Come and Welcome New Neighbors

We’re having a


for Our new 2018 CHOA Neighbors


Please join us for cookies, coffee & cider



WHEN: Sunday – October 7, 2018 

2:00pm – 4:00pm All new residents

3:00pm – 4:00pm All CHOA residents

WHERE: CHOA Rec Hall “C” 8298 SW Lafayette Way



Free Light Bulbs for any who would like to pick them up at Rec Hall C front foyer

Recently CHOA replaced all of the Common Area outside lighting on your homes (normally front and back) with new low energy LED light bulbs. See POST from August 17th.

We now have a lot of old “working” light bulbs.  We investigated what to do with the bulbs and have not found a solution.

Since these are good bulbs we thought we would offer the bulbs to the residents.  If you would like to take advantage of this offer, the light bulbs will be in a tub at Rec Hall C foyer.  Bring a sack and take what you can use.

The Light bulbs will be in the Rec Hall Foyer starting Monday 9/24

Pools to close due to low temperatures at night

Given the 40 degree nighttime temperature and the amount of work it takes for the heaters to heat the pool all day, we are turning off the heaters on Monday 9/17.

It will take a few days to get around to all the pools to install the pool covers, so you may see your pool open until Tuesday/Wednesday or Thursday.  Feel free to use your pool until you see the “Closed for the Season” sign.

We had an amazing Summer, see you next year

Website is back up

If you had trouble getting on, the Website is up and running again

Future Kitchen at the Rec Hall – Let us know what you think

The board has been investigating the costs and possibility of having a Kitchen at the Rec Hall on Lafayette St.  We now have a drawing (draft) and have some estimated costs that match our budget and feel it is a plausible endeavor

Now that we have more information, we wanted to inform our residents to make sure that a kitchen is something that would be of value to all and to capture any additional ideas.

Because our master cabinet maker, who did the drawings, is leaving in October, we need to get a final OK back to him soon, so any feedback needs to be given in the next week or two.

On  September 20th, Thursday afternoon at 2:00pm, we are having an informal meeting at the Rec Hall to discuss the Kitchen.  We will have the drawings there to view.

If you are interested in seeing the drawings or just would like to be part of the discussion, please let us know so that we can plan on your attendance

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Per Request: October Board Meeting will change to the evening of 10/9 6:00 pm

At the Annual meeting there was a request to have some of the Board Meetings during the year scheduled in the evening to allow those  who work to attend

To accommodate this request we will have our first evening CHOA Board meeting.

October Board Meeting will be Tuesday, October 9th at 6:00, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Draft Agenda:

2018 October CHOA Monthly Meeting (DRAFT)

Tuesday, October 9th from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm


10:00 AM – Welcome and Call to Order

**Minutes from September Meeting Approval –ALL

**Treasurer’s Report:  –Sandie Maki

10: 15 AM – Old Business

Rec Hall C Kitchen update – Ron/Steve

Response from Website Post – Jan

Revision of the Information Directory – Karen/Sandie/Janet

2020 Golf course discussion

11:15 AM – New Business

Filling the two board (Ty Kuhns and Bob Barnum) positions

New residents get together on October 7th– Jan McGarrigle

Parking Painting by Residents – Post results

Light bulb disposal – Habitat for Humanity response

11:30 AM – Open Forum

Questions from Resident Attendees

Questions from “Ask the Board”


*Executive Session (as needed) –* Need to vote to move to executive meeting

** No need to approve by vote monthly minutes or treasurers report

Information only:

Monthly article for Villager, (written by Jan) Ideas for articles: Serve with Love, Beautification, Modernization, Maintenance, Community, Outreach to Highschool and College


September Board meeting Agenda 9/12 10:00 am at Rec Hall C

Please note that our September CHOA Monthly Meeting is Wednesday 9/12 – 10:00 am to noon in Rec Hall C.

 Here is the planned Agenda:

2018 September CHOA Monthly Meeting

Wednesday – 9/12/18 – 10:00am to 12:00pm


10:00 AM – Welcome and Call to Order

**Minutes from Aug Meeting Approval –ALL

**Treasurer’s Report:  –Sandie Maki

Guest present: and the agenda items that they want to address during Open forum

10: 15 AM – Old Business

  • Rec Hall C Kitchen update – Ron/Steve (Plumber quote)
  • Revision of the Information Directory – Karen/Sandie/Janet
  • Visit to Attorney – Barry/Jan (on hold until October)

11:15 AM – New Business

  • Doug Parker – Due to scheduling conflicts a meeting between Jan and Doug has been scheduled for 9/25
  • CHOA (Murphy’s Green) Putting Green Opening on 8/20 – Report all
  • New residents – Jan McGarrigle
  • Parking Painting by Residents – Did we get a post out??
  • Light bulb disposal – Have we heard anything from residents on disposal
  • What is CHOA property and what is Residents property as it relates to box light fixtures?


11:30 AM – Open Forum

  • Questions from Resident Attendees
  • Questions from “Ask the Board”


*Executive Session (as needed) –* Need to vote to move to executive meeting

** No need to approve by vote monthly minutes or treasurers report

Information only:

  • Monthly article for Villager, (written by Jan) Ideas for articles: Serve with Love, Beautification, Modernization, Maintenance, Community, Outreach to Highschool and College


Information Reminder- Mutually owned Driveway Replacement Policy

Please note that there is a Policy in place in the situation where you share a Driveway with CHOA and you need to replace it:

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Grand Opening of CHOA Putting Green well attended and enjoyed by all


Over 50 people attended the Grand Opening of the CHOA Putting Green on Monday, August 20th.  Sparkling cider was served along with cookies.  The ribbon cutting ceremony started at 6:30 and the putting contest followed thereafter.  The top 3 placers all got a prize and the rest of us the realization that we need to start practicing our putting more!  Now we have a place close by to do that.

Special Thanks for Karen Siegel for leading this effort.