The code for the Pool Gates is 23456. If the code at Pool “A”
on Boones Bend doesn’t work for you press the “C” a couple of times.
Then try the code again. At “C” pool on Lafayette you have to push
the check mark after you enter the code.
The code for the Pool Gates is 23456. If the code at Pool “A”
on Boones Bend doesn’t work for you press the “C” a couple of times.
Then try the code again. At “C” pool on Lafayette you have to push
the check mark after you enter the code.
“A” Pool on 32233 SW Boones Bend Rd is now open
The temporary code is still 23456
The Lockbox at pool “C” on Lafayette requires you to push the check mark after you punch in the code
Pool “A” only needs the code
Pool keys are still needed for the restrooms in case they are locked. Soon Restroom doors will be replaced with new Occupied Doorknobs.
Thank you for your patience on our 2 year renovating project of our Pool Decks, Pool Fences and Pool Bathrooms.
We are opening pool C this Thursday – 8298 SW Lafayette Way
We hope to open another pool on Friday or Saturday. We will send out another post.
We are in the middle of spiffing up the Restrooms so please bear with us
until they are completed.
New fences have been added to Pools A, B and E. These will require a code
To enter. Temporarily the code is 23456.
For Pools C and F/G continue to use your pool key until they are set up with a
Lockbox. Enjoy the Sunshine!