Wednesday March 10th 6:00 pm CHOA Monthly Board Meeting

Wednesday March 10th 6:00 pm CHOA Monthly 

 Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 840 7669 7837


One tap mobile:  +16699006833,,84076697837#

6:00 PM – Welcome and Call to Order

  • Note for guest: Please remember this is a board meeting, guests are not to interrupt unless asked to speak by the chairman. If you do have a concern, it is best to put your concern in writing prior to the board meeting so that the board will have time to thoughtfully consider your concern. – Thank You

**Minutes from Last Meeting Approval –ALL  

**Treasurer’s Report –Sandie Maki

6:15 Open Forum

  • Questions from Resident Attendees – 2 minutes top per person
  • Questions from “Ask the Board”

6:30 Old Business

  • Alarm systems across CHOA- update – Barry and Ken
  • Website support– Robin
  • Potential new Board members– All
  • Villager articles- Anybody have ideas for April issue- All
  • Food Carts in CHOA- Barry
  • Emergency Preparedness- Steve
  • Committee Updates-
    • Pools- Packard and Ken
    • Rec Hall C- Packard
    • Landscape- Karen
    • Welcome- Janet

7:30 New Business

  • Annual Meeting- Barry
  • Changes needed to CCRs?- Steve


*Executive Session (as needed) –* Need to vote to move to executive meeting

** No need to approve by vote monthly minutes or treasurers report

Reminder- Food Truck, Saturday, February 27th at Noon to 3:00

Please note that due to the bad weather on the 13th, the next Food Truck in CHOA will be Saturday, February 27th at Noon to 3:00 pm.

Truck will be Retrolicious.  Please see menu below but note that it does change some from time to time.

This Truck will be the same location as before- on Boones Bend by Red 6 Tee Box.

Hope to see you there!

Storm Cleanup

Thankfully the winter storm is over and the power is now back on in Charbonneau.  As most of you are aware, CHOA and all of Charbonneau has suffered major damage to its trees.  Now the clean up begins.  CHOA has been working on cleanup since Saturday morning.  The folks at Garron’s have done a great job getting areas cleaned up in short time.  The first priority was to get all of the streets cleared which has been completed.  Second priority is sidewalks and other walkways which are mostly done.

We should be finished with the initial clean-up by Wednesday, then all we will have left is the tree’s that need to be cut down.  We have a bucket truck and crew coming in this weekend to remove all the snags (loose branches which could fall and hurt someone) on the street side and take down the trees that are on the front side of houses.  So be careful driving!

Thanks for your patience as we continue the process of getting CHOA back to normal.

If you have any questions, please connect with Steve Chinn – 503-312-0947 or

Rescheduled- Food Truck, Saturday, February 27th at Noon to 3:00

Please note that due to the bad weather on the 13th, the next Food Truck in CHOA will be Saturday, February 27th at Noon to 3:00 pm.

Truck will be Retrolicious.  Please see menu below but note that it does change some from time to time.

This Truck will be the same location as before- on Boones Bend by Red 6 Tee Box.

Hope to see you there!

CCC Update on the Winter Storm from Sunday

Please see update below from CCC:

“I hope you all are safe. It is uplifting to hear about all the Charbonneau residents that are helping one another during this electricity outage. A big thank you to the City for all their help clearing the road and staying in close contact with Charbonneau. Councilors Linville and Lehan have been very helpful advocating for Charbonneau. Sandy Batte with our Emergency Preparedness committee and Greg Leo along with his CERT teams have been working through the neighborhoods to check in on our vulnerable residents.

Here is what we at this point:

1.  The Charbonneau Emergency Response Captains, neighbors and CERT volunteers were out doing welfare checks on Charbonneau residents that might need emergency care for heat, medications, food, etc.  Residents should contact their neighborhood Captain if they need help.

2. Spring Ridge apartment folks appear to be doing well but the management is assessing possible evacuation of memory care and hospice care residents to Newberg.  The City will assist with bus transportation if needed.  Spring Ridge is also almost out of diesel fuel so the City is delivering 100 gallons to them.

3.  The latest from PGE is that returning power is a moving target.  Even areas that had power restored are going back out due to falling trees, branches and ice.  They are bringing in crews from outside the area to assist.  The words on return of power to Charbonneau is anywhere from 6pm tonight to Wednesday.

4.  The City is looking into purchasing emergency supplies including cell phone charging packs but that is not certain yet.

5.  The roads and especially the paths on the golf course remain very dangerous due to falling branches, trees and ice.  Residents are encouraged to remain indoors and save walks for better days.

Thank you and be safe,

Jim Meierotto
General Manager
Charbonneau Country Club”

What you need toknow about getting vaccinated in Oregon

What you need to know about getting vaccinated in Oregon

The question most on the minds of most senior Oregonians at this moment is:
“How on Earth do I figure out how/when/and where can I get my Covid19 vaccination if I want one?” The Sunday edition of the Oregonian had what we feel was a concise synopsis in a Q&A format that we will share here with all of you. We will also send out updates as additional information on sites becomes available. This includes our under 65 Charbonneau residents who may have loved ones in the “Senior” category!

But first a plea for outreach to those in our community who may need a little help negotiating the process. The Oregon Health Authority has admitted that they expect chaos to reign, especially early on. A basic tenant of both Emergency Preparedness and Public Safety begins with knowing your neighbors! It means living in a safer, less stressful environment when you know there is a source of help nearby. If you are aware of someone in your neighborhood who may need assistance, please reach out. Not everyone in Charbonneau is on this mailing list and of course, those who do not use computers will not see it, so spread the word!

What you need to know about getting vaccinated in Oregon
*By Andrew Theen The Oregonian/OregonLive

Starting Monday, Oregon is allowing widespread vaccination for people aged 80 and older.
On Friday, the state’s health leaders and Gov. Kate Brown warned that next week could   feature “chaos.” The state still suffers from inadequate vaccine supply to meet what will be increased demand as seniors become eligible. Oregon is not vaccinating all seniors at once, opting for a phased-in approach over several weeks. Here’s what you need to know to try to navigate the chaos.

Who is eligible Monday?
People aged 80 and older are eligible to be vaccinated starting Monday, (Feb.8) The following week (Feb. 15), Oregonians aged 75 and older will be eligible, followed by 70 and older (Feb. 22) and peopled aged 65 and older (March 1).

How quickly can I get an appointment? Same day? A week?
That’s a tough question. It could take several weeks to book an appointment, let alone get vaccinated. Others may be luckier. Much will depend on where you live, how many other seniors are eligible at the same time and how quickly you navigate the online system.

Why are some of my senior friends already vaccinated?
Either because they lived in less populated counties that moved quickly through the 1a population and educators and made eligible; because they live in congregate care or have qualifying jobs; because they had connections and were able to game the system; or because they were able to show up at a vaccination clinic at the end of the day and land a shot before they went to waste.

OK, where do I go to get vaccinated when it’s time?
If you are in the Portland metro area, chances are the appointment will be at the Oregon Convention Center, the mass clinic in the centrally located facility run by Oregon Health & Science University, Kaiser Permanente, Legacy Health and Providence. HINT: If you have mobility issues, you may be directed to the drive through site at PDX, open on weekends. Other counties have mass clinics as well, such as Salem Health’s facility at the State Fairgrounds. It depends, again, on where you live.

What about my doctor’s office or pharmacy? Those are the places I trust. Can I eventually go there?
Again, it depends on where you live, and only time will tell.
Brown on Friday said that Douglas County health officials are working with primary care providers to arrange for appointments there. That’s not the case in other counties.
Pharmacies this week will begin receiving doses in Oregon. Oregon Health Authority Director Patrick Allen said Friday the state will receive 13,000 doses this week bound for 133 different pharmacies. That’s about all we know right now.

OK, how do I try to schedule my appointment?
On Monday, if you are eligible, go to (you could try earlier if you’d like). In the “Vaccine Sequencing” section there’s a “Vaccine Eligibility & FAQ Tool” header with a button that says “Let’s Get Started.” Clicking that prompts a chat service that can help determine if you’re eligible and redirect you to an appointment page if so. People also can send an email to for more information on the vaccine process and how to schedule an appointment.

I don’t have a computer. How else can I do it?
You can call 2-1-1 for more on the process and to schedule an appointment.
Seniors can also text ORCOVID to the number “898211” to start a conversation
about scheduling an appointment.

I’m not eligible Monday, but can I get on a waiting list or something?
The state announced Friday that it would debut a new tool on its website this week that allows users to sign up to get email alerts or text notifications about vaccine events in their area.

How long will it take to vaccinate all these seniors?
That’s an excellent question. According to census records, there are about 767,000 Oregonians aged 65 and older. It will take several weeks to get through all the Oregonians who want an appointment. On Friday, state leaders said that they estimate 75% of all seniors, teachers and 1a eligible Oregonians who want a shot will have received their first dose by April.

Security Concerns


Please be aware that there have been an increasing number of reported instances where CHOA or other Charbonneau residents have been approached by suspicious individuals who do not live in Charbonneau.  The interactions feel threatening in nature.  There have also been sightings of vehicles acting in suspicious ways.

Please report this type of interactions to First Response Security – 503-207-5300 (8pm – 7am) or Steve Chinn – 503-682-0234 or cell 503-312-0927 (7am – 8pm).   Please try to get a picture of the person or vehicle if it is safe to do so.  Otherwise, a description and license plate number will be helpful.

Thank you.

Reminder- Food Truck, Saturday, February 13th at Noon to 3:00

Please note that our next Food Truck in CHOA will be Saturday, February 13th at Noon to 3:00 pm.

Truck will be Retrolicious.  Please see menu below but note that it does change some from time to time.

This Truck will be the same location as before- on Boones Bend by Red 6 Tee Box.

Hope to see you there!

CHOA Board meeting Wednesday, February 10th at 10:00 am

Wednesday February 10th at  10:00 am CHOA Monthly Board Meeting

 Join Zoom Meeting:

Please note that a password is required to join – 885002

Meeting ID: 856 9540 5137

One tap mobile:  19712471195,,4722217510#,,,,0#,,885002#

10:00 AM – Welcome and Call to Order

  • Note for guest: Please remember this is a board meeting, guests are not to interrupt unless asked to speak by the chairman. If you do have a concern, it is best to put your concern in writing prior to the board meeting so that the board will have time to thoughtfully consider your concern. – Thank You

**Minutes from Last Meeting Approval –ALL  

**Treasurer’s Report –Sandie Maki

10:15 Open Forum

  • Questions from Resident Attendees – 2 minutes top per person
  • Questions from “Ask the Board”

10:30 Old Business

  • Alarm systems across CHOA- update – Barry and Ken
  • Website support– Robin
  • Potential new Board members– All
  • Villager articles- Anybody have ideas for March issue- All
  • Food Carts in CHOA- Barry
  • Emergency Preparedness – Steve
  • Committee Updates-
    • Pools- Packard and Ken
    • Rec Hall C – Packard
    • Landscape- Karen
    • Welcome- Janet

11:30 New Business

  • Feedback from new CHOA residents- Janet
  • Emergency Preparedness- Barry

*Executive Session (as needed) –* Need to vote to move to executive meeting

** No need to approve by vote monthly minutes or treasurers report

Please save to date- next Food Truck, Saturday, February 13th at Noon to 3:00

Please note that our next Food Truck in CHOA will be Saturday, February 13th at Noon to 3:00 pm.

Truck will be Retrolicious.  Please see menu below but note that it does change some from time to time.

This Truck will be the same location as before- on Boones Bend by Red 6 Tee Box.

Hope to see you there!