New Exercise Class at Rec Hall C on Lafayette

Come and join a new exercise class at the Rec Hall on Lafayette, Tuesdays 8:30 am to 9:30 am or Monday/Wednesday nights at 7:00 pm.  All you need is a mat, no other equipment needed.  The class will be an Essentrics class (see description below) taught by Jan Landis

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For Body Shaping: Targets and firms every muscle in the body, Defines the waist, Creates toned, lean and strong arms, Slenderizes thighs and quads,Creates flat, defined abs,improves posture

For Health & Performance: Increases full body flexibility, Helps relieve pain, Unlocks tight muscles and joints, Strengthens the spine and core, Helps treat and prevent back pain

12 weeks total starting Week of 4/16/18 – Monday and Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm and or Tuesday morning at 8:30 am.  No cost until May 1st.

Cost for 10 weeks (After May 1, 2018): 

2 or more classes per week $130

1 Class per week $75

Drop in $10

Classes will be Free until May 1, 2018

Save the Date- CHOA Annual Meeting- April 30th at 7:00 pm

Please save April 30 at 7:00 pm for the CHOA Annual Meeting.

Our Annual Meeting is scheduled for Monday 4/30/18 at 7:00 pm at the Charbonneau Country Club.   Please plan to attend this important meeting

Planned Agenda:

  • Introduction of  Current Board Members
  • Election of New Board Members
  • Minutes from 2017 Annual Meeting for approval
  • Financial Report
  • Updates and Accomplishments
  • Disaster Preparedness
  • Homeowners Open Forum

We will have coffee and cookies, so it will be both a good time and an informative time.  Please be sure to attend.

Murphy’s Green update

Murphy’s Green
At the February Board meeting, the improvement of the Murphy’s Green area were approved with a chipping and putting green as presented at the January Holiday party.

You may have noticed some preliminary work being done this past week.  While it is too cold to begin seeding the putting surface, Garron will be marking out some proposed planting areas and taking line of sight measurements to be sure the proposed plants don’t obstruct any views. Once that is done, we will prepare a planting plan for each area and hope to be able to review those with the homeowners that have a direct view of the area.

You can direct any questions to Karen Siegel or Steve Chinn.

Stay tuned for further updates.

CHOA Alarm Proposal Fails

As you know, the Board of CHOA conducted a vote of homeowners on whether you wanted to amend our Bylaws to eliminate the requirement that CHOA provide monitoring of alarm service to homeowners.  If passed, this would have resulted in each homeowner being responsible for payment of the monitoring of their own security system and your monthly HOA fees would have been reduced by $13 each month.

We have a total of 228 homesites with each home getting 1 vote.  In order to amend our Bylaws, we needed 75% approval or 171 yes votes.  We received 157 Yes votes and 38 No Votes with 33 homes not voting.  Therefore, we did not get enough votes to pass this measure.

The Board still feels like this is the right approach and may try another vote in the future.

Please let us know if you have any questions and/or need more information

Holiday Party was fun and informative with Murphy’s Green update

As you know, we had the CHOA Holiday Party on January 20th.  Approximately 100 folks attended.  There was great food and conversation.

In addition, Ken from Garron Grounds laid out several options for Murphy’s Green.  The reason the Board wanted to present this information during the Holiday Party was that the timing was good to figure out the Spring planting ideas for the space.

The Board wants to hear from you about what you want done with Murphy’s Green.

We had an informal survey of the folks attending and Option B (chipping and putting) got the most votes with Option A second (putting only).  You can see the options below.

Murphy’s Green Overview

Option A

Option B


Option C

Alarm Monitoring Ballot- Be sure your vote is heard

We are getting close to receiving a majority of the Ballots.

Return your ballot to make sure that your vote is counted.

You can deposit it at the CHOA Box on Boones Bend or use the stamped envelope included in the mailing

Reminder: Winter Pruning and Weeding Update



You may notice the Garron crews out and about.  Winter pruning of Lilies, Hydrangeas, and Sedum and trimming of Lavenders, Red Twig, Ground Covers, and Grasses are beginning soon and will continue into February.

If there are plants you don’t want pruned, be sure you have your name on the “No Prune” list.  If you want to be added or are not sure you are on the list, please contact Steve Chinn at

Reminder: CHOA Holiday Party is next Saturday Jan 20th at 4:00 at the Country Club!

Happy New Year Neighbors!

Because December was such a busy time, the CHOA Holiday Party will be this coming Saturday January 20th, 4:00 pm at the Charbonneau Country Club.

This will be a great time to get together to meet new neighbors and catch up with everyone.

In addition, Garron Grounds will be will be presenting several options for Murphy’s Green.

Please bring an Appetizer to share.  Coffee and water will be provided.

Please bring your own adult beverage if you like.

We look forward to seeing you there!


To all the Snowbirds – Important notice

For our Snowbirds;

A Proposed amendment to Association Declaration requirement that CHOA pay alarm monitoring cost was mailed to each home by postal mail.  We wanted to make sure that you receive the information, so we are posting the documents here.

As you may recall we have been working on this requirement for the past several months.  Per information sent out in previous comunication the wording that will be removed from the CC&Rs page 48 Article XII Section 12 is only the portion that addresses Association requirement to pay the cost of security monitoring.  All security systems that are currently in residents homes will remain.


Attached please find the Proposed Amendment and the ballot.  We are asking all homes to complete the ballot and return by mail or email as stated on the ballot.  If you have trouble printing, let us know and forms can be sent by email.

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New Guidelines for Using Rec Hall C

Please note that we have a great free resource here for CHOA neighbors to use.  All we ask is you follow the Guidelines for using Rec Hall C as noted below.  Please note that you need to get approval to use Rec Hall C in advance of your event. Please note also that this replaces the old form in the Information Directory  (we are in the process of updating the directory).

Charbonneau Homeowners Association C Area Recreation (Rec) Hall


Recreation & Amenities Located on Lafayette Way, the “C” Pool Rec Hall is free for the

use of members of our own Homeowners Association. It is large enough to facilitate a

large family gathering and handy for games and meetings. Anyone wanting to use the

hall must fill out a request form located under the calendar tab on the web site. The hall

must be used by homeowners in the CHOA area and their guests. There is no smoking in or within 10 feet of the hall.

  1. A limit of 50 people shall prevail for any event inside the building. The homeowner must be present during the event.
  2. Parking shall be confined to guest parking slots unless prior arrangements have been made with individual residents for the use of their driveways. Parking is not allowed on the street.
  3. Reservations for the Rec Hall do not include the pool area or swimming rights unless special permission is given by the CHOA board or Rec Hall Manager.
  4. If permission is granted to use the pool, wet bathing suits, etc. will not be allowed in the building. Standard pool rules shall apply and be enforced by the homeowner.
  5. The understanding is that the furnishings and equipment are to be used with reasonable care; any damage must be reported.
  6. Before leaving the building after any event, the homeowner shall be responsible for cleaning up, replacing furniture as found on arrival and turning off the lights and fans.
  7. Any equipment brought to the Hall for an event shall be removed before leaving the building.
  8. All garbage must be removed from the area by the homeowner and not dumped in the restroom garbage container.
  9. Meetings of committees or the Association’s Board of Directors, scheduled to be held in the C Rec Hall, shall have precedence over other uses of the building.
  10. Unless specifically authorized in advance by the Association’s board, the Hall may not be used for commercial purposes.
  11. Use of the back patio is strictly limited to the concrete slab and caution should be given to errant golf balls. Insure door is locked upon leaving.
  12. Upon approval of your request, you will be required to sign this agreement that states any damage by a guest will be solely the responsibility of the homeowner requesting the room.
  13. The homeowner who is requesting the room is responsible, before and after the event for any of their guest who become intoxicated and any of their actions.
  14. Drop this signed agreement in the box on Boones Bend Road labeled CHOA.
  15. Upon acceptance of the request, the entrance code will be given to the homeowner.
  16. By signing this agreement the homeowner acknowledges that he/she has read and understands these rules and regulations and will comply with them.

_________________________________________     _________________________________

Homeowners printed name                                                                 Date


