CHOA Winter Party is Monday Jan 21st at 4:00 pm at the Country Club!

Happy Winter!

Please note that the CHOA Winter Party will be Monday, January 21st, at 4:00- 6:00 pm the Charbonneau Country Club.

This will be a great time to get together to meet new neighbors and catch up with everyone.  If you have new neighbors, please invite them to join us since not everyone is on-line or have e-mail.

We will update you on the new Kitchen in Rec Hall C plus other topics of interests to our neighborhood.

Please bring an Appetizer to share.  Coffee and water will be provided.

Please bring your own adult beverage if you like.

We look forward to seeing you there!


January 9, 2019 CHOA Board Meeting Agenda

2019 January CHOA Monthly Meeting

Rec Hall C – 8298 SW Lafayette

Wednesday – 1/9/19 – 10:00 am


10:00 AM – Welcome and Call to Order

**Minutes from October Meeting Approval –ALL

**Treasurer’s Report:  –Sandie Maki

10:15 AM – Old Business

  • Rec Hall C Kitchen update – Steve
    • Schedule report
  • Revision of the Information Directory – Karen/Sandie/Janet
  • Lights on the outside of the Rec Hall Complaint
  • January Holiday Party – planning

10:30 AM – New Business

  • Future Bathroom repairs
    • Rec Hall Bathroom Door
    • Tile – take care of Mold
  • Gutters and Barkdust update – Barry

2020 Golf course discussion

  • Latest from Joe Bruyet- Jan

11:30 AM – Open Forum

  • Questions from Resident Attendees
  • Questions from “Ask the Board”


*Executive Session (as needed) –* Need to vote to move to executive meeting

** No need to approve by vote monthly minutes or treasurers report

Gutter cleaning has began!

Please note that CHOA contractor Dave Stone has started the gutter cleaning process in CHOA.  He started a couple of weeks ago and should be complete by the end of February.  When complete, he will attach a notice to your door– [gview file=””]

Please contact Steve Chinn with any questions – 503-312-0927 or

Bark Dust used for Moss and Weed Control

Please note that CHOA landscaping will soon implement a moss and weed control program.  We will begin in January (weather permitting) by spraying the moss that is growing in the planting areas along our street front properties. Then in mid to late January, once the spray has had time to work, we will spread bark dust on the planting areas between the street and your courtyards. We will not be going along the paths that run beside your yards.  We hope to be able to repeat this program next year for the planting areas on the golf course side.

If you don’t wish to have bark spread in your yard, please let us know. 

Karen Siegel- Board Landscape Manager

Save the Date: CHOA Winter Party is Saturday Jan 25th at the Country Club!

Happy Holidays!

Because December is always such a busy time, the CHOA Winter Party will be Saturday evening, January 25th, at the Charbonneau Country Club.

This will be a great time to get together to meet new neighbors and catch up with everyone.  If you have new neighbors, please invite them to join us since not everyone is on-line or have e-mail.

Please bring an Appetizer to share.  Coffee and water will be provided.

Please bring your own adult beverage if you like.

We look forward to seeing you there!


December Board Meeting Agenda – 12/12/18 10:00 AM Lafayette Rec Hall

2018 December CHOA Monthly Meeting

Wednesday – 12/12/18 – 10:00 am

Rec Hall C – 8298 SW Lafayette


10:00 AM – Welcome and Call to Order

**Minutes from October Meeting Approval –ALL

**Treasurer’s Report:  –Sandie Maki

10:15 AM – Old Business

  • Rec Hall C Kitchen update – Steve
  • Schedule report
  • Revision of the Information Directory – Karen/Sandie/Janet

10:30 AM – New Business

  • Lights on the outside of the Rec Hall Complaint
  • January Holiday Party – planning
  • Rules for open meetings

2020 Golf course discussion

  • Latest from Joe Bruyet – Jan

11:30 AM – Open Forum

  • Questions from Resident Attendees
  • Questions from “Ask the Board”


*Executive Session (as needed) –* Need to vote to move to executive meeting

** No need to approve by vote monthly minutes or treasurers report

Information only:

  • Monthly article for Villager, (written by Jan) Ideas for articles: Serve with Love, Beautification, Modernization, Maintenance, Community, Outreach to Highschool and College

Another break-in this time on Lake Point Ct

I’m sorry to report that there was another break-in Monday night on Lake Point Ct.  Again a garage door opener was taken from a car parked in the driveway.  The garage was then open and a small bag of tools was taken, some keys, one to the truck parked inside the garage.  This was an attached garage but the house was not entered.

The sheriff and Charbonneau security have been notified.

The Sheriff informed the residents that they believe this is one person operating in Wilsonville.  The same MO if taking the Garage door opener, and breaking-in.  The Sheriff’s department has photos of the truck and the robber, but no face picture as yet as they are always wearing a hoodie.  They are aware and working on catching this person.

The message from the Sheriff’s department, is either don’t leave your garage door opener in the car or make sure it is not visible.  If a garage door opener is spotted, this is a reason to break into the car.  Also, if you have an attached garage, lock the door to the inside of your home.

Also a good idea, even during the day to not leave your garage open – so someone could take inventory of what is in there

HOPEFULLY this is my last post on this subject – Jan

Thanks to the Men’s Club and Niners for helping to support the CHOA Putting Green

The CHOA Board would like to thank the Men’s Club and the Niners for their donations to help support the annual upkeep of the CHOA Putting Green.   Weather permitting, the Putting Green is open all year to Charbonneau residents and club members to help improve your putting.  From the results of our Grand Opening Putting contest, many of us need it!

Thanks Men’s Club and Niners for your support!

It’s that time of year, be careful with package delivery too

Report from Lafayette street:

Friday night at 8 pm, OnTrak delivered a package to my home but placed outside of my garage instead of on my porch as I had requested.


This package was stolen right here in Charbonneau.  It is that time of year and sad to know that someone could come in on Lafayette which is a dead-end road and steal right out front.


The supplier is making good for me and OnTrak is told to deliver on the porch so hopefully mine will not walk away again, but others should be made aware as well.

Be sure to report to police and the country club any thefts or activity, so that they can track and increase patrols


Break in on Fairway Dr, Please be cautious

A car was broken into on Fairway drive on Sunday about 8:30.

Small amount of cash, from the glove box car registration and Insurance and most importantly the garage door opener.

Be sure to lock you car and your garage.  Perhaps think about each night taking your garage door opener into the house, especially if you garage is attached to your house.

The Country Club Security has been notified and the Police are aware.