Reminder- New Shake-out Plans for CHOA -Thursday, Sept 15th at 6:15PM

Practice how to protect yourself in an earthquake and YOU can win 2 LED Survival Lanterns by taking part in Charbonneau’s Shake Out drill!

 Drop, Cover, and Hold On at 6:15pm on 09/15.

CHOA is participating in the drill, you will receive a free raffle ticket when you place your HELP/OK sign and report in at your designated gathering spot. Captains will be distributing information to your home.

How do YOU participate? On Thursday, September 15, set an alarm for 6:15pm and when it goes off:





  1. Check on everyone in your home, are they OK?
  2. Protect your head, feet & hands from broken glass & fallen debris. Time to put on your hard hat, work gloves and sturdy shoes, before going to your gathering spot!
  3. Make sure you know where your gas meter is and how to turn it off if necessary.
  4. Make sure you know where the main water shut off to your home is located and how to turn it off.
  5. Place your HELP/OK sign where it can be seen.
  6. Put your fire extinguisher at the end of your driveway.
  7. Go to the designated meeting place- your local Swimming Pool


CHOA will have 4 prizes of 2 lanterns each to award!

Spend some time getting to know your neighbors!

CHOA is in need of some new Board members!

The CHOA Board consists of 9 volunteers who can serve a maximum of 2 three-year terms.  We have 2 Board members who will term off at the beginning of next year.

As you may know, the Board is the Fiduciary who manages the resources of the HOA.  This includes developing and managing the budget, contracting and managing the Property Manager and working to make sure “the trains are running on time” across the HOA.   There are monthly Board meetings that normally run for 2 hours and then there is typically some work to do in between the Board meetings, depending on the Board role.

Each Board member is involved in a committee.  Here is a summary of each role and the general time commitment:

  1. Landscaping– This is probably the most time commitment of all the Board roles.  There is regular work with both homeowners and the Property Manager with Garron Grounds on both maintenance and upgrades to the landscaping throughout CHOA
  2. Architecture– This role is responsible for reviewing changes proposed by homeowners.  Generally, this is all done on-line with an occasional “road trip” to look at a project.
  3. Pools– This role tends to be more involved in the summer months and is pretty quiet in the winter other than if there are some winter maintenance projects.
  4. Welcoming– We turnover about 10% of the homes in CHOA annually- with 228 homes, that means around 25-30 new folks come into the HOA each year.  The Welcoming role is to try to meet one on one with these folks to welcome them to CHOA and go over information that folks might need.
  5. Treasurer– This is an important role.  The role leads the budgeting process and managing of cash flows.  This role works with the other Board members and the Bookkeeper to make sure all accounts are in order and we are meeting our Fiduciary requirements.  In addition to the monthly Board meetings, there are checks that need to be signed weekly.
  6. Rec Hall C– This role is responsible for the management of Rec Hall C.  They coordinate with homeowners on the use of this great CHOA resource.  Most of the activity here is done on-line.
  7. Secretary– this role is responsible for capturing the Board minutes and posting them to the Website.  They make sure the Board actions and summaries are accurate.  In addition to attending the Board meetings there is an hour or so each month required for writing the minutes.
  8. Communications– This role is primarily responsible for Posting information on the website and working with our 3rd party web servicer to make sure information is getting posted and updated in a timely manner.  Normally this takes an hour of so a week to update posts.
  9. President/Vice President– this role is responsible for setting the Board agenda, time, venue and facilitating the Board meeting.  In addition, this role acts as representative on behalf of CHOA with the CCC.  Normally this is a few hours per week. 
  10. In the future, we would like to add a Neighborhood Watch, Emergency Preparedness and Sustainability focus at the Board level.

We need you!  Please let me know if you are interested in joining us.  Is you have any questions and/or need more information, please reach out to Barry at 503-754-0322 or

New Shake-out Plans for CHOA -Thursday, Sept 15th at 6:15PM

Practice how to protect yourself in an earthquake and YOU can win 2 LED Survival Lanterns by taking part in Charbonneau’s Shake Out drill!

 Drop, Cover, and Hold On at 6:15pm on 09/15.

CHOA is participating in the drill, you will receive a free raffle ticket when you place your HELP/OK sign and report in at your designated gathering spot. Captains will be distributing information to your home.

How do YOU participate? On Thursday, September 15, set an alarm for 6:15pm and when it goes off:





  1. Check on everyone in your home, are they OK?
  2. Protect your head, feet & hands from broken glass & fallen debris. Time to put on your hard hat, work gloves and sturdy shoes, before going to your gathering spot!
  3. Make sure you know where your gas meter is and how to turn it off if necessary.
  4. Make sure you know where the main water shut off to your home is located and how to turn it off.
  5. Place your HELP/OK sign where it can be seen.
  6. Put your fire extinguisher at the end of your driveway.
  7. Go to the designated meeting place- your local Swimming Pool


CHOA will have 4 prizes of 2 lanterns each to award!

Spend some time getting to know your neighbors!

Wednesday September 14th at 6:00 PM CHOA Monthly Board Meeting in Rec Hall C and Via Zoom

Please note that we are meeting in person and also via Zoom for those who can not be there in person

Join Zoom Meeting-

Meeting ID 893 5313 2198

One tap mobile +16694449171,,89353132198#

6:00 PM – Welcome and Call to Order

  • Note for guest: Please remember this is a board meeting, guests are not to interrupt unless asked to speak by the chairman.  If you do have a concern, it is best to put your concern in writing prior to the board meeting so that the board will have time to thoughtfully consider your concern. – Thank You

**Minutes from Last Meeting Approval –ALL  

**Treasurer’s Report –Sandie Maki

6:10 Open Forum

  • Questions from Resident Attendees – 2 minutes top per person
  • Questions from “Ask the Board”

6:20 Old Business

  • CCC- HOA leaders meeting– Barry
  • Neighborhood Watch Program- Barry
  • Follow-up on Goals- schedule another food truck? –Barry
  • Emergency Prep- Great Shakeout- Sept 15thBarry
  • Committee Updates-
    • Pools/Bathrooms- Packard and Ken
      • How long to keep pools open– Ken
    • Rec Hall C- Packard
      • AC update- Steve
    • Landscape- Karen
    • Welcome- Janet

7:00 New Business 

  • Recruiting of new Board members- Barry
  • CHOA website Policy- Barry
  • Ice Cream Social – Steve

*Executive Session (as needed) –* Need to vote to move to executive meeting

** No need to approve by vote monthly minutes or treasurers report

CHOA is in need of some more Board members!

The CHOA Board consists of 9 volunteers who can serve a maximum of 2 three-year terms.  We have 2 Board members who will term off at the beginning of next year.

As you may know, the Board is the Fiduciary who manages the resources of the HOA.  This includes developing and managing the budget, contracting and managing the Property Manager and working to make sure “the trains are running on time” across the HOA.   There are monthly Board meetings that normally run for 2 hours and then there is typically some work to do in between the Board meetings, depending on the Board role.

Each Board member is involved in a committee.  Here is a summary of each role and the general time commitment:

  1. Landscaping– This is probably the most time commitment of all the Board roles.  There is regular work with both homeowners and the Property Manager with Garron Grounds on both maintenance and upgrades to the landscaping throughout CHOA
  2. Architecture– This role is responsible for reviewing changes proposed by homeowners.  Generally, this is all done on-line with an occasional “road trip” to look at a project.
  3. Pools– This role tends to be more involved in the summer months and is pretty quiet in the winter other than if there are some winter maintenance projects.
  4. Welcoming– We turnover about 10% of the homes in CHOA annually- with 228 homes, that means around 25-30 new folks come into the HOA each year.  The Welcoming role is to try to meet one on one with these folks to welcome them to CHOA and go over information that folks might need.
  5. Treasurer– This is an important role.  The role leads the budgeting process and managing of cash flows.  This role works with the other Board members and the Bookkeeper to make sure all accounts are in order and we are meeting our Fiduciary requirements.  In addition to the monthly Board meetings, there are checks that need to be signed weekly.
  6. Rec Hall C– This role is responsible for the management of Rec Hall C.  They coordinate with homeowners on the use of this great CHOA resource.  Most of the activity here is done on-line.
  7. Secretary– this role is responsible for capturing the Board minutes and posting them to the Website.  They make sure the Board actions and summaries are accurate.  In addition to attending the Board meetings there is an hour or so each month required for writing the minutes.
  8. Communications– This role is primarily responsible for Posting information on the website and working with our 3rd party web servicer to make sure information is getting posted and updated in a timely manner.  Normally this takes an hour of so a week to update posts.
  9. President/Vice President– this role is responsible for setting the Board agenda, time, venue and facilitating the Board meeting.  In addition, this role acts as representative on behalf of CHOA with the CCC.  Normally this is a few hours per week. 
  10. In the future, we would like to add a Neighborhood Watch, Emergency Preparedness and Sustainability focus at the Board level.

We need you!  Please let me know if you are interested in joining us.  Is you have any questions and/or need more information, please reach out to Barry at 503-754-0322 or

CHOA Board meeting Wednesday, August 10th at 10:00 am via Zoom

Wednesday August 10th at 10:00 AM CHOA Monthly Board Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting-

Meeting ID 815 7712 4599

One tap mobile +16694449171,,81577124599#

10:00 AM – Welcome and Call to Order

  • Note for guest: Please remember this is a board meeting, guests are not to interrupt unless asked to speak by the chairman.  If you do have a concern, it is best to put your concern in writing prior to the board meeting so that the board will have time to thoughtfully consider your concern. – Thank You

**Minutes from Last Meeting Approval –ALL  

**Treasurer’s Report –Sandie Maki

10:10 Open Forum

  • Questions from Resident Attendees – 2 minutes top per person
  • Questions from “Ask the Board”

10:20 Old Business

  • CCC- HOA leaders meeting– Barry
  • Neighborhood Watch Program- Barry
  • Follow-up on Goals- schedule another food truck? –Barry
  • CCC Garage Sale- Robin
  • Emergency Prep- Board leadership- Barry
  • Committee Updates-
    • Pools/Bathrooms- Packard and Ken
      • Pool rules reminder-Randy
    • Rec Hall C- Packard
      • Window upgrade- Steve
    • Landscape- Karen
    • Welcome- Janet

11:00 New Business 

  • Potential of Tolling Boone’s Bridge- Barry
  • City of Wilsonville Water issue- Barry

*Executive Session (as needed) –* Need to vote to move to executive meeting

** No need to approve by vote monthly minutes or treasurers report

Proposed Toll on Boones Bridge

Please see the following note from Gary Newbore- CCC Board President:

“Good afternoon, HOA Presidents,

The Oregon Department of Transportation has had a draft plan for some time now for putting a tolling station on the I-205 Abernathy Bridge in West Linn and another north of downtown Portland on I-5 to raise funds. They just amended that draft plan to include a third tolling station on the Boone Bridge. PERSONALLY I AM OUTRAGED! How many times a week does your family cross the Boone Bridge?  This plan splits the city of Wilsonville and unfairly penalizes residents of Charbonneau. Every time you go get groceries, go to the library, get gas, etc. just add $3-5 to your trip, depending on the actual toll amount they wind up charging. Or I guess you can always drive to Canby and pay the same thing in gas.

I am attaching the letter I sent on behalf of the CCC Board, but I ask all of you to forward this email to your HOA residents and strongly encourage them to send letters or emails to Bob Van Brocklin, Chair of the Oregon Transportation Commission.

If by mail the address is :  355 Capitol St. MS 11

                                    Salem, Oregon, 97301-8871

and if by email it is:  OHP

The only way we are going be able to stop this thing is a huge outpouring of letters and emails to ODOT expressing our overwhelming objection to this unfair location of this proposed tolling station. One of ODOT’S objectives is to reduce carbon emissions and not increase VMT-vehicle miles traveled.  This does neither, in my opinion.


So please encourage your HOA residents to get involved and send some letters or emails. Lets show them how the residents of Charbonneau feel! 

If you have any questions, please call me.


See letter below:

Charbonneau Women’s Niner’s Pink Ball Golf Tournament fundraiser to fight cancer



Eighteen (18) years ago, the Charbonneau Women’s Niner’s Golf group, Wilsonville decided to make a difference in the fight against cancer and started the Pink Ball Golf Tournament.  From its modest beginnings, the Pink Ball Tournament has grown into the largest golf tournament in Charbonneau. 

 We are proud that the Pink Ball Golf Tournament has raised $345,242  for the OHSU Knight Cancer Institute since 2014 and additionally over $150,000 to Susan G. Komen and American Cancer Society.  100% of our proceeds are donated.

This year our Pink Ball Tournament will be on Tuesday, September 13th and will benefit the OHSU Knight Cancer Institute.  OHSU is one of five clinical trial sites investigating a blood test for cancerearly detection.   Your generosity is helping make research and care discoveries possible, so OHSU can provide the best care to patients, advance cancer research and help more people survive cancer.

 We are hoping you will join us in this worthwhile cause by participating, as a corporate sponsor at one of our four levels of sponsorship or donate an item/gift basket/certificate/gift cards for the auction. There will be close to 200 plus golfers and an additional 60-70 attending the luncheon, oral and silent auctions.    The OHSU Foundation will provide receipts for sponsorship donations made directlyto the OHSU Foundation.


Bronze:  $250 includes a Corporate Tee Box Sign and acknowledgement in the Tournament program.

Silver:    $500 includes a Corporate Tee Box Sign on each nine hole course and acknowledgement in the Tournament program.

 Gold:      $750 includes a Corporate Banner at the Clubhouse and registration area in addition to the Tee-Box Sign on each nine hole course and acknowledgement in the Tournament program.

 Diamond: $2,500 and above includes your Corporate Banners at the Clubhouse and Pro Shop visible to all players in addition to the Tee Box Sign on each nine hole course and SPECIAL acknowledgement during the awards ceremony.  Also includes lunch for up to 4 people, 9 holes of golf for tournament and cart! 

We have an Honor Wall recognizing those we have lost to cancer and/or are now in treatment for cancer. Tee-box Signs for a $50 donation are printed in their honor and placed around the entire course, the day of the event.  Ask us for a form. Remember family and friends. We have all been touched by this disease in one way or another.  This is one way of saying cancer will not win.  We are all in this fight together.

 Thank you for your consideration. I am available for questions. 503-694-8652   Checks can be made out to “OHSU Foundation” mailed to me: Lynn Theis 32153 SW Lake Dr., Wilsonville, OR 97070.

Lynn Theis (Auction Committee Chair)

Charbonneau Pink Ball Committee

CCC to provide Activity Center as Cooling Station

Please note that we have the following notice from CCC:

“Good morning HOA Presidents,

The temperature is forecast to reach 100 degrees on Sunday.  If you know of someone in your HOA who doesn’t have air conditioning and may be suffering, please let them know that the Activity Center will be open on Sunday from 2 to 7PM and residents are welcome to go there and hang out during that time.


CHOA on-line survey results

The results from the May 2022 CHOA on-line survey are in.  Homeowners were asked to answer 4 questions and provide additional comments if desired.

The best information is gathered from survey comments – both good and not so good! 

We had one comment regarding a review of insurance, and a few regarding specific landscaping concerns.  We would appreciate authors of those comments to reach out to any board member.  The Board members would be happy to follow up or answer those homeowners’ questions and comments.

41 people responded to the survey.  Below are the results.  (Not everyone responded to all questions.)

The results from Question 1 – are in line with responses across the country with regard to HOA board performance.  In general, most homeowners who live in HOA’s are happy with the HOA board.  The same is true here in Charbonneau.

The results from Question 2 – Regarding the grounds and neighborhoods, besides yourselves (Homeowners), and CHOA, the area around your homes may be maintained by the golf course and not CHOA.  The streets and parking areas are maintained by the City of Wilsonville.

The results of Question 3 –  We appreciated and thank you for the positive comments given.

The results from question 4 – the board agrees with the responders – we need to have a few more CHOA-wide events. 

  • A Food Truck was here on June 11th.
  • While keeping COVID in mind, the board is planning an open house (outside Rec Hall C) at the end of the July 13th Board meeting- stay tuned for more info.
  • The HOA is also considering an event by the CHOA putting green area for later in the summer. 
  • Generally, in January the board provides a Winter party or gathering.  (Due to COVID we have not held this event but are hoping in 2023 we will have it again)
  • The fourth Monday is April is always our Annual Meeting with cookies and coffee provided.

These events give all CHOA members a chance to meet outside or inside with your neighbors and discuss any items of concern with CHOA board members or just share a munchie, beverage of your choice and a partially-truthful story!

Other comments – Regarding the cost of the new club house and potential cost of the Edith Green Park Proposal.  These projects are with the Charbonneau Country Club (CCC) as the managers.  CHOA – (Charbonneau Homeowners Association) is separate from the CCC.  Our board is responsible for the CHOA group of homes including the common grounds around these homes, the pool areas and the CHOA Rec Hall.

We hope to continue using the questionnaire format to get feedback from CHOA residents from time to time.  This is your chance to provide feedback to the board.  If there are particular broad questions that you think would help the board to make well-informed decisions, please contact us.  We value your insight, experience, and desire to make Charbonneau better still!