Catalytic Converter theft

We have had a catalytic converter theft this week in CHOA. Please be aware that catalytic converter thefts target certain cars. No care is safe, but the most common cars are Prius, Tacoma, Lexus SUVs and Accords. If you are able to keep your cars in the garage, especially at night, please try to do so. Otherwise, park your car as close to your home as possible in a well-lit area. Thank you

Wednesday July13th at 3:00 PM CHOA Monthly Board

Join Zoom Meeting-

Meeting ID 884 1035 4806

One tap mobile +16699006833,,88410354806#

3:00 PM – Welcome and Call to Order

  • Note for guest: Please remember this is a board meeting, guests are not to interrupt unless asked to speak by the chairman.  If you do have a concern, it is best to put your concern in writing prior to the board meeting so that the board will have time to thoughtfully consider your concern. – Thank You

**Minutes from Last Meeting Approval –ALL  

**Treasurer’s Report –Sandie Maki

3:10 Open Forum

  • Questions from Resident Attendees – 2 minutes top per person
  • Questions from “Ask the Board”

3:20 Old Business

  • CCC- HOA leaders meeting– Barry
  • Board goals for 2022-review draft- All
  • CCC Garage Sale- Robin
  • Committee Updates-
    • Pools/Bathrooms- Packard and Ken
      • Pool rules reminder-Randy
    • Rec Hall C- Packard
    • Landscape- Karen
    • Welcome- Janet
      • Thanking the Boy Scouts with a donation- Janet

4:00 New Business 

  • Niners Pink Ball tourney- Lynn Theis- Niners
  • Presentation on Neighborhood Watch Program- Sara McClurg- Clackamas County Sherriff’s Office

4:30 Open Forum

*Executive Session (as needed) –* Need to vote to move to executive meeting

** No need to approve by vote monthly minutes or treasurers report


This is a reminder that beginning July 11, Rexius will begin blowing bark dust on beds in the CHOA neighborhoods on the golf course side. Please be sure to have your plant beds cleaned up prior to this time. We expect it to take several days to complete the entire CHOA area. A Garron employee will be on-site during this time to help minimize any plant damage.

If you do not wish to have bark on your property, please email Steve Chinn at, no later than July 7 and include your name, phone number and address, to advise him that you do not wish to have bark this year.

Karen Siegel –

Landscape Chair –

CCC to provide Activity Center as Cooling Station

Please note that we have the following notice from CCC:

“Good morning HOA Presidents,

The temperature is forecast to reach 100 degrees on Sunday.  If you know of someone in your HOA who doesn’t have air conditioning and may be suffering, please let them know that the Activity Center will be open on Sunday from 2 to 7PM and residents are welcome to go there and hang out during that time.


Irrigation System

Summer is here and you may have seen Garron testing our watering system. No later than Friday, the irrigation system will be on in all areas. Just in time for the weekend heat! Just a reminder, the irrigation system is off the day before mowing and the day after. Thank you.

Please contact Steve Chinn with any questions.

Bark Dust

Beginning July 11, Rexius will begin blowing bark dust on beds in the CHOA neighborhoods on the golf course side. Please be sure to have your plant beds cleaned up prior to this time. We expect it to take several days to complete the entire CHOA area. A Garron employee will be on-site during this time to help minimize any plant damage.

If you do not wish to have bark on your property, please email Steve Chinn at, no later than July 7 and include your name, phone number and address, to advise him that you do not wish to have bark this year.

Karen Siegel

Landscape Chair

CHOA on-line survey results

The results from the May 2022 CHOA on-line survey are in.  Homeowners were asked to answer 4 questions and provide additional comments if desired.

The best information is gathered from survey comments – both good and not so good! 

We had one comment regarding a review of insurance, and a few regarding specific landscaping concerns.  We would appreciate authors of those comments to reach out to any board member.  The Board members would be happy to follow up or answer those homeowners’ questions and comments.

41 people responded to the survey.  Below are the results.  (Not everyone responded to all questions.)

The results from Question 1 – are in line with responses across the country with regard to HOA board performance.  In general, most homeowners who live in HOA’s are happy with the HOA board.  The same is true here in Charbonneau.

The results from Question 2 – Regarding the grounds and neighborhoods, besides yourselves (Homeowners), and CHOA, the area around your homes may be maintained by the golf course and not CHOA.  The streets and parking areas are maintained by the City of Wilsonville.

The results of Question 3 –  We appreciated and thank you for the positive comments given.

The results from question 4 – the board agrees with the responders – we need to have a few more CHOA-wide events. 

  • A Food Truck was here on June 11th.
  • While keeping COVID in mind, the board is planning an open house (outside Rec Hall C) at the end of the July 13th Board meeting- stay tuned for more info.
  • The HOA is also considering an event by the CHOA putting green area for later in the summer. 
  • Generally, in January the board provides a Winter party or gathering.  (Due to COVID we have not held this event but are hoping in 2023 we will have it again)
  • The fourth Monday is April is always our Annual Meeting with cookies and coffee provided.

These events give all CHOA members a chance to meet outside or inside with your neighbors and discuss any items of concern with CHOA board members or just share a munchie, beverage of your choice and a partially-truthful story!

Other comments – Regarding the cost of the new club house and potential cost of the Edith Green Park Proposal.  These projects are with the Charbonneau Country Club (CCC) as the managers.  CHOA – (Charbonneau Homeowners Association) is separate from the CCC.  Our board is responsible for the CHOA group of homes including the common grounds around these homes, the pool areas and the CHOA Rec Hall.

We hope to continue using the questionnaire format to get feedback from CHOA residents from time to time.  This is your chance to provide feedback to the board.  If there are particular broad questions that you think would help the board to make well-informed decisions, please contact us.  We value your insight, experience, and desire to make Charbonneau better still!

Garage Sale Coming in July

Dear Charbonneau neighbor,

Break out your lemonade stands and put on your sunscreen! There is still time to register to participate in this summer’s upcoming Charbonneau Community-wide Garage Sale. We have extended the registration deadline to Wednesday, July 6. The sale will be on July 29-30 from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm, and all Charbonneau residents are invited to participate.

With the peak of garage sale season approaching, it is an excellent time to start thinking about a good ol’ home decluttering project. Especially with how outrageously long this winter-rain weather has kept us tucked in at home. A cleaning purge may be just the thing needed for your home this July.

The Charbonneau community-wide garage sale will be a fun and proactive way to declutter your home. It will also be an excellent opportunity to become better acquainted with your neighbors and meet new people while earning cash on the side.

The CCC will be taking care of signage, map printing, traffic logistics, and advertising, so all you will have to do is host your sale.

If you would like to host a sale, fill out the attached registration form and submit it to your designated HOA point of contact with the registration fee as instructed on the registration form. To ensure your sale is listed and printed on the Charbonneau garage sale map, submit your registration before June 30.

If you have questions, contact your HOA point of contact listed on the registration form or the CCC office at 503-694-2300.

We look forward to hearing from you! Charbonneau Country Club


Now that all of our pools are open, it is a good time to be reminded that we can use our pool keys on any of our CHOA pools. If the pool closest to you is full, you can go to another pool. Or, if you want to enjoy one of the two spas, they are available at Pool A and B. To make it easier to locate our pools, the addresses are:

Pool A – 32233 SW Boones Bend Road -Pool and Spa

Pool B – 7989 SW Sacajawea Way – Pool and Spa

Pool C – 8298 SW Lafayette Way -Pool

Pool E – 8105 SW Winchester Way -Pool

Pool F & G – 7835 Fairway Drive – Pool

We have also included Maps on our website that show the location of the Pools. Sign onto the CHOA Home Page and look for the green buttons toward the bottom. Click on Maps and the pools will be indicated on each map.

Thank you