We have received questions about why we are still watering the common areas. Those areas that fall outside of our court yards are not watered by the City of Wilsonville. The irrigation comes from the Willamette River and does not fall under the Wilsonville watering ban. Thank you.
Wilsonville Water usage for Irrigation
The City of Wilsonville has informed us that they have a water pump down and are asking residents not to use city water for irrigation until further notice. The water is fine for drinking, but they are asking that we try to cut down on usage while the pump is out. Please contact Steve Chinn at 503-682-0234 or the City’s webpage at https://www.ci.wilsonville.or.us/ for more information. Thank you.
Proposed Toll on Boones Bridge
Please see the following note from Gary Newbore- CCC Board President:
“Good afternoon, HOA Presidents,
The Oregon Department of Transportation has had a draft plan for some time now for putting a tolling station on the I-205 Abernathy Bridge in West Linn and another north of downtown Portland on I-5 to raise funds. They just amended that draft plan to include a third tolling station on the Boone Bridge. PERSONALLY I AM OUTRAGED! How many times a week does your family cross the Boone Bridge? This plan splits the city of Wilsonville and unfairly penalizes residents of Charbonneau. Every time you go get groceries, go to the library, get gas, etc. just add $3-5 to your trip, depending on the actual toll amount they wind up charging. Or I guess you can always drive to Canby and pay the same thing in gas.
I am attaching the letter I sent on behalf of the CCC Board, but I ask all of you to forward this email to your HOA residents and strongly encourage them to send letters or emails to Bob Van Brocklin, Chair of the Oregon Transportation Commission.
If by mail the address is : 355 Capitol St. MS 11
Salem, Oregon, 97301-8871
and if by email it is: OHP Manager@odot.oregon.gov
The only way we are going be able to stop this thing is a huge outpouring of letters and emails to ODOT expressing our overwhelming objection to this unfair location of this proposed tolling station. One of ODOT’S objectives is to reduce carbon emissions and not increase VMT-vehicle miles traveled. This does neither, in my opinion.
So please encourage your HOA residents to get involved and send some letters or emails. Lets show them how the residents of Charbonneau feel!
If you have any questions, please call me.
See letter below:
Charbonneau Women’s Niner’s Pink Ball Golf Tournament fundraiser to fight cancer
Eighteen (18) years ago, the Charbonneau Women’s Niner’s Golf group, Wilsonville decided to make a difference in the fight against cancer and started the Pink Ball Golf Tournament. From its modest beginnings, the Pink Ball Tournament has grown into the largest golf tournament in Charbonneau.
We are proud that the Pink Ball Golf Tournament has raised $345,242 for the OHSU Knight Cancer Institute since 2014 and additionally over $150,000 to Susan G. Komen and American Cancer Society. 100% of our proceeds are donated.
This year our Pink Ball Tournament will be on Tuesday, September 13th and will benefit the OHSU Knight Cancer Institute. OHSU is one of five clinical trial sites investigating a blood test for cancerearly detection. Your generosity is helping make research and care discoveries possible, so OHSU can provide the best care to patients, advance cancer research and help more people survive cancer.
We are hoping you will join us in this worthwhile cause by participating, as a corporate sponsor at one of our four levels of sponsorship or donate an item/gift basket/certificate/gift cards for the auction. There will be close to 200 plus golfers and an additional 60-70 attending the luncheon, oral and silent auctions. The OHSU Foundation will provide receipts for sponsorship donations made directlyto the OHSU Foundation.
Bronze: $250 includes a Corporate Tee Box Sign and acknowledgement in the Tournament program.
Silver: $500 includes a Corporate Tee Box Sign on each nine hole course and acknowledgement in the Tournament program.
Gold: $750 includes a Corporate Banner at the Clubhouse and registration area in addition to the Tee-Box Sign on each nine hole course and acknowledgement in the Tournament program.
Diamond: $2,500 and above includes your Corporate Banners at the Clubhouse and Pro Shop visible to all players in addition to the Tee Box Sign on each nine hole course and SPECIAL acknowledgement during the awards ceremony. Also includes lunch for up to 4 people, 9 holes of golf for tournament and cart!
We have an Honor Wall recognizing those we have lost to cancer and/or are now in treatment for cancer. Tee-box Signs for a $50 donation are printed in their honor and placed around the entire course, the day of the event. Ask us for a form. Remember family and friends. We have all been touched by this disease in one way or another. This is one way of saying cancer will not win. We are all in this fight together.
Thank you for your consideration. I am available for questions. 503-694-8652 Checks can be made out to “OHSU Foundation” mailed to me: Lynn Theis 32153 SW Lake Dr., Wilsonville, OR 97070.
Lynn Theis (Auction Committee Chair)
Charbonneau Pink Ball Committee
Below are the goals the Board will be working on this year. As always, we welcome any feedback, comments or suggestions.
- Finance
- Timely and accurate monthly reports- reports provided a week before Board meeting
- Investment Policy in place- Done
- Fund the Reserve as recommended -annual investment in Reserve by Dec 31st
- Balance the Budget- Budget review at end of year
- Zero based budget -build up from Zero vs. Roll-over- Budget process annually
- Pools/ Rec Hall C
- Maximize Pool usage -% of days pools available during the Pool season- goal 95%
- Maximize Rec Hall C usage- % of days Rec Hall is available to CHOA- goal 95%
- Communications
- Timely and accurate Posts -Posts in place at least 5 days prior to event
- Keep Mail Chimp up to date- Annual review and clean-up of system
- Neighborhood survey- Complete as desired
- Welcome
- New homeowners’ introductions -90% of new homeowners contacted
- Community events- Food Trucks, etc.- Hold 5 events annually
- Landscaping
- Maximize landscaping projects for the greatest benefit- Annual survey
- Emergency Prep
- Convert CHOA to meet at locations vs. shelter in place for Great Shake-out -Oct.
- Neighborhood Watch
- Establish a working NW program – get Captains in place by end of year
- Sustainability
- Determine focus and start process on items the Board agrees- get ideas in place by end of year
Barry Hendrix – hbgconsulting@gmail.com or 503-754-0322
Catalytic Converter theft
We have had a catalytic converter theft this week in CHOA. Please be aware that catalytic converter thefts target certain cars. No care is safe, but the most common cars are Prius, Tacoma, Lexus SUVs and Accords. If you are able to keep your cars in the garage, especially at night, please try to do so. Otherwise, park your car as close to your home as possible in a well-lit area. Thank you
Wednesday July13th at 3:00 PM CHOA Monthly Board
Join Zoom Meeting- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88410354806
Meeting ID 884 1035 4806
One tap mobile +16699006833,,88410354806#
3:00 PM – Welcome and Call to Order
- Note for guest: Please remember this is a board meeting, guests are not to interrupt unless asked to speak by the chairman. If you do have a concern, it is best to put your concern in writing prior to the board meeting so that the board will have time to thoughtfully consider your concern. – Thank You
**Minutes from Last Meeting Approval –ALL
**Treasurer’s Report –Sandie Maki
3:10 Open Forum
- Questions from Resident Attendees – 2 minutes top per person
- Questions from “Ask the Board”
3:20 Old Business
- CCC- HOA leaders meeting– Barry
- Board goals for 2022-review draft- All
- CCC Garage Sale- Robin
- Committee Updates-
- Pools/Bathrooms- Packard and Ken
- Pool rules reminder-Randy
- Rec Hall C- Packard
- Landscape- – Karen
- Welcome- Janet
- Thanking the Boy Scouts with a donation- Janet
- Pools/Bathrooms- Packard and Ken
4:00 New Business
- Niners Pink Ball tourney- Lynn Theis- Niners
- Presentation on Neighborhood Watch Program- Sara McClurg- Clackamas County Sherriff’s Office
4:30 Open Forum
*Executive Session (as needed) –* Need to vote to move to executive meeting
** No need to approve by vote monthly minutes or treasurers report
This is a reminder that beginning July 11, Rexius will begin blowing bark dust on beds in the CHOA neighborhoods on the golf course side. Please be sure to have your plant beds cleaned up prior to this time. We expect it to take several days to complete the entire CHOA area. A Garron employee will be on-site during this time to help minimize any plant damage.
If you do not wish to have bark on your property, please email Steve Chinn at schinno@gmail.com, no later than July 7 and include your name, phone number and address, to advise him that you do not wish to have bark this year.
Karen Siegel –
Landscape Chair – ksiegel44@gmail.com
JULY 10, 2022
TIME: 10:30-12:00 PM
Please sign up at Activity Center Desk
For more info:
CCC to provide Activity Center as Cooling Station
Please note that we have the following notice from CCC:
“Good morning HOA Presidents,
The temperature is forecast to reach 100 degrees on Sunday. If you know of someone in your HOA who doesn’t have air conditioning and may be suffering, please let them know that the Activity Center will be open on Sunday from 2 to 7PM and residents are welcome to go there and hang out during that time.