August 14th CHOA Board Meeting Agenda

Here is the agenda for the CHOA Monthly Board meeting for Wednesday, August 14th at 10:00 am in Rec Hall C:

 10:00 AM – Welcome and Call to Order

  • Note for guests: Please remember this is a board meeting, guests are not to interrupt unless asked to speak by the chairman. If you do have a concern, it is best to put your concern in writing prior to the board meeting so that the board will have time to thoughtfully consider your concern. – Thank You

**Minutes from July Meeting Approval –ALL

**Treasurer’s Report:  –Sandie Maki

10:15 AM – Old Business

  • Speed of cars on Fairway -update on speed check equipment- Robin report
  • Parking on Fairway update –Robin report
  • Reserve Study Painting Account/New software options? Report from Reserve study Committee- Doug and Packard-
  • Additions to Rec Hall agreement- Doug and Randy
  • Neighborhood Watch – Training to be held September 21st
  • Guest Parking – Randy

10:45 AM – New Business

  • Painting Trust – All – Be sure to look at “A” neighborhood house paint as you walk or drive around CHOA, you can see that area on the Map on the website
  • Golf course bathrooms – Karen to check with Garrons to see if they pay for their use
  • Finishing of Rec Hall Bathroom – Steve to provide update
  • Window that was part of Bathroom solution? –Steve to provide update
  • Feeding of wildlife- Changes needed to Bylaws? All
  • CCC looking for 3 new Board members- Anyone interested? All

11:30 AM – Open Forum

  • Questions from Resident Attendees
  • Questions from “Ask the Board”

To keep for further discussion

  • Process for informing for next painting – paint chips available, etc.
    • Send out information 1 year in advance
    • Have Database and Chips on the Rec Hall bulletin board
    • Ann to send a note to new owners about paint color change

*Executive Session (as needed) –* Need to vote to move to executive meeting

** No need to approve by vote monthly minutes or treasurers report

Please note new additions to CHOA Emergency Preparedness Team

Please note that Lana Tharp and Mary Fieweger have joined the CHOA Emergency Preparedness Team.

Members of the team and their contact information is noted below.

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CHOA Welcomes Lady Bugs

Please note that Garron Grounds has placed Lady Bug Bags in the large leaf Maples and Linden trees for aphid control.   The “ladies” can eat up to 50 aphids a day and are a safe and natural method for aphid control.

The lady bugs are placed in the trees in the evening hours in small bags.  They move out of the bags into their new homes where the food supply is plentiful.   So if you see the little bags in the trees please don’t remove them.  

Please note that the heater for the Spa in Pool B is not working

Please note that the heater for Spa B has broken.  The Spa is still usable but will not be heated.  We anticipate it taking a couple of weeks to repair.  Good news is the weather is planning to be nice during this time so perhaps a cooler Spa will be refreshing.  We are working hard to get this back up and running.

If you have any questions and/or need more info, please contact Steve Chinn at 503-312-0927 or


Save the DATE – September 21st 10:00 am Neighborhood watch training

Officer Sara McClurg will present information and training on how to set up a Neighborhood watch with your closest neighbors (ideally 5 residents)

When: Saturday September 21st at 10:00 am

Where: Rec Hall C on Lafaeyette

Please talk with your neighbors and plan to attend as a group.

We will need to confirm who will be attending so that Sara can bring the right amount of training materials.

Please let us know in the comments if you plan to attend


Please be aware that Paid signature gatherers are in Charbonneau

Hello, everyone,

It has been called to our attention that paid signature gatherers are circulating today in the neighborhood attempting to persuade charbonneau residents to sign a petition that would place a measure on the ballot that would limit terms on the wilsonville city council.  Further, at least one of the paid gatherers is representing herself as working for the Wilsonville City Council.  No matter what your feelings/beliefs about term limits, I am sure you will agree that such representation is both unethical and inappropriate.  The City Council is not advocating anything of the sort.
But as for term limits, I would submit that we already have them in place.  They are called elections. For the City Council, they occur every two years when either two or three councilors are elected.  Artificial term limits, such as those being proposed, are nothing more than attempts to deprive us of much needed expertise, skills, and experience provided by those who have served us for several years.  Please respond as you see fit to these paid signature gatherers.
Bob Harland

August 14th Board Meeting Agenda

Please note here is the agenda for the CHOA Monthly Board meeting for Wednesday, August 14th at 10:00 am in Rec Hall:

 10:00 AM – Welcome and Call to Order

  • Note for guest: Please remember this is a board meeting, guest are not to interrupt unless asked to speak by the chairman. If you do have a concern, it is best to put your concern in writing prior to the board meeting so that the board will have time to thoughtfully consider your concern. – Thank You

**Minutes from July Meeting Approval –ALL

**Treasurer’s Report:  –Sandie Maki

10:15 AM – Old Business

  • Speed of cars on Fairway -update on speed check equipment- Robin report
  • Parking on Fairway update –Robin report
  • Reserve Study Painting Account/New software options? Report from Reserve study Committee- Doug and Packard-
  • Additions to Rec Hall agreement- Doug and Randy
  • Neighborhood Watch – Training to be held September 21st
  • Guest Parking – Randy

10:30 AM – New Business

  • Painting Trust – All – Be sure to look at “A” neighborhood house paint as you walk or drive around CHOA, you can see that area on the Map on the website
  • Golf course bathrooms – Karen to check with Garrons to see if they pay for their use
  • Finishing of Rec Hall Bathroom – Steve to provide update
  • Window that was part of Bathroom solution? –Steve to provide update
  • Feeding of wildlife- Changes needed to Bylaws? All
  • CCC looking for 3 new Board members- Anyone interested? All

11:30 AM – Open Forum

  • Questions from Resident Attendees
  • Questions from “Ask the Board”

To keep for further discussion

  • Process for informing for next painting – paint chips available, etc.
    • Send out information 1 year in advance
    • Have Database and Chips on the Rec Hall bulletin board
    • Ann to send a note to new owners about paint color change

*Executive Session (as needed) –* Need to vote to move to executive meeting

** No need to approve by vote monthly minutes or treasurers report

Please Read – Important information on increase of Rodents and Possible Water problems

Please help CHOA maintain our livability.  RATS have been seen and confirmed around (and in some cases below) some houses

We believe this is due to residents feeding the wildlife.

There is only one birdseed that can be used that will not attract Rodents

Janet MCGarrigle did some research to find out what to do:

 I called Backyard Bird Shop where we have been purchasing bird seed for quite a while.  We have only had trouble with one bold squirrel which we have been turning the hose on to scare off.  We have been diligent about cleaning off any spilled seed from our deck surface.  However, we agree that we now need to take further steps.  I learned today  there is a birdseed available that squirrels, rats, skunks, raccoons, and other mammals will not eat – but birds love it.  It’s called:

“HOT MEATS” may be found at:

Backyard Bird Shop

22000 Willamette Drive

West Linn, Or



We do not want Rodents to overtake CHOA, please store your birdseed, that you may already own, in heavy duty containers with lids, clean any left over seed off of decks, etc.

***Golf information:   The golf course is putting in updated irrigation controllers, this MAY cause a disruption in the irrigation around your house.  Have Patience, it will come back on.  In the interim call Steve (see info below) and plan on hand watering until the system is fully upgraded

Steve Chinn
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 219, Wilsonville, OR 97070
(Cell) 503-312-0927 – (Office) 503-682-0234

Information from June Board Meeting


At the Annual Meeting there was a request for an earlier Gutter Cleaning:

  • Per CHOA’s budget there is only one cleaning a year,  For the winter 2019/2020  gutter cleaning will start in November and continue until all homes are completed.
  •  A flyer will be left on your door or gate, informing you that your home’s gutters have been cleaned
  • You as a homeowner will be responsible for any additional gutter cleanings.
  • Please contact Steve for a list of contractors that have been used in Charbonneau.  We cannot put the list on the website legally.

Irrigation Concerns:

  • At the start of the season, the irrigation system was off on several days, and so the irrigation system could not be tested for repairs/adjustments
  • Currently there are three full time irrigation people working to get all systems up and running
  • If you have a system that does not seem to be functioning properly, please contact Steve so that he can get the information to these three people
  • Be patient and know that work is being done.  You may need to hand water until all systems are up and running
Golf course side note: The golf course has recently spent over 100, 000 to upgrade the course sprinklers, this should result in better irrigation there too.

Hope to see you Saturday (6/15) at the REC HALL open house to celebrate our addition of a kitchen.  From 10:00 am to 3:00 pm 8298 SW Lafayette