The following has been authorized for immediate release to all residents of Charbonneau.
Dale Owen or Lee Zinsli
CGCI Board of Directors
Wilsonville, OR. (Charbonneau) July 1, 2015 – Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue (TVF&R) has expressed an interest in purchasing the Charbonneau Golf Club Inc. (CGCI) maintenance yard to construct a full service fire and emergency services station. Although this could clearly enhance these services to the Charbonneau community and may improve the financial position of the golf club, CGCI will use a thorough and thoughtful process to consider the proposal. We will keep Charbonneau residents informed of developments.
Consistent with past practice in Charbonneau, TVF&R has shown respect for our community and will continue to restrict their use of sirens wherever and whenever possible.
Source: CGCI Communications, July 2, 2015.