Emergency and Non-Emergency Calls

This message is from Shirley Hoem, Co-Chair of the CHOA Safety Committee


Call 911 for fire, safety or health emergency.  


The picture above has phone numbers for non-emergencies.  Corporate Crime Control is the security company contracted by Charbonneau and only to be called during hours the Country Club office is closed after 5pm and before 8:30am.  Call clubhouse 503-694-2300 during office hours.


When adding non-emergency phone numbers in your i-phone use a “KEY” word like HELP or EMERGENCY inside the name.  Once added you can quickly locate non-emergency phone numbers in your phone by clicking the PHONE ICON, CONTACTS, SEARCH then type in your KEY word.  All contacts with that key word will then pop up.  Note we have included GAS EMERGENCY to call gas company if you smell gas. 

The image below is what the search found on a phone that has the non-emergency numbers added.


There are three ways to pay your CHOA monthly dues.

By Check, ACH or Bill Pay.

CHECKS-Can be mailed to CHOA’s PO Box or placed in our Dropbox on

Boones Bend Rd by Red Tee #6.

ACH-ACH ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER-Electronic debit/transaction:

Once ACH is established nothing more is needed from you. A CHOA ACH

Authorization form needs to be filled out authorizing a charge to your

account each month. Changes will be automatic. If you have not yet

signed up for ACH payment. The form is attached.

BILL PAY-You authorize your bank to pay CHOA monthly.

Inform them who to pay, how much, and when to pay.

It will then be your responsibility to inform the bank of any

changes to the payment amount. The Dues Change letter

arrives in December. You will need to let your bank know of the

new amount to pay starting in January.


This message is from CHOA’s Safety Committee led by Shirley Hoem and Marilyn Ellwood

These instructions are for IPHONE.  
For others brands or for more information, search in WIKIHOW for how to add ICE (emergency contact info) to your cell phone.

1.  How to add an emergency contact info into your iphone.

    a.  Open settings

    b.  Click on Emergency SOS

    C.  Click on EMERGENCY CONTACTS IN HEALTH and add your emergency contacts

    D.  Turn on CRASH DEDECTION.  When you fall hard your phone will ask you if you need help. Some phones may not show this option.

    E   Click on MEDICAL ID and enter all your info.

Stay safe out there.

Two Reminders

  1. The CHOA summer party will take place on July 17 in the late afternoon. We hope you all will be able to join us. (Isn’t it nice to think of a summer event on a cold and rainy autumn day!)
  2. The Red Golf Course will be open all winter. People not golfing are reminded to NOT walk on the course or the cart paths. Thank you.

November 13 CHOA Board Meeting

The next CHOA Board meeting will take place in Rec Hall C at 2:30 pm on November 13. All CHOA members are invited to attend. Opportunity for member questions and comments is provided at the beginning of the meeting.

Draft Agenda

Wednesday, November 13, 2024 at 2:30 p.m. – CHOA Monthly Board Meeting at Rec Hall C and zoom


2:30 – Welcome and Call to Order

  • Note for guest: Please remember this is a board meeting, guests are not to interrupt unless asked to speak by the chairman.  If you do have a concern, it is best to put your concern in writing prior to the board meeting so that the board will have time to thoughtfully consider your concern. – Thank You

**Minutes from Last Meeting Approval –ALL 

2:35 Open Forum

Questions from Resident Attendees – 2 minutes maximum per person

2:45 Reports

**Treasurer’s Report –Sandie Maki 

  • Vote on operating budget for 2025

     President’s Report

     Property manager report

 3:00 Old Business

  • Committee Updates

Pools and Rec Hall– Judy

  Rec Hall Support

Landscape- – Karen

Welcome- Mary

Safety—Shirley and Marilyn

Architecture committee—Bob

  • Gutter cleaning
  • Document Retention
  • Insurance and restoration process–Judy

3:50 New Business

  • Legal Seminar report

4:00  Executive Session

  • Property Manager Review

4:30  Adjourn

*Executive Session (as needed) –* Need to vote to move to executive meeting

** No need to approve by vote monthly minutes or treasurers report

Leaf Gutter Cleaning

Cleaning of leaf gutters in CHOA will begin next week by Dave Stone and will continue until the end of January.  Dave has been instructed to hold off for a couple of weeks on cleaning gutters at homes where many leaves remain on nearby trees. 

CHOA provides one cleaning each year for every home as a way to save all homeowners on the cost.  We realize that one cleaning may not be enough for some homes.  It is the responsibility of each homeowner to pay for any additional leaf gutter cleaning they deem necessary.  Note also that Dave cannot clean gutters that have leaf guards. If you have questions or concerns, please call Steve Chinn at 503-266-5351.   

Wednesday, October 23, 2024 – Food Drive Drop-off

The following message is from David Olson, Lead Person for the Charbonneau Food Drive

Volunteers will be collecting donations for the Charbonneau Food Drive, in partnership
with our local Wilsonville Community Sharing, on Wednesday, October 23rd, (the fourth
Wednesday of October) from 8:30 AM to 1 PM in the CCC Activity Center.
The items most in need for the October 23, 2024 drop-off are:

  • Chunky soups and chili
  • Cereal and oatmeal
  • Shampoo and toothbrushes
  • Toilet paper
    Any form of contribution (make checks made payable to “Wilsonville Community
    Sharing”, cash or gift cards) is greatly appreciated!
    Wilsonville Community Sharing sends out a big “thank you” to all of you for making the
    first nine months of 2024 so successful, with 5,342 pounds of food/toiletries and
    $14,940 being donated to help local families in need!
    Thank you for your kind generosity

All Pools now Closed

Given the 40 degree nighttime temperature and the amount of work it takes for the heaters to heat the pools all day, we are turning off the heaters on Friday Oct 11, 2025 for both Pool “A” and “F/G”.

We had an amazing Summer, see you next year!

Pool Season is Extended

It has been decided to keep both Pool A and F/G open for 10 more days until the rain comes. 

Pool closing date would now be the end of day on Oct 10th.

If the temperatures should drop unexpectedly, we would have to close earlier for the season.


Sincerely, your Pool Committee

Sheriff’s Office warns public about scammers impersonating deputies

The Clackamas County Sheriff’s Officials are warning the public that scammers are impersonating deputies and sergeants on the phone in an attempt to defraud people of money.

Deputies recently received a report of a person being scammed out of $1,000. The scammers are using the real names of sheriff’s office employees with a falsified caller ID to make it appear they are calling from the sheriff’s office. Scammers also use fake case numbers.

Scammers claim their targets have an outstanding warrant, unpaid court fees or missed jury duty, and that they must pay a fine with a gift card, cash app or cryptocurrency to avoid being arrested.

Anyone who has been victimized by this scam should file a police report by calling Clackamas County Non-Emergency at 503.655.8211. Also, notify Charbonneau Security Neil Kennedy at 503.694.2300 or email neil@charbonneaucountryclub.com.

Thank you to Shirley Hoem, Neill Kennedy and Marilyn Ellwood for preparing this message.