December 9, 2020
Board Members present:
Barry Hendrix, Packard Phillips, Karen Siegel, Robin Shultz, Sandie Maki, Ken Gregson, and
Janet McGarrigle
Also Present: Steve Chinn, Property Manager
Absent: Randy Hitz
Guests: Laura Noffke
Call to order 10:00 AM
Minutes from the November meeting were accepted.
Treasurer’s Report Approved
All invoices need to be in by December 24. Anything coming in later will need to go into the
2021 budget
No comments or questions.
Alarm systems across CHOA- review options
Ken, Sandy and Barry met to discuss this. Wilsonville Lock agreed to reduce the fee by half for
two months. We will verify the number of households using the service. They think it is fewer
than 90 households. Ken said we need to “fine tune” this number because he thinks it is lower.
Later this month Barry will go back to Wilsonville Lock and tell them we are willing to pay for the
number of households using the service at the monthly rate.
Website support
Robin connected with another vender who is starting out as an independent contractor. She
would charge $100/hour for her services. She gave us three options:
1. Create a user guide with screenshots to show us how to use WordPress.
2. Robin could email her once a month and make needed changes for $100/hour
3. Create a new website.
Sandie said she put in $3000 for software updates.
The board asked Robin to get quotes for developing a new website.
Potential New Board Members
We still have an opening on the board. Board members are urged to talk with people about this.
Villager articles
Barry is looking for ideas and asked board members for suggestions.
Board Resolutions—Parking
Packard moved and Robin seconded to approve the parking resolution summitted by Barry.
The motion passed unanimously.
Food Cart in CHOA
Food cart is coming on December 12. Robin will put out another post on this. Steve will have
the area coned off for the cart.
Committee Updates
“A” spa will be replastered before the end of the year, weather permitting. All pools are closed.
Around 1600 flowers were put in for the spring. Rhododendrons will be pruned as needed. A
full pruning of them will take place in June or July.
Janet has had three different welcome parties in her home since our last meeting. She has
around 7 new members who have not yet responded to her offers to meet.
End of Year Summary Post
Barry will draft something for board members to review.
Other business
Packard said that he called Republic and he was very pleased that they are willing to do special
pick ups for customers who have extra trash to get rid of, such as old furniture.
Executive Session
The board voted to go into executive session. There were a few questions around the
Landscaping contract that needed clarification.
Adjournment at 10:48 AM