Thank you Eric for volunteering to fill such an important position in our CHOA community
Eric and his wife Shirley have lived in Charbonneau 11 years. Shirley and Eric were married in September of 2005 at the Portland Yacht Club and moved to Charbonneau the next month, in October of 2005. What a great way to start a new life together. Together they have 4 children, each of them have two sons. They have four grandchildren, two boys and two girls. The oldest grandson is a a sophomore at OSU, and the youngest grandchild is in kindergarten.
Before Eric retired he taught at Mt Hood Community College full time for 32 years and another two years part time. While at Mt Hood, Eric also served two years in administration at the Dean level.
Eric enjoys hiking in the back-country and has a love for photography, he says he is an amateur at best. Shirley and Eric love to travel; and have been to over 30 countries on all the continents except Antarctica and hope to see many more. Traveling has given him an appreciation of all the similarities and differences in human cultures, which he finds interesting and enriching. I would bet that he has some beautiful pictures of their travels.
Finally, Eric is a climb leader with the Mazamas, Portland’s mountaineering club, and has summitted the major mountains in the Pacific NW and Northern California. One of the requirements Eric needs to keep current as a climb leader is Mountaineering First Aid and Accident Management, which should help with our Disaster Preparedness. Eric, of course, hopes never to have to use those skills in Charbonneau, but one never knows.
If you see Eric, please thank him in advance for using his knowledge and time to help us make our Disaster Preparedness program successful.
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