Reminder- The Great Oregon Shakeout is coming October 19!

Please note that the “Great Oregon Shakeout” is coming October 19th at 10:19 am.  This is an exercise to test our preparedness for an Earthquake.  You can learn more about this event at :  Please see the great informative video on this site.

Please note that the recent earthquake activity in the Cascadia Subduction Zone.
Oct. 11 – 4.5 quake off Vancouver Island.
Oct. 12 – 3.4 quake near Toppenish, WA.
Oct 13 – 4.5 quake off the Oregon coast near Bandon.
Oct. 14 3.4 quake near Vernonia , OR.
Oct. 17 – 3.4 quake near Goldendale, OR.

All this earthquake activity is fairly common in our region.  Does it forecast the Big One?  No one knows for sure, but scientists think that we are overdue.  In any case, it’s best to be prepared.

More information about earthquake activity can be found on the apps “QuakeFeed,” or  “QuakeWatch.


Alarm System assessment

In response to the letter from your board asking if you as a resident would like us to do more investigation on monitoring of alarm systems in CHOA,  the overwhelming response was that you would like us to gather more information.

In response to our CHOA residents request,  you will soon receive an alarm assessment form as the next step in this process.   Please fill this form out and return to us so that we will have correct information on what is already in place in your home.

Return your form per the instructions on the bottom of the form, either to the CHOA mailbox on Boones Bend, or you can scan and email your form to

I have attached a copy of the form to this post,  if you for some reason did not receive the form, you can print it and return per the instructions on the bottom of the form

This is a very important next step for your board and for you.  We need your help in getting everyone to return the completed alarm assessment form.