a routine part of everyday life, many people do not consider the safety aspects of walking. For instance, most injuries to walkers happen when a vehicle hits them because the driver could not see the walker or the walker and driver were not paying close enough attention.”
See and Be Seen!! It is a good idea when walking, especially at dawn, dusk, and other low-light conditions, (such as our shaded Charbonneau streets) to wear light colors or bright clothing so that you can be easily seen. Fluorescent colors such as blaze orange, hot pink, and day-glow green are ideal in daytime. When walking at night, use a flashlight to make yourself more visible to drivers and to help light your path. It’s also a good idea to wear reflective or retroreflective materials, which give off light when headlights shine on them and can be seen by drivers three times farther than white.
The NHTSA has an excellent website with information geared to senior walkers, click on the link for more important safety tips:

RV Yard entrance blocked for Sewer Project

The Project Manager for the sewer project provided an update that the RV Yard entrance will not be blocked the rest of this week or next week. If there are short, periodic blocks, vehicles will still be able to pass through.

However, from Monday, July 6th through the end of the day on Tuesday, July 7th, the entrance will be blocked.

We will pass along any information we receive as it pertains to this situation.

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

thank you ~

Karen Pratt
Charbonneau Country Club
503-694-2300 ns or concerns.


Lady Bugs – Lady Bugs

You may be noticing small yellow mesh bags that were recently placed in the Oak, Linden, and some Maple trees in the area. The bags contain Lady Bugs who love to dine on aphids and once they leave the bags, they help to organically control any aphid problems we might have. The Lady Bugs are capable of eating about 50 times their own weight and will stay in the area for 3-4 months.
Please do not remove the bags from the trees – Garron’s crews will do that when we are sure all the Lady Bugs are dispersed.

Landscape Committee