Board Minutes for January, 2022
Charbonneau Homeowners Association Board Meeting Minutes for
January, 2022
Call to order at 10:00 AM
Board Members Present:
Sandie Maki, Packard Phillips, Ken Gregson, Randy Hitz, Robin Shultz, Karen Siegel, Bob Bush, Janet McGarrigle
Absent: Barry Hendrix
Also Present:
Steve Chinn, Property Manager
Laura Noffke
Sandie opened the meeting since Randy was having computer issues.
December 2021 meeting minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Reserve study was edited to enter a corrected ending balance and actual contributions to reserve. .
$28,000 was transferred to reserves on December 21, 2021 from our Operating Account- according to IRS Ruling 70-604 (voted at the Annual Meeting April 2021 to transfer any excess membership income over membership expenses for year end are to be applied against the tax year member assessments and transferred to the reserves).
On Dec 23, 2021 The Paint Trust Account at Columbia Bank was closed. $343,323.49 was deposited into an Edward Jones Select Account for the purpose of holding funds that has a Low Risk Tolerance. They are able to deposit the funds into two banks keeping us under the $250,000 FDIC ceiling for insured monies at both. Ann Higgins, Barry Hendrix, Randy Hitz and Karen Siegel signed the
signature cards. Our contact at Edward Jones is:
Kyle Roaf
29030 SW Town Center Loop E
Suite 208
Wilsonville, Or 97070
On Dec 3, 2021 The Reserve Study was edited to use the new Reserve Starting and to correct the Annual Contribution to the amount voted upon in our Operating Expenses. Thus, in 5 years we will be 100% funded for our HOA.
Pack moved and Ken Seconded to approve. The Board approved.
Open Forum
Laura had no questions
Committee Reports
Pools and Bathrooms
No Update. Rec Hall C was used over the holidays. Pack said there is a non-discrimination clause that the Board needs to vote on at the annual meeting to include with the rental agreement. Deadline to do this is December 2022. The wording will be, “CHOA has reviewed our governing documents and find them in compliance with House Bill 2534”.
Karen reported that Garron has started the winter pruning and spraying.
The Golf Club has agreed to take over the maintenance of the Putting Green and will be able to use it for Golf Club activities. The Golf club will be mowing the green starting in January and in March, Matt will begin treating and grooming the putting green with same treatments as the golf course greens. Steve noted that Chris thought he might use the Green for lessons.
Welcome Committee
Janet reported she did not meet with anyone in December. She sent invitations to 9 homeowners to meet this month. Response is still slow probably because of Covid caution.
Steve noted that Ann will be including a request for contact information from new home owners in their new owners’ packet.
Report on Association Presidents Meeting
Since Barry isn’t in attendance, that report will be given later.
Responding to Bob’s question, Steve said the Presidents discussed meeting more often than once a year. Bob asked if there was a discussion of including other Board officers (i.e. financial managers) in the meetings.
Board Goals for 2022
Robin suggested the Board members be proactive in identifying issues that the Board would like to address during the year. Sandy added that we could add a questionnaire in our mailing for the Annual Meeting. Resuming the Food Carts was discussed.
Sandie asked about the status of getting internet in the Rec Hall. Steve said the provider (Comcast Business) would need to install a new line in order to get service.
Bob asked about the benefit of having internet at the Rec Hall. Steve stated we could offer our meetings on Zoom if we resume in-person meetings. Sandie responded the cost would be about $90 a month.
Bob asked if others had experienced any spikes in power lately. After discussion, Bob and Steve will contact PGE about it.
Sandi asked if we will be refinishing the remaining two pool decks this year (C pool and F&G pool).. Steve says he would like to do at least one. He will get bids on each of the decks and bring it back to the Committee. Steve added that the skimmer for F&G needs to be improved but it is a costly repair. After discussion, Steve will bring back further information about cost for the skimmer repair and the resurfacing of the two pools.
Bob said he had two issues that have been addressed.
Home Owner Maintenance obligations
There was discussion about the planters on Lafayette. The homeowner has not removed them as requested and has not responded to the Board. It was suggested the Board submit a second notice to the homeowner.
New Business
Gutter Cleaning
The contractor is done with Fairway, he will be doing Boones Bend next, then Sacajawea, then Lafayette . Robin commented that residents were unhappy about the length of time it takes to get the cleaning done. She suggested we add additional resources to do the cleaning. Currently our cost is about $38 per house since we are using the same individual that we have used for several years. Steve is seeing bids much higher per house by other associations. Robin suggested that if we can’t add more resource, perhaps we could publish the cleaning schedule street by street, (understanding it may change due to weather).
It was suggested we make a decision for next year’s operating budget whether to continue contracting for this service.
Adjournment: at 11:20 AM