Be in the know

This post is coming to you from the CCC.

As a reminder:  The CCC Board of Directors allows one campaign sign per residence, not to exceed five square feet, and not to be displayed more than 25 days prior to an election and removed promptly the day following Election Day.  Oct 12th is the start of the 25 days.

The topic of flags has come up recently as some concerns have arisen with the upcoming election, because flags are being flown about candidates. The US Flag is the only flag specifically mentioned in our Architectural Control Standards. This can be found on page 17 in the revised ACC edition which is on our CCC website, located at the link below.

Charbonneau Country Club Architectural Control Standards

The “Yard or Garden Art” section has these specifics:

  • “The definition of yard art is broad and presents difficulty when attempting to define standards for acceptability. Yard Art cannot be something that would be reasonably expected to offend other homeowners or residents in terms of size, color, materials, or content.”
  • “Movable or stationary yard art or garden art placed within public view or within line-of-sight of any neighbor(s) must have written approval by the Charbonneau Architectural Control Committee or the applicable Homeowner Association Architectural Control Committee (HOA-AC) prior to installation or placement.”
  • “If complaints are received, the HOA reserves the right to direct a homeowner to remove the yard art in question.”
  • “Items exempt from the yard art definition and therefore are permitted include: US flags;…….. etc.

Please call Steve Chinn at 503-312-0927 or 503-266-5351 with any questions.