As you know, we had the CHOA Holiday Party on January 20th. Approximately 100 folks attended. There was great food and conversation.
In addition, Ken from Garron Grounds laid out several options for Murphy’s Green. The reason the Board wanted to present this information during the Holiday Party was that the timing was good to figure out the Spring planting ideas for the space.
The Board wants to hear from you about what you want done with Murphy’s Green.
We had an informal survey of the folks attending and Option B (chipping and putting) got the most votes with Option A second (putting only). You can see the options below.

Option A
Option B
I love Option C with a sand trap, chipping area and putting green
Like option C best due to variety of uses
As a newcomer here, I don’t know anything about this. Briefly, what is the background and where is it?
Great question. Murphy’s Green is off of the 9th fairway on Red Course and by the Sacajawea pool. It is an area that was donated by one of the Founders of Charbonneau to CHOA. It was used by the golf course at one time for a putting green but now is back in the hands of CHOA to use as we please.
I prefer the open lawn look, with putting & chipping.
As the homeowner directly in front of Murphy’s Green, I am opposed to the sand trap being directly located outside my living room, and master bedroom windows. As I stated at the holiday party, this will result in balls being hit directly toward our windows, and will afford us zero privacy, as the sand trap would be located directly alongside our decking. We chose this location, precisely for the views, and buffer, from active golf play, at a premium price. And, the green space alongside the putting green, has been in place for forty plus years, so we had no reason to believe that area would have been considered for major changes. The green, chipping and putting are great, but the sand trap is an issue. Our homes are closer than they appear in these drawings. Please feel free to come and see for yourselves why this is of concern to us. Our roofmate sleeps during the day, due to health issues, and I feel the sand trap is just to close to our shared building, for that reason as well. I shared some ongoing concerns at the Holliday party, which are too much to go into here. I did feel that our concerns were heard, and considered, and I appreciate that. Respectfully, Janet Thomas
The sand trap option did not get enough interest and is off the table. The option we are looking at is the putting and chipping green. Karen is planning to chat with you and other neighbors in the area before we proceed.