Friday August 21at 3:00 pm – If you have not yet attended, Next Disaster Preparedness Meeting


Your Disaster Preparedness Team has an information meeting planned for those CHOA residents who have not had the opportunity to attend prior meetings.

The Team’s objective is to have each adult resident informed of the procedures to follow when a disaster happens and to provide information about the steps you need to take to protect yourself and your family.

Each adult in your household should attend a meeting.

RSVP if you plan to attend so we can provide adequate seating and handouts. A film and discussions are planned along with Q & A. (2 hour timeframe).

RSVP to: JANET MOORE 503 694-6461



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Do you have a Skunk problem in your neighborhood?

SkunkIf you do have a Skunk Problem, here is information that may help

Signs of skunk damage may include:

  • Holes in lawn: small and cone-shaped; 3 to 4 inches in diameter.
  • Skunk tracks: five toes on each foot with visible claws.
  • Pilfered trash cans

Skunk Removal and prevention

(Source Purdue University and Wildlife Damage blog)

When skunks are living or rearing young under buildings, attempts to destroy them may result in the release of their noxious scent.

  1. Seal all possible entrances along the foundation, but leave the main burrow open.
  2. Before attempting removal, sprinkle a liberal amount of flour or a similar substance in and around the entrance.
  3. After dark, check for tracks to determine which openings they used as exits and the number of skunks involved.
  4. When the animals have left, close all possible entrances with sheet metal or hardware cloth to avoid reentry.
  1. Reopen the entrance the next day for 1 hour after dark to allow any remaining skunks to exit before permanently sealing the entrance.
  1. Remove unused pet food and water bowls at night and keep lids on trash cans to aid in discouraging skunks. Since skunks prey on the rodents that are attracted to scattered bird seed, take bird feeders in at night or attach a catch-screen to the bottom of the feeder.
  2. Fencing usually keeps skunks out of the yard; however, they will sometimes dig under. To prevent burrowing beneath a fence or other structure (sheds, decks, etc.), attach a 3-foot wide heavy gauge wire mesh screen to the bottom of the fence so it extends >24 inches outward. Secure the screen to the ground with garden staples and backfill over the mesh with rock mulch.

What if you meet the Skunk?

Deodorizing You, Your Pets and Your Clothes (From MrsClean blog)

This solution loses effectiveness almost immediately, so it cannot be stored and you will need to make a fresh batch whenever the skunks attack.

Store a sealed bottle of hydrogen peroxide and a small container of baking soda (separately) up in your cupboard so you’ll be ready in case of an emergency.

  • 1 quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide (from drug store)
  • 1/4 cup of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
  • 1 teaspoon of liquid detergent

Mix together the hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and a few drops of dishwashing liquid. This is extremely effective at removing skunk smell and is actually recommended by chemists and proven to be highly effective. The hydrogen peroxide and baking soda work together to neutralize the odor, while the degreasing action of the dishwashing liquid help to remove the oily substance that contains the odor causing chemicals.

  • Remove clothes immediately and wash them in the hottest water possible. Use the strongest laundry soap you haveIt may take a while, but the smell will go away.
  • If you are the victim, hop in the shower and cover yourself liberally with the homemade skunk odor recipe above.
  • Wash pets right away using the same recipe. It’s safe for everyone.
  • Rinse completely.

Deodorizing Outdoor Items

Skunks don’t just spray people and pets, they spray your outdoor items, too. Skunks like to mark their territory, just like many other animals do. Favorites can include tires, corners of a home, a tree…it doesn’t really matter where it is because if you can smell it, it is definitely an issue.


Bleach was the best method for deodorizing outdoor items that had been sprayed

  • One part bleach
  • Nine parts water

Make sure to rinse the area thoroughly with water after scrubbing because bleach is caustic and will damage or disintegrate that it is left on over time. (Do not use bleach on paint)

*MrsClean ( is a housecleaning professional in Redland Washington.



Facts about Skunks if you are interested:

Skunks are a member of the weasel family. They vary in size (most are house cat-sized) and appear in a variety of striped, spotted, and swirled patterns—but all are a vivid black-and-white that makes them easily identifiable and may alert predators to their pungent potential.

Average Size: 20 – 30″ long (including the tail); 6 – 10 lbs.

Average Lifespan in the Wild: 2 4 years

Skunks usually nest in burrows constructed by other animals, but they also live in hollow logs or even abandoned buildings. Skunks are extremely adaptable and thrive in many different habitats, as long as food and shelter are available. Because they rarely travel more than 2 miles from their established dens, a skunk will typically settle down within 2 miles of a water source.

Mother skunks give birth to litters of two to ten young each year, usually in May, but can birth as late as early June. The babies follow their mothers around for several months, leaving in late July or early August.

Spray: A skunk’s spray is an oily liquid produced by glands under its large tail. To employ this scent bomb, a skunk turns around and blasts its foe with a foul mist that can travel as far as ten feet (three meters). The odor can be detected up to 1.5 miles.

When a skunk is being chased by a predator first they will exhibit threat behaviors, stomping their front fee and hissing. Next they will spray an atomized cloud, that the predator will run through. Finally they will spray a stream directed at the predator’s face.

Digging: Skunks have strong forefeet and long nails which make them excellent diggers. They dig holes in lawns, gardens and golf courses in search of food like grubs and earthworms. When no other form of shelter is available, they may even burrow under buildings by entering foundation openings.

What they eat: Skunks are opportunistic eaters with a varied diet. They are nocturnal foragers who eat fruit and plants, insects, larvae, worms, eggs, reptiles, small mammals, and even fish. Skunks primarily eat insects, especially harmful to agriculture.

Disease Transmission (source Purdue University): Skunks are a primary source of rabies in many areas of the United States. Human and domestic pet contact with skunks should be avoided. If it is necessary to handle a skunk, take all precautions to keep from being bitten or scratched. Several other types of diseases and parasites affect skunks such as distemper, mange, fleas, ticks, lice, roundworms and tapeworms.


Disaster Preparedness: Message from City of Wilsonville

The following message is from:

Angela Handran, Community Outreach Specialist

Good afternoon,  I am reaching out on behalf of the City of Wilsonville.


The City of Wilsonville feels strongly that active measures need to be taken to be adequately prepared when a disaster occurs, and the City can’t do it alone.

The more people who are prepared the better it is for our community. Thus we are reaching out to Home Owners Associations, faith based organizations, and community groups and encouraging you to get involved with Community Organizations Active in Disaster (COAD) to learn how you can help.

This is a group through Clackamas County that helps prepare organizations like yours for a local disaster through trainings and disaster preparedness exercises. COAD is an extension of emergency management under FEMA. If you would like more information please feel free to reach out to me directly.


The next COAD meeting is on July 28th at Clackamas Community College from 9:00 to 11:30 am.


You are welcome to attend or if you are unable to make this meeting but want to become involved in COAD please let me know. I will be helping to relay the information from COAD to those interested.




The mission of Clackamas County Community Organizations Active in Disaster (CC- COAD) is to enhance the efforts of community stakeholders through collaborative planning, relief, and recovery activities in order to provide more effective services to disaster impacted communities

Who Should Be a CC COAD Member?

Community stakeholders, government, faith based organizations, businesses and volunteers committed to working together to meet local needs following a disaster

Benefits of Quarterly Meetings

  •  Share information – Who does what in disasters and how is it coordinated?
  •  Identify resources available through CC COAD affiliates
  •  Network with organizations that have a community disaster role
  •  Participate in disaster training to improve local capabilities
  •  Test assumptions with disaster simulations (exercises)

Kind Regards,

Angela Handran

Community Outreach Specialist

City Managers Office

City of Wilsonville

Direct Line: 503.570.1503


Update from Chris on Irrigation

Hi Everyone,
Wanted to give you all an update with factual information:
Through a huge amount of work today by many people we are now up and running.  I would love to say like normal, but I know you all know that at this time is not a true reality.  We stand at this moment in the same place that we were before the unfortunate accident that occurred yesterday  morning.  Just so everyone has some details.  We have 2 pumps on, they are both running through the main panel that is connected to a generator that SHOULD run continuous for many days. So pressure should be like it was on Sunday (hopefully, but we are not 100% sure about all details).   We will continuously monitor the generator, panel and the pumps and the main lake to hopefully supply water to all of you on a solid basis and we should not have to change any watering schedules this evening. 
If you have any issues, please notify me as soon as you can and I will get with Danny and hopefully get them rectified asap. 
I am sorry if I am not able to answer or provide a huge amount of detail, but at this time I do not have any more factual information to provide.  
With our fingers crossed, 
Chris Bensel
PGA Director of Golf / CGC Operations Manager
Charbonneau Golf Club
Pump house

Urgent Annoucement about Irrigation problem

There was a Fire in the “Pump Vault” resulting in loss of any functioning Pumps for irrigation

In the process of working on the irrigation pumping system there was a fire (electrician was even slightly burned). The result is that all of the irrigation pumps are no longer operational.  It may take 3-4 weeks of work (by PGE and our own engineer) to rectify the problem.

We need your Help even more

if you want to keep the grass and plants around your property green, during this time without golf course irrigation it is important that you hand water or use a sprinkler


Thanks for your help

We still need your help with Supplemental Irrigation


This is an update from a previous post about the need for supplemental watering to keep everything green.

Email from Garron Grounds:

The pond is still pumping algae into the pipes. Please let the homeowners know the issue has not been resolved and to hand water as much as possible.


Thanks again for your help in keeping Charbonneau beautiful

We need your help to keep our neighborhood beautiful

Hot Weather  +  Irrigation Problems = Your help is needed!!


Because of some irrigation problems there is a need over this HOT weekend for your help in doing some hand watering.

Garron Grounds team is working hard to solve the problems as you are reading this, however irrigation in some areas will be hit and miss this weekend until they can get all areas of concern fixed.

What you can do to help

If you see areas near your residence where plants or grass are drying out, if you would hand water those areas until we get through the hot spell or the in ground irrigation is fixed we can keep our neighborhood beautiful.

Thank you for your participation as we get through this together



Recent important article in Villager about use of the golf course

The article below was recently in the Villager.  It references an article from Arizona.  Please share with your HOA as it does a good job of explaining the reasons behind the new “golf only” rules for our course:

Dear Charbonneau Residents: The notice below appeared on May 27, 2015 in the Sun City West (Arizona) News. We want to share it with you to add to everyone‟s understanding regarding the recent decision to post signs throughout Charbonneau, which state there is to be no walking on the golf course.

Sun City, like Charbonneau, has homes surrounding their golf courses. They have decided to not only „ask‟ people not to walk their courses, but have also posted them “NO TRESPASSING.” Many golf courses have had to fence-in their property to control this safety issue. We do not want to take that step.

While most feedback we‟ve received has been positive, some residents have expressed strong frustration. Please read the article below.

We (Charbonneau Residents) are not alone with this issue.

Posted by Sun City West News, May 2015

Golf courses are for GOLF
The Rec Centers periodically receives requests from residents that the golf courses be opened for walking, bike riding, roller blading, and dog walking. Seems like those would be great uses for all that green space, right?

Well, not according to our insurance company. As it stands, those activities are considered trespassing, and we are asking our residents for help in stopping this problem.

Opening the golf courses to multiple uses is not covered under our insurance policy. The dangers of walkers or riders getting hit by stray balls is just too high. Most insurance companies wouldn‟t even cover us at higher fees for this use.

In October 2014, we had a very serious incident involving a golfer being struck by an errant golf ball. This is a person playing the game, knowing the etiquette and risks, knowing where to stand and how far back to be when another golfer is driving the ball. In this case, the golfer was waiting for the course to clear when he was struck on the head by a ball. It split his head open, and he had to be airlifted to Barrow Neurological Institute. The air transport bill alone was $6,000, plus there were high medical bills. Nobody claimed responsibility for hitting the ball.

If this can happen to a golfer who understands the game and the course conditions, imagine what can happen to a child or a non-golfer who doesn‟t know what is happening on the course.

What about night use, when the golfers are gone? We‟ve inquired about this as well, and the liability continues to exist because of the high possibility of someone getting hurt. The courses are not lit – nor will they be because we don‟t want to disturb the residents living along the courses – and bicyclists and walkers could easily get hurt out on the courses where there are no employees at those hours to offer help.

This is not a liability the Rec Centers can incur. As a result, all our courses are posted as “no trespassing.” This means the courses are open only to paying golfers.

And yet, we find we have trespassers breaking these rules. For the most part, these trespassers are our own residents – individuals who decide to have picnics on the courses, wade or fish in the lakes, take grandkids for joy rides in golf cars, or simply walk their dogs and leave their pet‟s waste in their wake. And of course there is the occasional golfer who decides to slip in on a later hole just to “hit a few” without paying fees. This is theft.

Please, help us keep our courses safe for everyone and don‟t be one of these people. We know the courses are tempting and your quick visit in violation of the rules may seem harmless. But all it takes is one accident and we have incurred a high cost.

Beardsley Park is great for picnics or walks. There is a pedestrian walkway north of the community, an indoor track at Palm Ridge and outdoor track at Kuentz behind the softball field. Plus we have the Par 4 course at R.H. Johnson. We have two dog parks. Fishing is available at Lake Pleasant. If you just want to hit some balls, check out the driving ranges where you can get a bucket of balls and play to your heart‟s content.

Please, save the golf courses for golfing. If you see someone trespassing, please call the Posse at 623-584-5808; we have given them permission to remove people from our property. If violators do not move along, the Posse may call MCSO, who can issue a ticket for trespassing.

Here is the full article and comments from residents:

We Are Not Alone

Thank you for your support, Charbonneau Golf Club

Oregon Wine Garden – June news and Golfer special

Key Personal:

Proud to introduce Executive Chef Steven Hazell. With over 25 years in the restaurant, catering and banquet industry combined with his passion for Oregon Wine makes Chef Steven the perfect fit for OWG. His culinary stops have included; Graduating with honors from the California Culinary Academy, Executive Chef at Justin Winery California, Charlie Trotters Chicago, Rubicon San Francisco and Sun Valley Resort Idaho. Awards include; Best Chef California Central Coast by Gourmet Magazine and Best Chef at Aspen Food and Wine Show Colorado to name a few.. OWG Welcomes Chef Steven.
Manager: Christine Jeffries has joined OWG as manager and guests are already raving about her being on the team. Christine brings not only solid restaurant and hospitality management skills but life skills which impact positively the operations of OWG. With over 12 years of being an RN plus serving 3 years in the Army as a Military Police Officer and her direct experience in hospitality recently with Delany Madison Grill; OWG is proud to have her as the manager. Welcome Christine.

Banquet Rooms:

Designed to showcase a true “rustic Oregon winery experience” OWG opened its long awaited banquets to a sold out Murder Mystery Dinner Show on Friday June 12th. With over 100 people enjoying the comedy and mystery and delicious meal. Followed the very next day with a successful wedding reception with over 120 people the banquet rooms are a hit.


Clackamas County Tourism AKA: Mt Hood Territory awarded Oregon Wine Garden the coveted ” 2015 Product Development Award” at their May Tourism Conference. My Hood Territory has long been known throughout the State and Nationally as a leader in bringing tourist to Clackamas County. OWG is proud to be the recipient and part of Clackamas County promoting Oregon Wine Experience.

Whats New at OWG: Something just for You!

Mon-Thur 12pm-3pm Golfers Only Special. Show your score card and get a burger or pizza and a beverage for only 7.00. (to go or sit down. no splits)

Hours: Sun-Thur 12pm-8pm. Fri-Sat 12pm-9pm. (Both levels open Fri-Sun.)

Mondays: 5pm-7pm. All you can eat Pizza and Pasta Night. $10.00 per person. No Splits or To Go. All Ages.
Tuesday Nights: Ladies Night. 5pm-7pm. Enjoy 50% off all food from Dinner Menu. (beverages not included, no splits or to go)
Wed Nights: All you can EAT dinner Buffet. Enjoy grilled chicken, salmon, salads, deserts, and so much more..12.95. All Ages. (no splits or to go or beverages included)
Friday Nights: All you can eat FISH and CHIPS!. all ages 5pm-7pm. 12.95. (not included beverages, no splits or to go)
Saturday Nights: Prime Rib with our famous in house mashed potatoes and vegetables.
Sunday Open to Close: Bottomless Mimosa. $10.00 per person. (no splits or to go and 21 and over for adult beverages)
Outdoor seating available lower level.