CHOA Annual Meeting via Zoom, Monday April 25th at 7:00PM

Dear Homeowner:                                                                          

As a follow-up to my Post yesterday, here are the details of the Virtual Annual Meeting:

Monday, April 25th at 7:00 PM

Join Zoom Meeting-

Meeting ID: 840 6144 1346

One tap mobile- +16699006833,,84061441346#

We thank you for your continued support. 



CHOA Annual Meeting to be virtual again this year

Dear Homeowner:                                                                          

The CHOA Board of Directors decided to conduct the 2022 Annual meeting virtual this year as there was still uncertainly with Covid and the rules around large gatherings when we planned this meeting, plus the fact that the Clubhouse is in the process of moving some activities to the new Activity Center and some of our normal spaces may be unavailable during this transition.  We look forward to having next year’s Annual Meeting in person!

We will be mailing you a package with the following along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope:

  1. 2021 Annual Meeting Minutes.
  2. 2021 Yearend Financial Statement.
  3. Ballot for 3 items that require your vote:
    • Board of Director- 3 candidates
    • Approval of 2021 Annual Minutes
    • Approval of Annual IRS Resolution

In addition, you will find a notice that says CHOA is in compliance with Oregon House Bill (HB) 2534.  This is a legal requirement that we need to affirm compliance.

Please note that you will need to return your Ballots by Friday, April 22nd.

As you know, 2021 was a very challenging year for CHOA and Charbonneau as a whole.  We had Covid, Ice Storms and Excessive Heat to contend with.  Due to Covid, all our Board meeting were held virtually.  Despite these challenges, we able to get work done to continue make CHOA a place we all enjoy.  We accomplished the following:

  1. Revised the Bylaws to more align with the rest of Charbonneau
  2. Striped and marked all Visitor Parking areas
  3. Hosted Food Trucks in CHOA
  4. Upgraded Rec Hall C with a Generator and Wireless Internet
  5. Upgraded plantings by Red 5/6 restrooms
  6. Kept the Pools open the longest time in the recent past

We thank you for your continued support.  Please note that we are always looking for Volunteers to help keep CHOA the great place to live.  Please let me know if you interested in these opportunities. 



Barry Hendrix

President – CHOA Board of Directors or 503-754-0322

Food Truck in CHOA, Saturday April 9th at 1:00 to 4:00 pm

We are excited to share that Amelia’s Food Cart will be returning to CHOA on Saturday, April 9th at 1:00 until 4:00p.m.  It will be located across the street from 32485 Boones Bend Road.  There is a 4 space parking area where the truck will be parked.  It is right by the Red 6 tee box.  Please come on by – walk, drive or ride in your golf cart to this enjoy this experience.

Please see menu below:

Reminder- Red course is closed to all non-golfers

Please note the following message from CCC:

“On behalf of our residents, the Charbonneau Country Club wishes to thank the Charbonneau Golf Club for allowing walkers on the cart paths on the Red Course during the winter. Having an additional safe place to walk has been appreciated and well used.

Starting March 1, golfers will be playing the Red course in addition to the other two courses. This means more maintenance equipment as well will be on the Red course and cart paths. Thus walking on all the courses and cart paths is discontinued on March 1.

Rhododendron Pruning


As you all know, Charbonneau is blessed with the beauty of many rhododendrons throughout our community, and CHOA has our share.  In order to protect the health and growth of these plants, maintenance pruning is necessary and this time of year is the best time to do this.  

Because there are several hundred rhododendrons throughout CHOA, John deAquirre of Garron Grounds and I drove around each CHOA neighborhood in a golf cart and  selected those rhodies that we feel will benefit from maintenance pruning or thinning this year and tagged those plants with orange tags.  There may be other rhodies that would benefit from more vigorous pruning or some that are obstructing windows.  When the pruning crew identifies those instances, they will make an effort to contact the homeowner before pruning.

We anticipate that the pruning will begin early in March and will take about two weeks.  If you do not want the rhodies around your home pruned, please advise Garron Grounds at 503-682-7172.


Karen Siegel

CHOA Landscape Chair

CCC looking for input on the Edith Green Park

Please note that the CCC is looking for input from all neighbors on the Edith Green Park.

Please see note from CCC:

“Charbonneau Country Club
Edith Green Park Community Survey
To: All Charbonneau residents
From: Judy Brennan & Kathy Harp, EG Park Co-Chairs
Date: March 2022

Charbonneau Country Club has retained the services of BerryDunn, LLC, a national parks, recreation, and libraires consulting firm to assist us with a plan to reimagine Edith Green Park, a 2-acre park located on Country View Lane here in Charbonneau. The Plan will determine the current and future needs and desires for the Edith Green Park based on resident input.
Below is a link for a survey to collect your opinion:

If you would like to participate in the survey, but do not have access to a computer or smartphone, please pick up a hard copy of the survey at the CCC clubhouse, complete the survey and return to the clubhouse prior to March 14, 2022.
Please don’t miss this opportunity to share your thoughts on this very important issue for our community.”

CHOA Board meeting, Wednesday, March 9th at 10:00AM via Zoom

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID 818 3953 3928

One tap mobile  + 16699006833,,81839533928#

10:00 AM – Welcome and Call to Order

  • Note for guest: Please remember this is a board meeting, guests are not to interrupt unless asked to speak by the chairman.  If you do have a concern, it is best to put your concern in writing prior to the board meeting so that the board will have time to thoughtfully consider your concern. – Thank You

**Minutes from Last Meeting Approval –ALL  

**Treasurer’s Report –Sandie Maki

10:15 Open Forum

  • Questions from Resident Attendees – 2 minutes top per person
  • Questions from “Ask the Board”

10:30 Old Business

  • Investment Policy/Financial Advisor– Sandie
  • Virtual Annual meeting- tasks to complete- Barry
  • CCC- HOA leaders meeting– Barry
  • Board goals for 2022- All
  • Committee Updates-
    • Pools/Bathrooms- Packard and Ken
    • Rec Hall C- Packard
    • Landscape- Karen
    • Welcome- Janet

11:00 New Business 

  • Food trucks- Barry
  • Neighborhood survey- Robin

*Executive Session (as needed) –* Need to vote to move to executive meeting

** No need to approve by vote monthly minutes or treasurers report

Please note that the Red Course is closing to walkers, Tuesday, March 1st

Please note the following message from CCC:

“On behalf of our residents, the Charbonneau Country Club wishes to thank the Charbonneau Golf Club for allowing walkers on the cart paths on the Red Course during the winter. Having an additional safe place to walk has been appreciated and well used.

Starting March 1, golfers will be playing the Red course in addition to the other two courses. This means more maintenance equipment as well will be on the Red course and cart paths. Thus walking on all the courses and cart paths is discontinued on March 1.”

Reminder- Feeding of Wild Birds or Animals except Hummingbirds is Prohibited in CHOA

As you know, we have seen an increase in the number of wild animals in Charbonneau- there have been recent reports and sightings of Skunks, Raccoons, Rats and Mice.  Also, the local Squirrel population is getting larger.  They like to chew on the sprinkler heads which can destroy them and then we have to spend CHOA funds to replace the sprinkler heads.

In order to try to stem this trend, we want to help eliminate as much of their food sources as possible.  Therefore, we are asking that each CHOA neighbor refrain from feeding any animals and/or birds anywhere in CHOA or around your home except for Hummingbirds.  This includes inside your courtyard also.

In addition, please feed your pets indoors only and don’t leave them unsupervised outside.

Thanks in advance for your help here to make CHOA a safer neighborhood.