Summary of Summary of November 17th Meeting Wilsonville High Priority Utility Repair Project

First the City looked at our system to prioritize Severity (Ie Sewage) and Cost Saving Groupings. From this survey it was decided to Spot Repair Manhole to Manhole the bad areas.

There are three options to repair our system

  1. Cured in place pipe (CiPP) which means that a material flowed into the pipe will seal the pipe (lining the pipe)
  2. Pipe Bursting – they will not be doing this
  3. Open Excavation and Replacement – A brand new pipe (most expensive)
    1. Adding Catch Basins as needed (this happen all areas of construction)

What to expect with CIPP

Time: CIPP can be done at a rate of 800 ft a day or ½ -1day

  • Street Closed to through traffic during the work day
  • Access to property, but may be delays getting to property. Crew will have steel plates to drive on
  • Garbage and deliveries maintained
  • Restricted parking during the day
  • Sanitation service will be restricted and Odors possible (maybe up the trap) from the material
    • This is only an issue for homes that do not have a proper trap installed on their plumbing fixtures. Most homes have this as it is required by plumbing code prior to construction of Charbonneau.
  • Constant information and notification to Residents by Crew
  • Materials stock piled on the street
  • Noise 7:00 am to 3 pm typical, allowed work hours is 7:00 am to 9:00 pm
  • Dust
  • Question/Concerns during repair Contact Zach Weigel 503-682-4960

What to expect with Open Excavation

Time—100-500 ft a day

  • Street Closed to through traffic during the work day
  • Access to property, but may be delays getting to property. Crew will have steel plates to drive on
  • Garbage and deliveries maintained
  • Restricted parking during the day
  • Sanitation service will be maintained. Contractor may ask residents not to flush toilet or run laundry for a couple hours during service connections.
  • Constant information and notification to Residents by Crew
  • Materials stock piled on the street
  • Noise 7:00 am to 3 pm typical, allowed work hours is 7:00 am to 9:00 pm
  • Dust
  • Question/Concerns during repair Contact Zach Weigel 503-682-4960

REMINDER Thursday Dec 10th CHOA Holiday Gathering

2015 CHOA Holiday Gathering

Thursday, December 10th

6:00 pm

Charbonneau Country Club

Please BYOB and hearty horsd’oeuvres to share – Coffee and Desert provided

Don’t forget an unwrapped gift or donation for the Transitional School, if you wish to contribute

No need to RSVP, just come and participate

Schedule for Charbonneau Utility Repair Project

I will write more later but thought I should at least get this tentative schedule out to you.  This is from the meeting that was held on Tuesday 11/17 at the Club House.
Sounds like the project will not start for any of us until April/May 2016 if your street is  listed in  Phase 1, if your street is listed in Phase 2 your start date will not be until April/May 2017

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REMINDER: Thurs 12/10 Please Join Your Neighbors for 2015 CHOA Holiday Gathering

You are invited to the

2015 CHOA Holiday Gathering

Thursday, December 10th

6:00 p.m.

Charbonneau Country Club

  • Please BYOB and hearty hors d’oeuvres to share.

  • Coffee and Desert provided

 Come meet and greet our newest neighbors!

We will be recognizing and welcoming our new 2015 residents.


Again this year we will be gifting The Community Transitional School of Portland, a school for homeless or at-risk students.  You may choose something specific for a child (ages 5-16) and bring it unwrapped to this party, or you may give a check made out to the school.


Visit their website,, for more information about the school and specific suggested gift ideas.


Join us as we celebrate the spirit of the holidays and Charbonneau!

!!Important: Tues 11/17 (6 pm) meeting to address CHOA and the Wilsonville Utility Repair Project

Please plan to attend the meeting being held at the Club House on Tuesday 11/17 at 6:00- 8:00 pm

CHOA is the oldest community in Charbonneau and so will be the first location the City of Wilsonville will start the Utility Repair Project this next Spring.   Come and find out what this means to you and what impact there will be to your neighborhood



Save the Date Thurs 12/10 at 6:00 pm: 2015 CHOA Holiday Gathering

You are invited to the

2015 CHOA Holiday Gathering

Thursday, December 10th

6:00 pm

Charbonneau Country Club

  •  Please BYOB and hearty hors d’oeuvre to share. Coffee and Desert will provided


  • Come meet and greet our newest neighbors


  • We will again be gifting “ The Community Transitional School of Portland”  
    • If you wish to contribute there are Two ways you can participate
      1. Bring an unwrapped gift for a child (ages 5-16)
      2. Give a check made out to the school

For more information check out their website



Plan to Join us as we celebrate the spirit of the holidays and Charbonneau

Annual Meeting update

A Question about guest parking from the Annual Meeting


During our Annual CHOA Meeting a resident voiced a concern that golf shots that result in damage to cars parked in some of our guest parking. The concern was taken seriously and has been investigated.


Results of investigation

Trees/plants as a remedy will not work because of the trajectory of the golf ball in the areas where there is guest parking usually would not be a line drive but a high fly ball

High Screen/Fence as a remedy will not work unless we were to build a 30 ft fence

We will continue to look into a solution. If you have any ideas, we would love to hear from you. Please reply below

OPB Special- Earthquake Awareness in Oregon

OPB is airing a Special program on on Earthquake Awareness, on Oct 1st at 8pm that may be of interest to you and your Emergency Response Group. The link below is a preview.

You may want to  plan an evening event on the 1st and gather as many people as possible to join you (make a party out of the show), or tape it and show it at a more convenient time.

Feel free to share the link and the information with as many people as you like. Let me know if you have any questions. 

Angela Handran

Community Outreach Specialist

City Managers Office

City of Wilsonville

Direct Line: 503.570.1503

Announcement – A coyote in Charbonneau

Please make sure that your animals are in doors:

A coyote was seen early 9/7/15 am around F&G pool by Ken Dick
Thank you Ken for the heads up

When you are selling your house what happens to the funds that are there for future painting of your house

When you sell your home remember that the money in your Trust account must STAY with the property per the Declaration of Trust.

Per the *Declaration of Trust, the purpose of the trust has been established for the cost of exterior painting. If there is a positive balance in the Trust account at the time a home is sold, that balance transfers to the new owners, (the Trust Fund stays with the property) Working with your Realtor you can however, use the Trust Fund as a negotiating tool or write something in the sales agreement for what is left in your Trust balance as it impacts your sales price. This is something that you would work out during negotiations of the Sale with your realtor.

If you are selling your house or have questions a good source of information is Ann Higgins; email

*Reference: Information Directory, Page 82