Charbonneau Homeowners Association Board Meeting Minutes for November 10, 2021
Charbonneau Homeowners Association Board Meeting Minutes for
November 10, 2021
Board Members Present:
Barry Hendrix, Sandie Maki, Packard Phillips, Ken Gregson, Randy Hitz, Robin Shultz, Karen Siegel, and Janet McGarrigle
Paul Sundstrom
Also Present:
Steve Chinn, Property Manager; and Mike Chinn, a partner in Steve’s business,
Laura Noffke
Call to order at 10:00 AM
October 2021 meeting minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Sandie presented the attached 2022 budget proposal. The proposal suggests that monthly HOA assessments for 2022 will increase by 5.3% equal to the current CPI of 5.3%. It is felt that this increase is necessary in order to cover increases in expenses, contract rates and the rise in utilities. For example: Natural gas is going up 17.9% and this will increase pool expenses.
Janet moved to approve the budget. Packard seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Open Forum
Emergency and Severe Weather Preparedness
Participation in the Great Shakeout was about the same as last year. More volunteers are needed to help next year.
Villager Articles
Barry reported that we have articles through this year.
Changes to CCRs
Barry thanked board members who helped get out the vote and explain the issues with neighbors.
Barry has been in contact with Wilsonville Lock and Security (WLS). He recommended that CHOA continue to subsidize users of this service by paying WLS to the end of January 2022.
Packard moved and Ken seconded a motion to accept the vote on changes to the CC&Rs and Bylaws and to continue payment to WLS to January 31, 2022. Motion passed unanimously.
Investment Policy/Financial Advisor- Sandie
Sandie is preparing to transfer all funds at year end over $250,000 to an account in a different financial institution in order for all CHOA monies to be insured by the FDIC. She will also get the investment policy committee together again.
Committee Updates–
Pools/Bathrooms- Packard and Ken
No issues.
Rec Hall C- Packard
The Rec Hall is being used by a few people.
It has been too wet to do much mowing. All tulip bulbs have been planted. The golf course manager has not yet responded to our request about the golf green.
Janet met with three new residents since our last meeting. She will send out another letter to try to meet with some other new residents.
New Business
Need board replacement for Paul.
Barry is seeking names for people to replace Paul.
Homeowner Maintenance obligations
Barry noted there are some old cedar roofs in poor shape and wondered if the board should encourage owners to replace them. We will discuss this at the next meeting.
Review of CC&Rs and Bylaws for Discriminatory language
The following message was sent to Charbonneau HOA presidents from the CCC board president.
The 2021 Oregon legislature passed House Bill 2534, which I have attached, that applies to removal of discriminatory restrictions in HOA governing documents. Sections 4 and 6 require HOAs to review their governing documents, amend your documents, if necessary and remove any discriminatory language, or execute and record a declaration that your HOA has no discriminatory language in the documents. This must be done by December 31, 2022.
What this means is that each HOA must review your CC&Rs and Bylaws and remove any discriminatory language, or pass a resolution declaring you have no such language in the documents. I would suggest that you review them promptly, edit them if necessary and pass a resolution at your next annual meeting.
CCC has reviewed our CC&Rs and Bylaws and believe we are in compliance with the law. We drafted a resolution to that effect and sent it to our lawyer for her approval. Assuming it meets with her okay, I will forward it to all of you to use as well. You will simply need to change the name from CCC to your HOA name in the resolution.
Barry, Packard and Steve will look at the CC&Rs and Bylaws and recommend changes, if necessary, at the next board meeting.
Communication with CCC and other HOAs
The CCC board president is attempting to increase two-way communication with and among HOA boards. He has requested a meeting with presidents in December. Barry agreed that this is a good idea and plans to attend.
Walking on the Golf Course
Barry will check with the golf course manager to see if Red is available for walkers. If it is, he will put out an announcement.
Steve reported that the people who installed large planters near their driveway have asked us through an email message to Steve to reconsider our decision to have the planters removed. Ken moved and Packard seconded a motion to continue to require that the planters be removed. The motion passed unanimously.
Wifi in the Rec Hall
Parkard moved and Ken seconded motion that we get wifi service from Comcast. The cost was already in our budget for 2022. The motion passed unanimously.
Adjournment: 11:22 AM
2022 Operating Budget Proposal
Dues and Homeowners: Recommending raising dues and paint by 5.3%. The current CPI is 5.3%. We need to think of the future of CHOA and refill our coffers from the Ice Storm.
Maintenance Dept: Contracted services raised to meet the minimum hourly wages.
- Gutters -Went up – The individual that cleans out our gutters had not been given a raise in 5 years.
- Supplies greatly went up this year (I’m sure mostly due to the residuals from Covid) Supply and Demand.
Landscape: Contracted Services raised to meet minimum wage costs.
- Flowers – Reduced the flower budget by downsizing the areas a bit and by leaving the spring flowers in as long as we can which should consolidate the man hours for removing the old and planting the new.
- Barkdust – Left the bark dust in but not opposed to removing it if we think we can put the $$$ toward other categories to better use.
- Irrigation – No major changes-except the valve repair/replace, controllers and filters in this category are items that should have a life exceeding two years
- Lawn Care – No major changes
- Plant Care – Went up – Won’t be able to do any major special projects – just some smaller ones
- Tree Care – This was reduced
- Putting Green -Also if we work something out with the Pro Shop on the Putting Green, we might have some reduction there. Karen spoke with Chris about some ideas, and he wasn’t opposed to it. He will work with Matt this week to see if Matt thinks he can improve it and what it would take and then we can discuss how the relationship with the Golf Course would work.
- Utilities for PGE went up 3.5%. Water for Landscaping using the actual cost form 2021.
Swimming Pools: Contracted services going up so we can meet the wages to pay the summer pool maintenance crew.
- Garbage & Repairs stayed the same
- Supplies went up (same reason – supply and demand and Covid)
- Utilities – Water and Electricity are going up 3.5%. Gas that is used will be going up 17.9%. Predicting an increase of at least $8,500.
Administration – Gave Ann a 5.3% raise to help pay her assistant as well.
- Audit, Bad Debt and Disaster Prep – No changes.
- Licenses went down
- Holiday Party/Annual Meeting and Insurance – No change
- Legal Contingency, Office Supplies and Postage went up
- Reserve Funding going up including any extra money
- Paint Reserve Funds – just showing how much of the Dues will be going to paint this year
- Security – Hoping this is closed by year end. However – Budgeted for only three months If needed for everybody to convert and close account with WLK.
- Welcome Comm – We bit more for notebooks and cookies
- Website & support stayed the same.
Rec Hall:
- Cleaning went up
- Gas going up 17.9%
- Internet – New category
- Supplies/Misc went up
Total Expenses and Total Income – Balance!