Pool Update

Pools A and F&G will remain open until the end of September. All other pools will close on September 19th. Thank you

Reminder- New Shake-out Plans for CHOA -Thursday, Sept 15th at 6:15PM

Practice how to protect yourself in an earthquake and YOU can win 2 LED Survival Lanterns by taking part in Charbonneau’s Shake Out drill!

 Drop, Cover, and Hold On at 6:15pm on 09/15.

CHOA is participating in the drill, you will receive a free raffle ticket when you place your HELP/OK sign and report in at your designated gathering spot. Captains will be distributing information to your home.

How do YOU participate? On Thursday, September 15, set an alarm for 6:15pm and when it goes off:





  1. Check on everyone in your home, are they OK?
  2. Protect your head, feet & hands from broken glass & fallen debris. Time to put on your hard hat, work gloves and sturdy shoes, before going to your gathering spot!
  3. Make sure you know where your gas meter is and how to turn it off if necessary.
  4. Make sure you know where the main water shut off to your home is located and how to turn it off.
  5. Place your HELP/OK sign where it can be seen.
  6. Put your fire extinguisher at the end of your driveway.
  7. Go to the designated meeting place- your local Swimming Pool


CHOA will have 4 prizes of 2 lanterns each to award!

Spend some time getting to know your neighbors!

New Traffic Flow Pattern I5 North

Within the last 3 days, ODOT changed the traffic flow for cars entering I5 North at route 551 (just South of the Charbonneau exit). If you are driving from Charbonneau and entering I5 North, please be aware that there are cars already in the lane that we used to have to ourselves as we merged onto I5 or went straight to the Wilsonville Road exit. Please be aware we need to yield to those cars already in the lane. Please see below the previous and current entrance to I5 North. Thank you

CHOA is in need of some new Board members!

The CHOA Board consists of 9 volunteers who can serve a maximum of 2 three-year terms.  We have 2 Board members who will term off at the beginning of next year.

As you may know, the Board is the Fiduciary who manages the resources of the HOA.  This includes developing and managing the budget, contracting and managing the Property Manager and working to make sure “the trains are running on time” across the HOA.   There are monthly Board meetings that normally run for 2 hours and then there is typically some work to do in between the Board meetings, depending on the Board role.

Each Board member is involved in a committee.  Here is a summary of each role and the general time commitment:

  1. Landscaping– This is probably the most time commitment of all the Board roles.  There is regular work with both homeowners and the Property Manager with Garron Grounds on both maintenance and upgrades to the landscaping throughout CHOA
  2. Architecture– This role is responsible for reviewing changes proposed by homeowners.  Generally, this is all done on-line with an occasional “road trip” to look at a project.
  3. Pools– This role tends to be more involved in the summer months and is pretty quiet in the winter other than if there are some winter maintenance projects.
  4. Welcoming– We turnover about 10% of the homes in CHOA annually- with 228 homes, that means around 25-30 new folks come into the HOA each year.  The Welcoming role is to try to meet one on one with these folks to welcome them to CHOA and go over information that folks might need.
  5. Treasurer– This is an important role.  The role leads the budgeting process and managing of cash flows.  This role works with the other Board members and the Bookkeeper to make sure all accounts are in order and we are meeting our Fiduciary requirements.  In addition to the monthly Board meetings, there are checks that need to be signed weekly.
  6. Rec Hall C– This role is responsible for the management of Rec Hall C.  They coordinate with homeowners on the use of this great CHOA resource.  Most of the activity here is done on-line.
  7. Secretary– this role is responsible for capturing the Board minutes and posting them to the Website.  They make sure the Board actions and summaries are accurate.  In addition to attending the Board meetings there is an hour or so each month required for writing the minutes.
  8. Communications– This role is primarily responsible for Posting information on the website and working with our 3rd party web servicer to make sure information is getting posted and updated in a timely manner.  Normally this takes an hour of so a week to update posts.
  9. President/Vice President– this role is responsible for setting the Board agenda, time, venue and facilitating the Board meeting.  In addition, this role acts as representative on behalf of CHOA with the CCC.  Normally this is a few hours per week. 
  10. In the future, we would like to add a Neighborhood Watch, Emergency Preparedness and Sustainability focus at the Board level.

We need you!  Please let me know if you are interested in joining us.  Is you have any questions and/or need more information, please reach out to Barry at 503-754-0322 or hbgconsulting@gmail.com

New Shake-out Plans for CHOA -Thursday, Sept 15th at 6:15PM

Practice how to protect yourself in an earthquake and YOU can win 2 LED Survival Lanterns by taking part in Charbonneau’s Shake Out drill!

 Drop, Cover, and Hold On at 6:15pm on 09/15.

CHOA is participating in the drill, you will receive a free raffle ticket when you place your HELP/OK sign and report in at your designated gathering spot. Captains will be distributing information to your home.

How do YOU participate? On Thursday, September 15, set an alarm for 6:15pm and when it goes off:





  1. Check on everyone in your home, are they OK?
  2. Protect your head, feet & hands from broken glass & fallen debris. Time to put on your hard hat, work gloves and sturdy shoes, before going to your gathering spot!
  3. Make sure you know where your gas meter is and how to turn it off if necessary.
  4. Make sure you know where the main water shut off to your home is located and how to turn it off.
  5. Place your HELP/OK sign where it can be seen.
  6. Put your fire extinguisher at the end of your driveway.
  7. Go to the designated meeting place- your local Swimming Pool


CHOA will have 4 prizes of 2 lanterns each to award!

Spend some time getting to know your neighbors!

Wednesday September 14th at 6:00 PM CHOA Monthly Board Meeting in Rec Hall C and Via Zoom

Please note that we are meeting in person and also via Zoom for those who can not be there in person

Join Zoom Meeting- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89353132198

Meeting ID 893 5313 2198

One tap mobile +16694449171,,89353132198#

6:00 PM – Welcome and Call to Order

  • Note for guest: Please remember this is a board meeting, guests are not to interrupt unless asked to speak by the chairman.  If you do have a concern, it is best to put your concern in writing prior to the board meeting so that the board will have time to thoughtfully consider your concern. – Thank You

**Minutes from Last Meeting Approval –ALL  

**Treasurer’s Report –Sandie Maki

6:10 Open Forum

  • Questions from Resident Attendees – 2 minutes top per person
  • Questions from “Ask the Board”

6:20 Old Business

  • CCC- HOA leaders meeting– Barry
  • Neighborhood Watch Program- Barry
  • Follow-up on Goals- schedule another food truck? –Barry
  • Emergency Prep- Great Shakeout- Sept 15thBarry
  • Committee Updates-
    • Pools/Bathrooms- Packard and Ken
      • How long to keep pools open– Ken
    • Rec Hall C- Packard
      • AC update- Steve
    • Landscape- Karen
    • Welcome- Janet

7:00 New Business 

  • Recruiting of new Board members- Barry
  • CHOA website Policy- Barry
  • Ice Cream Social – Steve

*Executive Session (as needed) –* Need to vote to move to executive meeting

** No need to approve by vote monthly minutes or treasurers report

CHOA is in need of some more Board members!

The CHOA Board consists of 9 volunteers who can serve a maximum of 2 three-year terms.  We have 2 Board members who will term off at the beginning of next year.

As you may know, the Board is the Fiduciary who manages the resources of the HOA.  This includes developing and managing the budget, contracting and managing the Property Manager and working to make sure “the trains are running on time” across the HOA.   There are monthly Board meetings that normally run for 2 hours and then there is typically some work to do in between the Board meetings, depending on the Board role.

Each Board member is involved in a committee.  Here is a summary of each role and the general time commitment:

  1. Landscaping– This is probably the most time commitment of all the Board roles.  There is regular work with both homeowners and the Property Manager with Garron Grounds on both maintenance and upgrades to the landscaping throughout CHOA
  2. Architecture– This role is responsible for reviewing changes proposed by homeowners.  Generally, this is all done on-line with an occasional “road trip” to look at a project.
  3. Pools– This role tends to be more involved in the summer months and is pretty quiet in the winter other than if there are some winter maintenance projects.
  4. Welcoming– We turnover about 10% of the homes in CHOA annually- with 228 homes, that means around 25-30 new folks come into the HOA each year.  The Welcoming role is to try to meet one on one with these folks to welcome them to CHOA and go over information that folks might need.
  5. Treasurer– This is an important role.  The role leads the budgeting process and managing of cash flows.  This role works with the other Board members and the Bookkeeper to make sure all accounts are in order and we are meeting our Fiduciary requirements.  In addition to the monthly Board meetings, there are checks that need to be signed weekly.
  6. Rec Hall C– This role is responsible for the management of Rec Hall C.  They coordinate with homeowners on the use of this great CHOA resource.  Most of the activity here is done on-line.
  7. Secretary– this role is responsible for capturing the Board minutes and posting them to the Website.  They make sure the Board actions and summaries are accurate.  In addition to attending the Board meetings there is an hour or so each month required for writing the minutes.
  8. Communications– This role is primarily responsible for Posting information on the website and working with our 3rd party web servicer to make sure information is getting posted and updated in a timely manner.  Normally this takes an hour of so a week to update posts.
  9. President/Vice President– this role is responsible for setting the Board agenda, time, venue and facilitating the Board meeting.  In addition, this role acts as representative on behalf of CHOA with the CCC.  Normally this is a few hours per week. 
  10. In the future, we would like to add a Neighborhood Watch, Emergency Preparedness and Sustainability focus at the Board level.

We need you!  Please let me know if you are interested in joining us.  Is you have any questions and/or need more information, please reach out to Barry at 503-754-0322 or hbgconsulting@gmail.com

Crane Fly

“Last spring a decision was made not to treat for crane fly – not anticipating such an aggressive invasion.

In September, when we are sure all the larvae have hatched, Garron  will begin thatching, seeding and fertilizing to restore our lawns.

Thanks for your patience as we work throughout the community. “

Karen Siegel, Landscape Chair


Water containment no longer in effect

The City of Wilsonville was able to replace the broken pump Thursday so there is now no restriction on water usage in Sherwood and Wilsonville. During the days that the two communities limited the demand, daily consumption dropped from an average of 10.4 million gallons per day to 8.4 million gallons per day. Thank you – Great work everyone!