The results from the May 2022 CHOA on-line survey are in. Homeowners were asked to answer 4 questions and provide additional comments if desired.
The best information is gathered from survey comments – both good and not so good!
We had one comment regarding a review of insurance, and a few regarding specific landscaping concerns. We would appreciate authors of those comments to reach out to any board member. The Board members would be happy to follow up or answer those homeowners’ questions and comments.
41 people responded to the survey. Below are the results. (Not everyone responded to all questions.)
The results from Question 1 – are in line with responses across the country with regard to HOA board performance. In general, most homeowners who live in HOA’s are happy with the HOA board. The same is true here in Charbonneau.
The results from Question 2 – Regarding the grounds and neighborhoods, besides yourselves (Homeowners), and CHOA, the area around your homes may be maintained by the golf course and not CHOA. The streets and parking areas are maintained by the City of Wilsonville.
The results of Question 3 – We appreciated and thank you for the positive comments given.
The results from question 4 – the board agrees with the responders – we need to have a few more CHOA-wide events.
- A Food Truck was here on June 11th.
- While keeping COVID in mind, the board is planning an open house (outside Rec Hall C) at the end of the July 13th Board meeting- stay tuned for more info.
- The HOA is also considering an event by the CHOA putting green area for later in the summer.
- Generally, in January the board provides a Winter party or gathering. (Due to COVID we have not held this event but are hoping in 2023 we will have it again)
- The fourth Monday is April is always our Annual Meeting with cookies and coffee provided.
These events give all CHOA members a chance to meet outside or inside with your neighbors and discuss any items of concern with CHOA board members or just share a munchie, beverage of your choice and a partially-truthful story!
Other comments – Regarding the cost of the new club house and potential cost of the Edith Green Park Proposal. These projects are with the Charbonneau Country Club (CCC) as the managers. CHOA – (Charbonneau Homeowners Association) is separate from the CCC. Our board is responsible for the CHOA group of homes including the common grounds around these homes, the pool areas and the CHOA Rec Hall.
We hope to continue using the questionnaire format to get feedback from CHOA residents from time to time. This is your chance to provide feedback to the board. If there are particular broad questions that you think would help the board to make well-informed decisions, please contact us. We value your insight, experience, and desire to make Charbonneau better still!